by Galee » August 6, 2009, 11:15 am
That was the first thing I did Polehawk. Didn't work. Guess my PC not 100%, but I'm not the only one.
Do a Google search, "Uninstall the", and it will automatically come up with, "Weather Channel". The only way I could uninstall it was to do the following, which is copied from a forum help desk.
This is a known issue with the product, and will be resolved in a forthcoming release. Copying the UNWISE.EXE from the Framework folder to the Desktop Weather folder will resolve this issue. The steps are as followed:
Go to Start, Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer.
In the left scroll window of Windows Explorer click the + next to My Computer, then click on the + next to C: drive to expand the view.
Scroll down that menu until you find the Program Files Folder.
Double click on the Program Files folder to expand the view.
Scroll down that menu to The Weather Channel FW folder and double click on it to expand the view.
Double click on the Framework folder to display the contents.
Right mouse click on the icon that says "UNWISE.EXE" on the pop-up menu click on COPY.
Go to the tool bar on the window and click the Back button.
In that window right mouse click on the "Desktop Weather" folder and in the pop-up menu click on PASTE.
From that point you will be able to proceed as normal with the uninstall
Hope this works for you.