heads up for motorbike riders in the city

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by ting_tong » November 16, 2013, 8:22 am

with more cars in the city and more new drivers, I notice a more car drivers doing stupid things they have adapted from riding motorbikes, or there may be a school that is teaching them stupid things (put the turn signal on and you can turn).

In the city, I have noticed more cars doing what I call the "buddha right turn" (buddha protect me, mai bpen rai) this is usually done by motorbikes entering the road or making a turn without looking.
cars parked will inch out slowly with or without turn signals on and keep going, not yielding to motorcycles or other cars. They will cut you off and push you or force you to stop so they can get onto the road. Unpredictable Thai driving would also dictate since the turn signal is on they can do a U-turn too :oops:

I've been riding in the city for about 8 years and this was not that big of a problem before, I've seen an increase of this particular move in the past 2 years and more in the last 2 months.

anyone else on a motorbike see more of this?

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by semperfiguy » November 16, 2013, 10:19 am

I agree Ting_tong...I'm seeing more of this too. More and more drivers are turning on their signals and then immediately darting into the next lane without yielding. Then if they want to make a turn they stick their noses out in the traffic and force you to stop or yield while they proceed. The drivers here love to play this game of "chicken" (which is what we call it back in the States), and I've learned to play their game and win. They play the same game when they walk in front of you on a sidewalk, when they try to break in front of you in a queue or when they want to dash in front of you in a restaurant and grab a table. In the West we are more kind and considerate and will generally yield if the other person at least meets us half way, but in Thailand the people are far less considerate and demand that they go first. I just don't let them get away with it anymore if I can help it. I get tired of being bullied, and I firmly believe that when they see they are up against a farang they will make even more of an effort to force you into a standoff so they can feed their false sense of superiority.
Last edited by semperfiguy on November 16, 2013, 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by noosard » November 16, 2013, 10:20 am

My street
I will stop
I will pull out
I will drive the wrong way
I will U turn
you must give way to me
you must get out of my way
you must wait for me to make up my mind what I might do next
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by jimbeamm36 » November 16, 2013, 11:42 am

I have been riding motorbikes all over Thailand since 2003. 141,000 + KMs on 4 different Honda CBRs I have seen the "stupid driver" things you mentioned even back then. Because there are many more cars and 4x4 pickups on the roads we will have to be looking out even more for the "stupid drivers".
On a positive note, I did see a courteous Thai driver stop and block traffic on the main road to allow me and others to enter the main road.
Bottom line is the higher number of vehicles on the roads will result in more careless drivers in cars and pick ups.
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by Shado » November 16, 2013, 12:36 pm

On a positive note, I did see a courteous Thai driver stop and block traffic on the main road to allow me and others to enter the main road.
Yes, I've witnessed that also a few times lately. Even with all of the dangerously bad driving habits here, now and again I will meet the occasional courteous Thai driver. Recently I even had one stop to let me advance at a traffic circle after a seemingly endless wait. Although still in the minority, there are a few polite drivers here.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by BigBubba » November 16, 2013, 1:17 pm

Shado wrote:
On a positive note, I did see a courteous Thai driver stop and block traffic on the main road to allow me and others to enter the main road.
Yes, I've witnessed that also a few times lately. Even with all of the dangerously bad driving habits here, now and again I will meet the occasional courteous Thai driver. Recently I even had one stop to let me advance at a traffic circle after a seemingly endless wait. Although still in the minority, there are a few polite drivers here.
Well said, Shado. Obviously a glass half full vs glass half empty attitude... will get you further in life, AND on the highway. ;) Had my first motorbike accident at age 16. Car turned in front of me, charged with failure to yeild. That was fifty years ago, and in America. Always best to look out for the other guy when on two wheels. Just my 2 satang.
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by semperfiguy » November 16, 2013, 3:18 pm

In the US we are taught to drive "defensively"...in other words...always be on the lookout for the other guy to involve you in an accident. In Thailand they drive "offensively"...in other words...they are aggressive drivers who always expect the other guy to watch out for them while they drive the way they want. That kind of attitude is always a recipe for disaster and I would say it is the main reason why Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries in the world in which to drive...especially on a motorbike. In my estimation that is not so much a learned behavior as it is a simple predisposition to being totally selfish by nature.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by trubrit » November 16, 2013, 3:49 pm

semperfiguy wrote:In the US we are taught to drive "defensively"...in other words...always be on the lookout for the other guy to involve you in an accident. In Thailand they drive "offensively"...in other words...they are aggressive drivers who always expect the other guy to watch out for them while they drive the way they want. That kind of attitude is always a recipe for disaster and I would say it is the main reason why Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries in the world in which to drive...especially on a motorbike. In my estimation that is not so much a learned behavior as it is a simple predisposition to being totally selfish by nature.

