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by ZARguy
February 21, 2015, 6:46 pm
Forum: Travel & Transport
Topic: Travel Insurance Advice
Replies: 7
Views: 1620

Travel Insurance Advice

Yes.. I guess I am low risk - home most of the time, occasional trips by bus to Udon, no motorbike, walk or use Tuk Tuk's around here. But I thought, since I've paid for it they should cover me. And my baggage and computer stuff is covered if lost. Interesting though to hear the concensus on here is...
by ZARguy
February 21, 2015, 12:47 pm
Forum: Travel & Transport
Topic: Travel Insurance Advice
Replies: 7
Views: 1620

Travel Insurance Advice

Problem solved! I didn't take no for an answer from my bank! My Insurance Certificate said the Trip Duration was 1-90 days so I wrote and argued that since there was no difference in premium whether you were away 1 or 90 days they should cover me. Well, they referred it to their admin section and ap...
by ZARguy
February 19, 2015, 5:05 pm
Forum: Travel & Transport
Topic: Travel Insurance Advice
Replies: 7
Views: 1620

Travel Insurance Advice

Thanks for the replies guys. Actually I susepct I may still be covered. I was reading the info on my banks website and it says the TI policy is for either 90 or 120 days. All the fees given there are based on one or the other, and the degree of cover 3 options). I dont have the policy doc (lost my m...
by ZARguy
February 17, 2015, 8:36 pm
Forum: Travel & Transport
Topic: Travel Insurance Advice
Replies: 7
Views: 1620

Travel Insurance Advice

I have been staying in Thailand since early December on a 60-day visa. I extended my stay and visa by 30 days to the 1st of March. However yesterday I realised I completely forgot to tell my bank that I was staying on so they could renew my travel insurance policy which lapsed last week. They also t...
by ZARguy
February 15, 2015, 12:31 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Washing machine advice
Replies: 13
Views: 6988

Washing machine advice

Hi everyone thanks for the useful advice. It looks like it will have to wait for my next visit. Gf says I've spend to much money on her this visit haha. I looked at BigC in Udon and the same machines at a Home Applicance store near the Post Office in Sawang. A nice classy store. Prices were about th...
by ZARguy
February 13, 2015, 1:23 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Washing machine advice
Replies: 13
Views: 6988

Washing machine advice

Wanting to buy a washing machine but need some advice please from you technical gurus. I am familiar with automatic front loaders but not with twin tubs at all. The sales people's English is too limited re technical questions and couldn't find anything on the Samsung website regarding the two models...
by ZARguy
February 10, 2015, 7:37 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: Luggage scale
Replies: 10
Views: 2313

Luggage scale

Good idea coxo, better than mine, and should do the trick! I wighed myself yesterday at Tesco and today I'll correct the scale to match.
by ZARguy
February 8, 2015, 10:56 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: Luggage scale
Replies: 10
Views: 2313

Luggage scale

Khun Paul - interesting. Now that I think about it I have never actually checked my bag weight at check-in and never had a problem, but it has certianly been pretty heavy to heft around. Derk - thanks but I am in Sawang and need to buy it here. Borrowing from FLICKFLACKER404's idea, what I will do i...
by ZARguy
February 4, 2015, 3:06 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: Luggage scale
Replies: 10
Views: 2313

Luggage scale

A litle googling showed me that the ralatively cheap spring scale that I remember seems no more! All ones I saw were digitial = rather an overkill for using once a year. I might just find the old style one when I get back to CT. Refelcting some more, the one I remember was possibly when a child at h...
by ZARguy
February 4, 2015, 2:48 pm
Forum: Thailand Visas & Migration to other countries
Topic: Extension of tourist visa
Replies: 13
Views: 4675

Extension of tourist visa

Update: case closed! Well, my gf and I found our way to the Immigration Office on a FRiday morning around 10-11am. Chap at door gave me forms, I had to put in a few items but he basicallt filled in all the rest. Told me I didn't need a number, but go and wait in the chairs opposite the officers. Was...
by ZARguy
February 3, 2015, 11:48 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: 2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy
Replies: 10
Views: 2365

