Notice of a farrang double pricing location

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by laphanphon » January 5, 2009, 7:30 pm

recently out and about, stopped at Phanom Rung, below Buriram, very nice restored ruins, best in thailand. sign "all admissions, 100 baht", then of course right next to it, in thai 'thais 20 baht'. needless to say, i chuckled, a few locals chuckled in agreement, and maybe a couple, 'farang so stupid to pay more', but of course, i didn't go in. seen twice already for free. something i thought Gem should see again, can now remember, and Ree has never seen. sad part is, it's not an on the way stop, it's a nice day trip from anywhere close, and nothing else around. so usually a special trip, only to find out, 500 % dual pricing. slight side trip for us, as we were close enough and heading in the general direction.

i'll never make a special trip to see anything here, especially national park, nothing worth 20, let alone 400.

anyone curious of Phanom Rung, some pics here, save you the trip. 1st link is this past week, so may have dupes, since they both have cameras and Gem follows her lead. the other is previous trip. ... =community

what the hell, while at it, Phimai, just off hwy #2, 70 kms north of korat, about 20 off main road, with very nice museum there as coming into town, admission is for both, worth the 50 baht or whatever it used to be, small difference of thai price, well, used to be. ... ricalPark#

maybe one day i'll get around to updating old homepage pics, but need better server. 2 photo pages at bottom of homepage (Photo Page 1 and 2), may interest someone, out and about with family so expect to see them 2 that follow me around.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by rick » January 6, 2009, 8:23 am

Went to sala kala kou also in November, but attendants had bunked off (do not know why, plenty of tourists, was a weekend); so free!

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by rufus » January 6, 2009, 8:27 am

BKKSTAN wrote:I can understand a gov't site charging more for foreign tourists versus the residents since the gov't sites are sudsidized by the Thai resident tax base.What I can't fathom is the double pricing for any resident including falangs.To me,it is a racist policy and shows the true heart of the Nation for all those that actually believe that Thais in general have a warm friendly heart behind those beaming smiles! ](*,)

The site in NK ia private site and until last year,the entry price was a 10 baht donation for anyone!I wonder what changed?
I totally agree with this; it is racist. Those of us who work in Thailand pay more tax than 90% of the population. When I lived in Thailand i still had it happen to me that I was charged the farang price even though I showed a work permit.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by jepp » January 6, 2009, 9:45 am

I was surprised at the general acceptance of a 'Thai price' when I first visited Thailand. I don't think that it would help tourism if it was known worldwide. No matter how little or affordable the difference, there is a principal involved. In my humble opinion the less corruption and the less discrimination that a country has, the more advanced their society is or will become.


Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by laphanphon » January 6, 2009, 9:57 am

thai price, is fine, i don't mind a discounted price for locals, as this is practiced worldwide, as a motivation for locals to visit, as possibly, since living here, have already seen, much like discounted attractions such as disney for locals, or discounts for students/elderly/locals. whatever incentive to get people to visit.

but when the tourist charge is 100 - 500 % more, that's a bit much, to say the least. :evil:

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by rufus » January 6, 2009, 12:03 pm

"thai price, is fine, i don't mind a discounted price for locals, as this is practiced worldwide,"

Really?! Seniors cards from all countries are accepted in Australia. You can get an International Students card to use worldwide. In your country, do tourists have to pay different prices fro admission to National Parks; tourist attractions such as SeaWorld? They don't in Australia. It is racism, pure and simple.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by Astana » January 6, 2009, 12:28 pm


My wife and I have talked about this double pricing aspect of Thailand's cultural offering and both agree that we dislike it, we also understand that we can't do much about it. But our family unit has two children under ten of mixed parentage Thai/English and we really try hard not to give mixed, biased or racist signals regarding many aspects of Thai culture gone off the rails including the double pricing aspect.

Our remedy is to do our homework, be aware of the different pricing at the places we'd like to visit and then steer clear of them if the difference is so huge to be downright annoying and extortionate, if we do slip up our immediate action is to simply walk away and tell our children that the place is closed. Not a perfect solution I know but it is always amusing to see the cashier squirm in embarrassment and in one case our friend and his wife gave a right royal rollicking to all who would listen at the entrance, and there were people who listened and were clearly ashamed.

It is simply sad to see public locations, sites of interest being used in such a mannner as to deter people from using the services, which they would if double pricing wasn't in effect. The whole issue of how you treat your guests is a sad indictment on a nation that is in full decay and fragmentation. Heaven help us when an individual pops his clogs.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by BKKSTAN » January 6, 2009, 1:25 pm

laphanphon wrote:thai price, is fine, i don't mind a discounted price for locals, as this is practiced worldwide, as a motivation for locals to visit, as possibly, since living here, have already seen, much like discounted attractions such as disney for locals, or discounts for students/elderly/locals. whatever incentive to get people to visit.

but when the tourist charge is 100 - 500 % more, that's a bit much, to say the least. :evil:
:lol: Maybe it is a type of reverse psychology for selling a good deal to the Thais that make up most of the visitors :lol:

Well it is there business,I have not visiting an historical site since I have been here and don't plan on it.I don't like being scammed or the brunt of racism!Another reason I very seldom buy something that doesn't have a price displayed and I am always loyal to those that treat me justly!


