Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by Texpat » June 27, 2010, 10:14 pm

Anybody who pulls into a car wash -- in Udon, Newark, or Newcastle with anything of value in plain sight -- is just plain ignorant. The Op is a wacky conspirator looking to disparage the "little people." The grovelling, thieving underclass.

Put your brain-cap on and pocket your DVDs, your valuables, and your satang coins (forbid!). Same as you would do anywhere.

Unless of course, you're intent is a secret criminal investigation, a comprehensive documentary with detailed and unambitious testimonial of the unambiguous and undeniable theft of SEVEN BAHT...

In which case -- you've scared the living daylights out of me. I will henceforth travel to ChiangMai or Songklah for a decent car wash. I might just be better off buying a new car every time it gets dirty.

Geez, seven baht!

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by wazza » June 27, 2010, 10:30 pm

U just dont get it Texpat,

Its not the 7 baht, its the fact they steal and have done on a systematic basis.

Many of your posts are all about drink prices, bar fines, and overcharging, implying ur the cheap charlie on here not me.

Hope those who read between the lines and see the forest and not the trees understand my post. ( its not that hard )

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by malc123 » June 28, 2010, 12:01 am

I fully understand your post Wazza. 'Texpat' does always seem to have something negative to say about most things. It is trust with the surplier that they will give you a good service, who know what they may take from you.
Its not the 7 baht..

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by rickfarang » June 28, 2010, 10:19 am

Talked about this with my wife last night. Her response was "Yes, they do that."

She said that once, she thought somebody at the car wash under Central had taken some money out of her car. The next time she took it in, she suspected the same thing. The third time, she was certain money was missing. Not a large amount, just some the small change she kept in the ashtray. She no longer has her car washed there.

I accept this as independent confirmation of Wazza's observation.

I doubt Central wants vendors in its facilities to systematically rip off their customers, and we discussed how to best bring this to the attention of Central, but so far, so plan.

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by wazza » June 28, 2010, 11:16 am


Its an independant operation to Central, but they no doubt lease the floor space and pay the water bills etc to Central

U could print off this thread to show the media coverage/ comments from the expat community.

Sorry to hear of the loss of 3 x 7 Baht, Thats 1/2 a Leo with a Happy Hour :lol:

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by old-timer » June 28, 2010, 9:13 pm

Texpat wrote:Anybody who pulls into a car wash -- in Udon, Newark, or Newcastle with anything of value in plain sight -- is just plain ignorant. The Op is a wacky conspirator looking to disparage the "little people." The grovelling, thieving underclass.

Put your brain-cap on and pocket your DVDs, your valuables, and your satang coins (forbid!). Same as you would do anywhere.

Unless of course, you're intent is a secret criminal investigation, a comprehensive documentary with detailed and unambitious testimonial of the unambiguous and undeniable theft of SEVEN BAHT...

In which case -- you've scared the living daylights out of me. I will henceforth travel to ChiangMai or Songklah for a decent car wash. I might just be better off buying a new car every time it gets dirty.

Geez, seven baht!
I know texpat can be a bit of a w@nker at times, however in this case he has put this case to rest, he's right.

OT..... \:D/

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by thalenoi » June 29, 2010, 12:26 pm

Well it is stupid to leave anything of value in your car when parked anywhere or leaving it at a car wash, isn't?

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by kjellsnell » June 29, 2010, 2:00 pm

This is really something to think about. I share the opinion that someone leaves the a car for a wasch, of caurse take out things of value before they leave the car.......but......I also share the opinion that if i leave my car for service, the employes should not steel anything from my car.

I far shall i navigator....must i take it out before i go...or isnt it a normal servicelevell that you can trust the company.......or is me to blame if they steel my navigator if i dont take it out before i leave the car!

This is a two side story isnt it.........

