Lovely property you have here, id like to ask the following questions if you don't mind please.
1.I notice that now the property is reduced to 11.5 mb the land size has been reduced from 20 rai to 15 rai, is that correct or a typo ?
2.What is the elevation of the property ?
3.I notice the house is located in the lower part of the property ( lower than the access road ) does it or has it ever suffered from flooding during heavy rains.
4. What established trees and crops are on the property and are they yielding.
5. Are your neighbours growing organic crops or chemical assisted crops.
6. How deep is the mountain water well on the property.
7. How deep are the concrete footings (pad) that the house sits on.
8. Is the roof structure made from steel or timber.
9. Has the building suffered from any settlement cracks since it was completed.
10. What would be your full and final price in order to get a quick deal done.
I hope my post reaches you well, apologies for the many questions I'm just trying to get an accurate gauge on the property to compare with what else I've been offered and before i request to arrange a viewing.
Kind regards
(Bangkok resident)Statistics: Posted by DannyC — May 29, 2018, 8:17 pm