Re: Notice of a farang double pricing location

Post by laphanphon » January 6, 2009, 2:06 pm

attractions such as SeaWorld? They don't in Australia. It is racism, pure and simple.
it's understandable, for a local discount, and it's not really that much, considering the lost income if they don't show. it's for locals only, of that state usually, and for repeat visits, something most won't do. sometimes good for family, as if living in florida or california, good for visitors, again, who have already seen it, and would probably not spend the money again, since no cheap, to see again. and these are private business, not gov't subsidized parks, though i would image, there is some type of discount for that also, but would simply guess 10 % off, again as motivation for repeat visit.

if i pay 200 baht and local gets 10 %, have no problem with that, especially if local local. how many times do you want to see ban chiang, or phu bat. a private business can do what they want, and deal with the negative publicity if any, as a bottom line issue. where as parks and gov't owned, state or fed, obviously wouldn't be able to or want have dual pricing. just wouldn't be allowed.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by rickfarang » January 6, 2009, 10:16 pm

Maybe a case of backwards thinking, but when my wife and I went to the National Palace Museum in Taipei a couple of years ago, the Chinese ahead of us had been using ATM and credit cards to buy their tickets. I hope I had enough cash. The girl at the ticket asked "Do you have your passports?" We asked why. "Because if you have your passports, you can get in free."

I still like Thailand more, but Taiwan scored high in the hospitality department that day.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by Irish Alan » January 7, 2009, 12:18 am

I brought this up a long time ago on Thaivisa after visiting Wat Prakao (Sp.) and described the practice as Apartheid. She took the right lane I, the honky was shuffled to the left. I was savaged by others on Thaivisa... :fryingpan: :fryingpan: :fryingpan: I stick by it... It is Apartheid!

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by lighspur1 » January 7, 2009, 8:10 am

"thai price, is fine, i don't mind a discounted price for locals, as this is practiced worldwide,"

Really?! Seniors cards from all countries are accepted in Australia. You can get an International Students card to use worldwide. In your country, do tourists have to pay different prices fro admission to National Parks; tourist attractions such as SeaWorld? They don't in Australia. It is racism, pure and simple.rufus

Living in Florida U.S. a tourist state, the major attractions do offer discounts or cheap season passes (who would buy a season pass but a local) to local residents but its not based on race or coo if a Thia, French,or whatever walks up the price don't change. The state and national parks are one price fits all or even free.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by bigwavedave » January 10, 2009, 1:59 pm

I once spent about 3 hours driving with the wife and kids to stonehenge in UK... When i got there there were loads of japanese tourists and other nationalities etc ... Even the girl behind the ticket counter was foreign. I asked the price and she said 3 quid each sir, i said is that the same for all nationalities even tourists etc and she said yes sir... I said sorry love I object to paying to go in to see this piece of british heritage because I own it!!!! Sorry why should i pay??? its not a Zoo privately owned or something like the london eye again privately owned, this place "Stonehenge" is owned by every English person, just like the tower of london and buckingham palace... Its part of my heritage!!! Am I alone in this train of thought?. I believe that in some circumstances there should be a double price and its not racism or apartheid.. Same as a Scotsman having to pay to go into Edinburgh Castle!! he owns it!!!!! Do you Americans on here believe you should have to pay to go into the statue of Liberty??....

So something like the Royal Palace in Bangkok i have no problem with Thais getting in free, they own it!


Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by laphanphon » January 10, 2009, 2:40 pm

mixed thoughts about that. yes it's there and should be available to all that 'own' it. but there is maintains and upkeep, and security issues that need to be paid for. and most who 'own' it, will never see it, so why should they pay for it, thus a charge to visit may be justified, especially if charge and funds go directly to the site itself. preferably on an non profit basis, and any extra saved for rainy day, instead of misdirected into a general budget of something else.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by bigwavedave » January 10, 2009, 3:00 pm

Thats what tourists are there for to pay for he privalage of seeing these sites, their revenue more than pays for the upkeep of something that has been standing for thousands of years before we decided to put a fence around it.!!!except for thailand of course hwere all businesses believe we tourists should pay more than thais

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by UdonExpat » January 11, 2009, 11:09 am

I'm willing to pay an entrance fee to government owned memorials, parks, facilities, etc. If not for the fees I'd soon be knee deep in trash, on unkempt trails, walkways, etc. And I don't even want to think about what the toilets would be like.

True, many of these natural and man made sights lasted for thousands of years without upkeep. Of course, almost no one was going to see them so there was no need of upkeep. Besides most of the people visiting were taking home the most valuable natural items or artifacts.

Of course we could just trust to the goodness of the fellow visitors to keep the place clean and kept up. I think I'll pay the fee.

Double pricing is not uncommon throughout the world. The Thai government has a double price at most of their facilities. Places such as the Emerald Temple are national treasures to the Thai people and they approach it from a much different perspective than a tourist. To the Thai people it is sacred. To the tourists it's a curiosity. We should pay for our curiosities. Many Thai people are already paying for their religion through merit making.