2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy

Thanks for all suggestions but we ran out of time to look at the guitar shops. However yesterday when I was looking for a hardware store in Sawang Den Din I noticed a small shop selling all kinds of instruments and will have a look there soon. It's in the Main Road, R22, about the centre of town, an...
by ZARguy
February 3, 2015, 11:38 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: Luggage scale
Replies: 10
Views: 2313

Luggage scale

I'm looking for a luggage scale for my trip back home on 1st March. My gf keeps buying me clothes even though I've got plenty at home, so I am sure I have a helll of a lot more than when I came. Nothing at Tesco in SDD. Amongst all you ex-pats when you visit your favourite department store or possib...
by ZARguy
February 3, 2015, 11:19 am
Forum: Where to Buy Things in Udon
Topic: Where to buy rubber or high density foam rubber
Replies: 11
Views: 1944

Where to buy rubber or high density foam rubber

An update and some related info.. parrot, a friend took me by car to Phosri Rd, across from the Kasikorn Bank and we walked around for a 10 minutes but couldn't unfortunately locate the shop you mentioned. We asked at one likely looking place but they didn't understandt what I wanted and didn't seem...
by ZARguy
January 21, 2015, 9:12 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: Battery powered night light
Replies: 4
Views: 1311

Battery powered night light

siamjim - thanks I thought I had replied to you but it seems not! That battery powered night light from Osram is just what I need! However the links in your post no longer seem to work. Could you check them for me as I want to buy two of the lights and Lazada seems to deliver world-wide. I hope they...
by ZARguy
January 18, 2015, 12:36 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: 2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy
Replies: 10
Views: 2365

2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy

Agree with you Dreamcatcher/ The way it feels ans sounds is most important it must just feel right. I dont have much experience withe different guitars. I've always bought 12-strinfs except for a single nylon string and perhaps my very first cheap guitar. Current is an Aria I think. But for here a 6...
by ZARguy
January 18, 2015, 10:39 am
Forum: Miscellaneous goods for sale/wanted/free
Topic: 2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy
Replies: 10
Views: 2365

2nd-hand guitar wanted to buy

Thanks Dreamcatcher. I expext to be in Udon next weekend for the dentist and will try and find. Someone else on here spotted this guitar on the Thai, OLX. Looks nice, and price 1000b I think? If so prety cheap? But is it s a good guitar? Since its in Thai I cant read more or ask seller any questions...
by ZARguy
January 13, 2015, 9:44 am
Forum: Where to Buy Things in Udon
Topic: "Man Size" heavy duty Tissues?
Replies: 16
Views: 2569

"Man Size" heavy duty Tissues?

Thanks for all the amusing comments guys - guess I should have expected soemthing of the sort haha. Back home I am a big user of paper towels around the kitchen, general cleaning or oiling, and for other jobs. Great for cleaning things with or turpentine or meths (methylated spirits), with added pur...
by ZARguy
January 12, 2015, 6:59 pm
Forum: Health & Beauty
Topic: Good dentist + lab required
Replies: 10
Views: 3222

Good dentist + lab required

waanjai - that sounds like a good dentist. I had a 2-tooth bridge made, plus a single crown, all of porcelain and meant to be permanent I though. Cost me over 45,000b (excluding cost of the two implants done much earlier) as my Medical Aid doesnt pay for bridgework and implants only for 2 crowns in ...
by ZARguy
January 12, 2015, 6:47 pm
Forum: Health & Beauty
Topic: Good dentist + lab required
Replies: 10
Views: 3222

Good dentist + lab required

waanjai - that sounds like a good dentist. I had a 2-tooth bridge made, plus a single crown, all of porcelain and meant to be permanent I though. Cost me over 45,000b (excluding cost of the two implants done much earlier) as my Medical Aid doesnt pay for bridgework and implants only for 2 crowns in ...
by ZARguy
January 12, 2015, 3:58 pm
Forum: Thailand Visas & Migration to other countries
Topic: Extension of tourist visa
Replies: 13
Views: 4675

Extension of tourist visa

Thanks! Thats everything I need now for the renewal! Now if Air Asia would only refund me my ticket fare when I cancel and not the small airport tax I would be happy. They seem to have cut down on their flights becausde on previous trips I usually took an afternoon flight around 2pm to BKK leaving m...

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