Looking for house to rent new year

Property and land for rent in Udon Thani
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Looking for house to rent new year

Post by Gord715 » December 18, 2014, 11:01 am

I am looking for a house or bungalow to rent in Sakon Nahhon or within a few miles in the new year. I would prefer a 2 bedroom place which is clean and tidy with a small garden if possible, in a quiet neighbourhood and furnished. I would be looking to pay 4000-7000 baht a month if possible.
I have been told that there are houses in this price range but if anyone has any advice, I would be more than happy to hear it.
I am an English teacher from England and look forward to any replies and /or advice. Thank you in advance.
Regards Gord :D

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Looking for house to rent new year

Post by mackatwijan » December 18, 2014, 5:58 pm

MMMM 7000

lOKK MORE TO 8500 BAHT. Things have changed here big time and the prices just keep going up. I have a 1 bedroom place originally 4500 last year. This year 7500 WTF

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Looking for house to rent new year

Post by Gord715 » December 18, 2014, 6:08 pm

Thanks for reply it's appreciated.
Am I being optimistic by thinking I could get something decent a few miles out for 7k max and perhaps travel to work on a motorbike?

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