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by simpsonp » June 29, 2010, 6:32 pm


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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by wayneor0 » July 21, 2010, 6:48 am

loose change is a normal perk in car washes.any country anytime i worked in a car was in sydney when 17 .only the bosses son did the vac so he got all the perks :mrgreen:

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by Aardvark » July 21, 2010, 4:18 pm

Thieving Bastd 8)

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by jackspratt » July 21, 2010, 7:59 pm

Correct Aa.

Perks does not = theft.

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by JR » August 2, 2010, 5:28 pm

wayneor0 wrote:loose change is a normal perk in car washes.any country anytime i worked in a car was in sydney when 17 .only the bosses son did the vac so he got all the perks :mrgreen:
Who told you that you are allowed to steal from a vehicle that has been entrusted to you? Your boss when you were 17? And you believed him and still do apparently. What other "perks" on other people's belongings do you think you are entitled to?

What Texpat and Oldtimer seemingly refuse to understand is that it is not about the sum, in this case 7 baht. It is theft, nevertheless. Honest people would not have a problem understanding this.

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by old-timer » August 2, 2010, 8:06 pm

JR wrote:is that it is not about the sum, in this case 7 baht.
Course it's about the sum. If someone picked up a couple of hundred or something, then it's a bit out of order though the stupidity is on the car owners head for leaving it there.
I would consider 7 baht part of the crap that's left on the floor and I would expect it to be cleared from the car when I put it in the valet ..........or I'd complain. kids would laugh at 7 baht....... \:D/

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by jackspratt » August 2, 2010, 8:14 pm

Seemingly your kids haven't had a good grounding in appropriate values............. \:D/

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by wazza » August 2, 2010, 8:19 pm

So the bar girl who refuses to give ur change of 7 baht . Won't be an issue OT. . Lol. U can't see the sky for the crap in ur eyes.

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by old-timer » August 2, 2010, 8:27 pm

jackspratt wrote:Seemingly your kids haven't had a good grounding in appropriate values............. \:D/

OT....... \:D/

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by JR » August 2, 2010, 9:36 pm

old-timer wrote:
JR wrote:is that it is not about the sum, in this case 7 baht.
Course it's about the sum. If someone picked up a couple of hundred or something, then it's a bit out of order though the stupidity is on the car owners head for leaving it there.
I would consider 7 baht part of the crap that's left on the floor and I would expect it to be cleared from the car when I put it in the valet ..........or I'd complain. kids would laugh at 7 baht....... \:D/
Yeah, well, I understand if your children would laugh at 7 baht. They are, after all, your children and you brought them up with your standards. You think that if you see money somewhere, in the street, on a desk, in a car or whereever, it is yours to take. I said that an honest person won't have a problem understanding this issue but you apparently do so I see no point in trying to reason with you.

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by old-timer » August 3, 2010, 12:49 pm

jackspratt wrote:your kids haven't had a good grounding in appropriate values
JR wrote: you brought them up with your standards
OT's kids standards: They all do some kind of work to get extra cash including the youngest one, he is 8 years old helps out his eldest brother at the weekends cleaning cars (on topic) for neighbors to get extra money. If they find a way of earning honest money they will do it without hesitation providing I allow it. I give them what they want within reason but they still, off there own back, like to earn extra cash - I've never asked them to do it. I also make sure they have the best clothing and possessions, I don't like them looking like gypsies like a lot of falangs do with their kids.
It surprises me that three kids, unlike some other people, can understand that 7 baht is hardly worth a second thought as it has so little value. I suppose they could put it in there money boxes if they wanted to, but it would hardly be worth filling out the paying in slip at the bank.

OT......... \:D/

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Re: Car Wash @ Central Underground - BEWARE

Post by wazza » August 3, 2010, 2:32 pm

a well flighted cast, i must say, so i will bite to save others who missed it

So OT, if ur kids took the 7 Baht from the cars, do u approve or not, ?? x that by 3 cars per weekend, thats a systematic scam ??

changing ur name to Fagan soon ??

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