Semper you must have a really miserable time in Thailand. What with worrying about being overcharged, scammed,and getting the wrong food and now all those totally selfish people on the roads .It's a wonder your still here .Get your head up and look around you, there's lots of positives to life here., same as anywhere else, good and bad and providing the good exceeds the bad it's great , but you won't find it by looking for the bad only . :-"
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by dkman » November 16, 2013, 4:24 pm

Dear trubrit. I always think you write very well, and getting straight to the point. Hope to meet a positive person like you some day. I have no problems driving around on my bike. Just not drive too fast. Untill now only meet ok thai people.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by mortiboy » November 16, 2013, 4:45 pm

dkman wrote:Dear trubrit. I always think you write very well, and getting straight to the point. Hope to meet a positive person like you some day. I have no problems driving around on my bike. Just not drive too fast. Untill now only meet ok thai people.
Is that a sarcastic statement?or you really mean it!
Lately, TB has done nothing but criticize everyone under the sun!
What with his concern about alcohol and the likes.
Seems and un -happy Chappie :roll:
Semp made a opinion thats all.
The fact is, Thai driving is plain selfish behavior. On saying that,
Thats how it is! Other Thai drivers accept this type of driving.
They get cut up.... but carry on. No big deal
I got used to it now and go with the flow!
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by semperfiguy » November 16, 2013, 4:53 pm

trubrit wrote:
semperfiguy wrote:In the US we are taught to drive "defensively"...in other words...always be on the lookout for the other guy to involve you in an accident. In Thailand they drive "offensively"...in other words...they are aggressive drivers who always expect the other guy to watch out for them while they drive the way they want. That kind of attitude is always a recipe for disaster and I would say it is the main reason why Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries in the world in which to drive...especially on a motorbike. In my estimation that is not so much a learned behavior as it is a simple predisposition to being totally selfish by nature.

Semper you must have a really miserable time in Thailand. What with worrying about being overcharged, scammed,and getting the wrong food and now all those totally selfish people on the roads .It's a wonder your still here .Get your head up and look around you, there's lots of positives to life here., same as anywhere else, good and bad and providing the good exceeds the bad it's great , but you won't find it by looking for the bad only . :-"
Trubrit, I appreciate your comment, but I thought I made a pretty astute observation. Can you really in all honesty disagree with anything that I said in the above comment?
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by bumper » November 16, 2013, 5:46 pm

Lets face it guys just a lot more people here now. So you will notice more infractions then you had seen before.

When I'm in my right mind ( not always) I realize I'm retired don't have to be anywhere at any certain time. Better to get there in one piece. These roads were never designed to handle the traffic that is on them these days. It's one thing in the City, slow speeds. But on Hwy 2 that is no always the case an it can very dangerous. As a bike rider I always try to allow myself somewhere to go to stay out of harms way.

Yes I have seen many drive cars like they would ride a bike, even to using the turn lane to jump traffic.

It is just the way it is.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by trubrit » November 16, 2013, 6:18 pm

semperfiguy wrote:[

Trubrit, I appreciate your comment, but I thought I made a pretty astute observation. Can you really in all honesty disagree with anything that I said in the above comment?
Well ignoring Mortiboy who cant tell a dog from a bitch until it pee's, I will answer you. SF.You don't seem to realise how negative you come across most of the time , with your sweeping generalisations of the Thai population, like on this thread"Totally selfish by nature" Of course you get all types on the road here,selfish , rude and ignorant, as you do any where, be it London , New York or any other city around the world , but to imply it's inbred into the entire population of Thailand is stretching it a bit much . Likewise of eating out"most of the time I get bad service"Or on my recommendation of a competent electrician"Asking if he used the correct wire , implying you have been scammed. Then the driving school topic which i posted thinking it might be useful knowledge to others ."My friend was charged 900bht, think it was a scam "I made no mention , nor did I know how much it was to get an international license .There are many other instances in your posts where you reveal your distrust of the entire population of the country . I am not stupid and will admit you have to have your wits about you, but everybody , all of the time ? As I said , you must be very unhappy here if that is your genuine feeling .Maybe you can do your self a favour by lifting your head and looking for the good , there's plenty of it out there , and then you can start enjoying what Thailand and it's people have to offer us all .
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by jackspratt » November 16, 2013, 6:22 pm

semperfiguy wrote: In my estimation that is not so much a learned behavior as it is a simple predisposition to being totally selfish by nature.
I can't see anything "astute" in this xenophobic observation.

