I have a friend ,in NK,whose long time GF has wanted him to leave since his money has been spent on the house ,car,M/B etc.etc. and he is living on a tight budget.She throws fits and sometimes things,threatens to have him killed.
He went to the police and filed a report that she threatened to have him killed.The police came out and talked to her,told her that if anyone harmed him,she would be in big trouble!
She was really mad that he would do that and threw another tantrum.They are still together(he owns the house and has a usafruct on the land)because he says he loves her(????)and doesn't want to walk away from ''his investments''
I agree with FrazeeDK about ''hits'',but sometimes family or Thai B/F's take it upon themselves to off the falang,but a falang conspiring with a Thai to kill someone will be in big trouble in a hurry!!!!