False Accusations & the Law

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thai 2 on
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False Accusations & the Law

Post by thai 2 on » June 15, 2009, 12:31 pm

I had recently left a Bird and to say the leaset, she was not pleased. She called threatening me and such. Her last SMS was that she went to the Police to say I owed her a sum of money, I think she said between 5,000-10,000 B and that I was in trouble. Wow, big surprise there. Anyway, I have been in LOS a number of years now and was under the impression that if the are debts or such, something must be signed, like a Loan Contract. But what the Hell do I know anyway :roll:

Has anyone else be faced with a problem such as this?????

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by pompui » June 15, 2009, 12:40 pm

Is the 5/10,000 baht relating to your crispy ducks with her and that you will not pay.Sure no contract then lost money to her,same other way round if you lent money to her.
Just change your mobile number and continue on your trips in LOS.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by trubrit » June 15, 2009, 3:29 pm

Beat her to it. Go to the police and complain of harassment, you will find them surprisingly helpful., despite what some might say. Your biggest problem of course will be the language barrier.Good luck.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by Irish Alan » June 15, 2009, 3:33 pm

Similar happened to me just over 4 years ago in Khon Kaen. I discovered sweet little Noi wasn't as innocent as I thought and had a few guys on the go on the Internet. Anyway I found out about them and told her to pack up and go. She refused and looked for 50,000 Baht. We were together for 5 months so a nice even 10,000 Baht per month for taking care of me. I told her to go and whistle Dixie and she said she had friends in the police and threatened to have me killed. I spent a few nights in the Chaiyaphat hotel to get away from her and plan the next step. I went to see her and told her I'd never stay with her again and either she could go and stay with her friend or I would stay away that night. She reluctantly agreed and when she was gone I packed her stuff into boxes and also packed my own stuff. Early the following morning I loaded my stuff into a truck, checked out and hit the road intending to go to Udon.

I stopped for coffee along the way then thought f**k this and turned around and went back to Khon Kaen not wanting her to dictate where I lived. I liked Khon Kaen and wanted to stay so I just changed apartments.

About a week later I seen the tanned little terrorist walking around Fairy Plaza with her new fahlang boyfriend. She was an evil little ehhh sort but at least she lifted the death threat and I lived to tell the tale.

Good luck.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by thai 2 on » June 15, 2009, 6:36 pm

thanks Gents, but it does not still answer my question. Could she go to the Police and make False claim against me? Reason being I am planning a trip to Singapore soon ( within the next 60 days) and DO NOT want any surprises at Customs / Immigration


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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by Texpat » June 15, 2009, 7:59 pm

It's a rough world. :D

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by banpaeng » June 15, 2009, 8:13 pm

Go ask the police. At least you know if she did or did not. If she did you know the max fine.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by WBU ALUM » June 15, 2009, 8:39 pm

thai 2 on wrote:thanks Gents, but it does not still answer my question. Could she go to the Police and make False claim against me? Reason being I am planning a trip to Singapore soon ( within the next 60 days) and DO NOT want any surprises at Customs / Immigration

Anyone can make a false claim. The question is will it be believed?

I'd take the advice of others and go to the police yourself and tell them about her scam.

Aside from all of that, I doubt that you'll have any problems at immigration.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by LoongLee » June 15, 2009, 11:01 pm

Thai2on,,,,, ask her in private,,,,, who does she think has the most money to buy a "hit",,,,,,,,,,,, her,,, or you??? tell her you'll even have more money sent from overseas to "buy the best" unless she disappears and leaves you alone.

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by FrazeeDK » June 16, 2009, 4:20 am

bwahaha!! Other than "influential people", I really don't think anybody can put out a "hit" on anyone.. If you tried to, you can bet you'd be out your money or behind bars pretty quick..

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by BKKSTAN » June 16, 2009, 6:40 am

I have a friend ,in NK,whose long time GF has wanted him to leave since his money has been spent on the house ,car,M/B etc.etc. and he is living on a tight budget.She throws fits and sometimes things,threatens to have him killed.

He went to the police and filed a report that she threatened to have him killed.The police came out and talked to her,told her that if anyone harmed him,she would be in big trouble!

She was really mad that he would do that and threw another tantrum.They are still together(he owns the house and has a usafruct on the land)because he says he loves her(????)and doesn't want to walk away from ''his investments'' :roll:

I agree with FrazeeDK about ''hits'',but sometimes family or Thai B/F's take it upon themselves to off the falang,but a falang conspiring with a Thai to kill someone will be in big trouble in a hurry!!!! :yikes:

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by thai 2 on » June 16, 2009, 12:24 pm

I do not recall mentioning anything about a "HIT". some friends of mine have told me as long as there is nothing in writing concerning ANY debt, then there is not much she can do. I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a problem like this.


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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by BobHelm » June 16, 2009, 1:37 pm

I would think you are correct, that if there is no physical proof of a loan (or independent witness testimony) then the courts would be highly unlike to penalise the defendant in such a case. BUT that does not mean that the police might not find it necessary to investigate such a claim, or keep a defendant in custody if they feared he might flee.
It all depends how much 'sway' the accuser has with the police. The 100% sensible option is, as has been previously indicated, to get in first with the police, so, if they feel an investigation is warranted it will be at your request & timetable - not when you are trying to depart the country to catch a flight & so might be willing to part with a few thousand baht just to achieve that. In my experience it is almost 100% a bluff by the lady concerned - unless she mentioned her many police serving relatives when you were together..... :D

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Re: False Accusations & the Law

Post by Roy » June 16, 2009, 1:54 pm

As Bob suggested it's a total bluff. I wouldn't even bother going to the Police. If she did go and make a complaint with no evidence whatsoever she herself could be in trouble as Thai's take a dim view of false accusations and she may end up having to give you money. It's all to do with the "Face" thing and if she causes you to lose face then you would actually have a good case against her.
Forget it and her.

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