US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon - Edited version.

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beer monkey
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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole?

Post by beer monkey » January 12, 2009, 4:08 am

George Pipas passed away last summer.
i used to eat his lunch specials in there back in the 90's those where the days even Christopher G Moore used to pop in for lunch was all right , aircon cool and the beers too, always busy for the lunch time.
Who knows i could of been in there with any of you back then.

Good days.

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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole?

Post by glalt » February 8, 2009, 10:53 am

mak wrote:Try the Texas Lone Staar Saloon in Washington Square, Bangkok. Originated from the original Texxan Bar (Pat Landry and George Pipas) in Patpong in the early '80's. Moved to WS at that time under the proprietorship of George Pipas.
The Texas Lone Staar was the place where many Vietnam veterans, Air America and CIA spooks hung out. Unfortunately time rolls on and most of them are now dead and gone. Even George Pipas has passed away. Not much left there except memories.

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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by Marmite The Dog » February 10, 2009, 5:18 pm

Washington Square seems to harbour move Limeys than Merkins nowadays. Even the Silver Dollar is owned by one of us Foggy Isle people. :-"
tik54 wrote:Just follow the yellow and black kangaroo road signs or check the map on Udon map.
I did that the other day and ended up in Petchabun... :?


Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by laphanphon » February 12, 2009, 8:56 am

well, since your such a happy chap, us yanks just can't wait to buy you a pint :roll: :roll: :roll:

as pointed out, top 5 poster, 2 brits, 3 yanks, posting about the same amount, 16 k plus, top 50 posters, less than 1/3 yanks, so that assumption is also wrong, yanks taking over forum.

obviously have some issues about yanks, because as pointed out, -- except for the alcies -- the rest are mature enough to enjoy their pastime with the families instead of getting drunk in a bar all day and night. since most are bit older/mature, we enjoy our family time, and lots of quality with our partners for life, which you can't do that in a bar either. hmm, let me think, get drunk, our make love.....tough one.
:-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-" :-"

actually, if you have to ask the national origin of you forum or drinking partner, you need a bit more therapy than conflict related issues. i can see how a welding job could be tramatic, those war stories, scary stuff.

the rest of us multi national misfits seem to play well together, forum meetings are fairly mixed, sometimes segregated seating, :lol: :lol: :lol: not by design, just seems to work that way, though all together at same tables and mix it up pretty well. you have a pleasant day. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by jepp » February 12, 2009, 7:30 pm

HI Guys, this is the first forum that I have ever read, ever joined, and ever started a topic in. I thort that my topic was not that big a deal. I just had the impression that Udon Thani would be a place where ex-US servicemen might retire to in peace & quiet. I don't have any war stories to exchange. Now I will duck back down. 8-[

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Juan Kosoff
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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by Juan Kosoff » February 12, 2009, 7:38 pm

Jepp , don't do that, you have a valid question and got some relevant answers, never met them but they seem good guys and excepting of most. Don't let his Zenophobia trouble you. :D


Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by laphanphon » February 12, 2009, 7:45 pm

don't do that, you have a valid question and got some relevant answers
stimilating exchange, and made me look up gulf 1, for memory check, scary, memory is intack. all threads seem to attract a troll now and then, and occasionally we feed them. they need a life sometime, or not.

nice flashback for the ones that remembered a couple. not a big servicemen reunion party here, i would think most would like to forget most parts of military service, except the comradery. 8)

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Re: US ex-servicemen watering hole in Udon?

Post by papaguido » February 12, 2009, 8:29 pm

jepp wrote:HI Guys, this is the first forum that I have ever read, ever joined, and ever started a topic in. I thort that my topic was not that big a deal. I just had the impression that Udon Thani would be a place where ex-US servicemen might retire to in peace & quiet. I don't have any war stories to exchange. Now I will duck back down. 8-[
Jepp, I wouldn't sweat the BS, don't let one A_ _Hole spoil it for you. There are few vets, ex, former whatever and just because they don't have a regular hang out to call their own doesn't mean they don't get together every now & then. If you're ever in Udon just holler I'll meet up with you anytime to swap sea stories over some cold ones :guiness:


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