I thought the astute (and often made on this forum) observation was from Val:
Semper you must have a really miserable time in Thailand. What with worrying about being overcharged, scammed,and getting the wrong food and now all those totally selfish people on the roads . It's a wonder your still here.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by marjamlew » November 16, 2013, 7:32 pm

I have driven both bikes and cars in Thailand and cars here in Oz. Even though you really have to have your wits about you and have 360 degree awareness in Thailand I would prefer to drive there than here. Can't say for all of Oz but here in Melbourne a lot of drivers are really agressive and dangerously impatient to a level I don't find in Udon/Thailand. The driving habits in town in Udon can be annoying and we all know that the roads were not built for the volume of traffic there is now. But I find it safer driving in Udon than having a B-Double doing 120km's bearing down on me on the inside lane of the Melbourne Ring Road.
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by Tracechain » November 17, 2013, 4:23 am

I logged on again looking for a place to buy grass seed, but after reading some posts, I wish to repeat my offer of a free ride to the local airport for those who wish or need to leave this country.
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by pf-flyer » November 18, 2013, 8:07 am

[quote="BigBubba"][quote="Shado"][quote]On a positive note, I did see a courteous Thai driver stop and block traffic on the main road to allow me and others to enter the main road.[/quote]

Yes, I've witnessed that also a few times lately. Even with all of the dangerously bad driving habits here, now and again I will meet the occasional courteous Thai driver. Recently I even had one stop to let me advance at a traffic circle after a seemingly endless wait. Although still in the minority, there are a few polite drivers here.[/quote]

Well said, Shado. Obviously a glass half full vs glass half empty attitude... will get you further in life, AND on the highway. ;) Had my first motorbike accident at age 16. Car turned in front of me, charged with failure to yeild. That was fifty years ago, and in America. Always best to look out for the other guy when on two wheels. Just my 2 satang.[/quote]

I have been driving here for about a year and half in Thailand and I have dealt with the bad driving habits also. I make a choice not to dwell on it. Every time my wife and I drive into town and we are coming down off of the over pass at the Big C and begin to approach Makro My wife and I tell each other heads up and be careful. I must say the I have not witnessed the road rage in Thailand as compared to what you would encounter in the U.S. When driving in the states you need to be mindful not to mess up and not piss anybody off because often you might accidentally set off some people into a road rage and they sometimes will just pull out a gun and start shooting. You can listen to the road rage and shootings on news reports on the Pittsburgh news every morning. I will take the Issan Thai culture anytime with all of its imperfections. My blood pressure is a lot lower hear also.........[url] :D :D :D :D [/url]
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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by pienmash » November 18, 2013, 8:40 am

Tracechain wrote:I logged on again looking for a place to buy grass seed, but after reading some posts, I wish to repeat my offer of a free ride to the local airport for those who wish or need to leave this country.
I have a business meeting in Hong Kong early in December will your offer still be on and can i take the missus and kids with me .


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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by Macca » November 18, 2013, 8:43 am

jimbeamm36 wrote: On a positive note, I did see a courteous Thai driver stop and block traffic on the main road to allow me and others to enter the main road.
Nice gesture and tried it few times myself, problem is the impatient fast moving motorbikes zipped past either side and nearly crashed in to the vehicles I had stopped for.
The fear being causing the accident and no doubt getting the blame.

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heads up for motorbike riders in the city

Post by Tracechain » November 19, 2013, 4:04 am

pienmash wrote:
Tracechain wrote:I logged on again looking for a place to buy grass seed, but after reading some posts, I wish to repeat my offer of a free ride to the local airport for those who wish or need to leave this country.
I have a business meeting in Hong Kong early in December will your offer still be on and can i take the missus and kids with me .

Sure Mash. Dog gets the Limo, rest of y'all share the motorbike!
Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, hit 'em with the one they don't expect, and just keep hitting.

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