Human use of national parks, forests, sea shores, etc. causes degradation of the environment. It costs to mitigate that damage. If a country decides to shift a larger portion of the cost to foreigners that seems a reasonable choice. After all, it's not their national resource so they should pay more for it's use.

Sometimes I will pay a premium for a commercial attraction, but not often. It has to be important to me.

Business is business. Foreigners have demonstrated that they are easily overcharged because they don't bother to learn the going rate for services, products, etc. They don't learn the language so they can converse and carry on the type of activity that Thais use to get lower prices. Also they play big shot Charlie and give tips and payment for things that are not traditionally paid for.

A business person could be considered foolish for not getting the best price possible for a product or service. Fortunately for us, most business people are not predatory and don't over charge for things. Although those who have had the most contact with us recognize how foolish many of us are and take advantage of it.

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by goodybags » January 13, 2009, 1:44 am

Re: Notice of a farrang double (NO NOT DOUBLE BUT 4 FOLD) pricing


Be Aware RIP OFF @ Computer accessory shop
just round the corner from the complex(on Wattana Nuwong Rd)

will check the name of these rip off merchants :^o [-X :-k
and post over the next few days
as im back in Udon "CHILLIN"now \:D/ =D> :-"

how did therse rip off merchasnts rip me off ? : :shock:
well at Songkran I had to buy a cable for my computer,I called in a few places in the complex,
then found this place around the corner,
they had the lead I required,and was told it was 100BHT,
when I got back to the village was disgusted to see it had a price sticxker on it of 25BHT, [-X :cry:
I would have gone back to give them a piece of my mind, :fryingpan: ](*,) :badteeth:
but as Songkran, didn't want another soaking #-o as as we all know fallang on the motor scooter is a magnet for every drop of water that time of year. =D> ;) :yikes:

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by bumper » January 13, 2009, 10:58 am


I guess some will never learn

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by patriot » January 13, 2009, 11:42 am

UdonExpat wrote:I'm willing to pay an entrance fee to government owned memorials, parks, facilities, etc. If not for the fees I'd soon be knee deep in trash, on unkempt trails, walkways, etc. And I don't even want to think about what the toilets would be like.

True, many of these natural and man made sights lasted for thousands of years without upkeep. Of course, almost no one was going to see them so there was no need of upkeep. Besides most of the people visiting were taking home the most valuable natural items or artifacts.

Of course we could just trust to the goodness of the fellow visitors to keep the place clean and kept up. I think I'll pay the fee.

Double pricing is not uncommon throughout the world. The Thai government has a double price at most of their facilities. Places such as the Emerald Temple are national treasures to the Thai people and they approach it from a much different perspective than a tourist. To the Thai people it is sacred. To the tourists it's a curiosity. We should pay for our curiosities. Many Thai people are already paying for their religion through merit making.

Human use of national parks, forests, sea shores, etc. causes degradation of the environment. It costs to mitigate that damage. If a country decides to shift a larger portion of the cost to foreigners that seems a reasonable choice. After all, it's not their national resource so they should pay more for it's use.

Sometimes I will pay a premium for a commercial attraction, but not often. It has to be important to me.

Business is business. Foreigners have demonstrated that they are easily overcharged because they don't bother to learn the going rate for services, products, etc. They don't learn the language so they can converse and carry on the type of activity that Thais use to get lower prices. Also they play big shot Charlie and give tips and payment for things that are not traditionally paid for.

A business person could be considered foolish for not getting the best price possible for a product or service. Fortunately for us, most business people are not predatory and don't over charge for things. Although those who have had the most contact with us recognize how foolish many of us are and take advantage of it.
I am in total agreement with virtually all of the above. Good post UE.

To look at the double-pricing issue another way is that the Thai nationals receive a discount!! Even in London at certain times of the year the residents of the Borough of Tower Hamlets in London receive the opportunity of a greatly discounted entrance fee to the Tower of London.

Whatever; I do feel that categorising double pricing at national monuments as "racism" is a tad heavy, without wanting to launch into a huge debate on semantics!!

(Ooh! Off topic I know, but as mentioned above regarding tipping, why, oh why do farangs tip petrol pump attendants!! Everytime I pull up at the PTT station down the Khon Khen road their enthusiasm to serve the Farang is similar to the Zulu assault at Rourke's Drift until I say "farang kon nee baw tip!!" and they saunter away)

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Re: Notice of a farrang double pricing location

Post by bumper » January 13, 2009, 2:03 pm

Up to each of us, to handle things the way we wish. Me I won't pay twice a much for a product if i don't have to. Up to the merchant to sit his prices, up to the customer to pay or walk away. Sorry not a tourist here, this is nopmal living to me.

That being said when I go into a tourist area, I expect the games. But I know that going in, decesion is made before I leave the house. So up to me.

I appreciate information like the posting because I can buy those type of items at a dozen places all over town. That is one that I will avoid. Just like I would in my home country.

No I don't tip gas attendents I still get my gas. I really don't care what they mumble. Got hit up for a tip a month or so ago, looked at the girl and asked in Thai if she thought I was stupid. She just laughed. I didn't get angry. It's just a game

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