Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by wazza » June 26, 2017, 5:37 pm

A couple of PM's to Nan to ask a few questions first on my wheel allignment.

Dropped by to arrange a time and they dropped a few tyre changes to fit me in for the wheel alignment

Took approx 30 mins all up , and it confirmed my wheels were all ok etc and its most likely a suspension / shocker issue.

Excellent guy to communicate with, his Eng language was mastered as an overseas student

Anyway, when i asked how much for the work conducted, I was told . " Mai pen rai " as all he did was checked the alignment and no work required.

Anyway , I left having paid him for his time.

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Engine Bay Cleaning" for only 300 Bath

Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » July 20, 2017, 6:22 am

Engine Bay Cleaning" 300 Bath

Our Garage Baanjig has service recommendation for all car lovers and of course it's always come with a great price!!!

"Engine Bay Cleaning"

Advantages of Steam Cleaning Engines

•Longevity - It can extend the overall life of the car engine. A clean and well-maintained engine is safe from rusting and clogging which may affect and reduce the performance and longevity of an engine.

•Safety - Steam cleaning significantly reduces the incidence of accidents brought about by engine fire.

•Early detection - Through this process, the source of any type of fluid leaks can be identified. Most engine fires are attributed to unidentified leaks which could have been prevented through early detection. But how could the leaks be detected if the engine is covered with mud and grime?

•Beauty - It can improve the engine’s appearance and increase its resale value. Some people believe that cleaning a car’s engine is an attempt to mask its defects. We think otherwise. A clean car engine sends this message: this car is well-maintained, loved and protected, so it will be beautiful and functional for a longer period of time.

Any Car Lover let us taking Car of your car

If you are interested visit us or contact for more details. Our Garage have skilled technicians and the most important pay at comfortable price.

Mob: 0956534888


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Re: Engine Bay Cleaning

Post by waltpong » July 22, 2017, 12:45 am

this is a response not related to engine cleaning but just to say that Ban Jig has fixed my car ruff idle/stumbling in
park and I recommend anyone to go to him he is very good and will answer any questions that you might have
to solve your issues in excellent English. I give him a top 10 score from what I know from living here please go see
him for any car issues.

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Beware of "Faulty Spare Part" for your car!!!

Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » August 2, 2017, 12:44 pm

You may need to be aware whitch part they put into your vehicle. Some parts may look the same and can fit into your vehicle but the material and the specs may be different. This may cause damage to your vehicle .
We did Service for one of our customer's car yesterday. This car had a clutch replacement but it was not the same spec. This will cause a rough take off, leading to a slipping effect and makes the car shaking while taking off.


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Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » August 3, 2017, 11:50 pm

(Please do read and decide for yourself or feel free to give your opinions)

I had repaired a car/van (It took me for almost a week to fix all the problems) A car came to garage with a problem from a dead stop when taking off causing a car died. As usual we have checked for any possibility way to find out what would be a problem. The check up also while the engine is hot and cold condition, MAF sensor CAM&CRANk sensor also fuel pump ...(all theses check up without any service charge).
We finally come up with conclusion that a problem might be from the clutch since a car is a manual transmission. So we take the transmission out and look at it then we've found out that it was a wrong spare part. We have reported to the owner and getting ordered the parts and fixed it. After completed we have done driving test for several times. Everything was fine. The engine rev smoothly, idle smoothly no problem at all. Upon car return I have also asked the owner to take a driving test and give some feedback to me as well and the owner was satisfied with the result and took a car back this morning. This evening I had received a call from the owner and the first few sentences from him were full on with F words and told me that "I'm an idiot" ... after that he start to mention about the problems however still adding all the F words in between such as
"I told you it was the F*** engine , you just screw a few bolts on the engine and it will be fixed the problem and you F*** could'nt do it."
For me as a garage owner and I had been working in many jobs and have been in alot of countries with all my respect it is not the nationality but it is individually. There is no reason to be impolite to others. I can garantee you with all the customers out there. We always provide the best service as we can. We also do all the checking like no others places do. And for this case we were like triple check to find out what would be a problem.
Please don't get me wrong. That I don't listen to any feedback as I always welcome to hear from all my customers. However it doesn't need to be RUDE or using such a nasty words in any circumstances as we are all human and we are all deserved the human right and equality no matter where we are. At the end after he finished his complains I politely replied him to bring back his car and I'm more than happy to do the check up again without service charge.

PS. I hope this article will beneficial for all you guys
Last but not least ... So please feel free to call me for any advice should you have any
problems with your vehicles

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Post by jimjay » August 4, 2017, 12:47 am

I am sad to hear this and it happens all the time.

Your business has so many good recommendation, and still some people will be impolite, that's not fair.

Some expats here come from their country where they were bad there too, then they come here and make trouble.

People should have more respect to others. I had my friend replace my car battery today so now I can bring my car to you for a good checkup.

Hope to meet you soon, you'll know me because when I say hello I use "wai" gesture in a polite way even if I'm older because it's your business and you are the expert.

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Post by Faraday » August 4, 2017, 5:07 am

Complain about what he thought was bad service is ok. But being rude & using the F word is not.

He most probably behaved this way in his own country & was looked down upon there. But, any problems he had or has, are never his fault.

Sorry you had this happen. Some of us are nice guys.

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Post by Fatone » August 4, 2017, 6:45 am

I have managed computer shops all my life and it is my opinion that 90% of people are decent and 10% are ar..holes. The 10% have no empathy and think that electrical and mechanical things are always easy to fix and it is the sellers fault if a problem develops. They obviously do no have a life and love to take out their frustrations on others. As if making others feel bad will make them feel better.I have to believe that their Kharma will catch up with them, and their life will be even more difficult or they will return in the next life as a cockroach.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by pf-flyer » August 4, 2017, 8:38 am

Back in the U.S. I ran an Television and Electronics repair business for 12 years. I did auto mechanic repair work such as oil changes, tune ups, rebuilding carburetors for several years . I have been on the receiving end of livid individuals unloading a barrage of profanity at me also. They act like a little spoiled brat in a department store throwing a temper tantrum because his mother would not buy him a toy. I can empathize with you. It can be difficult not to take it personally. Words can cut. Especially when you have given your best effort in trying to solve a difficult problem. As it is has been stated previously. Only a small percentage of individuals act like this. They will never be satisfied. They have the belief the they are the center of their universe and that the world is there to serve them. They live with a selfish attitude of entitlement. Let go...And let them live in their anger and misery and resentment.......Let go and move on. There are a lot of mature and compassionate and caring people out there that will see and appreciate your efforts and your talent. The truth will always set your free. Do not let it get you down. Let it go and move on.
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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by DuiDui49 » August 4, 2017, 9:37 am

pf-flyer wrote:
August 4, 2017, 8:38 am
Back in the U.S. I ran an Television and Electronics repair business for 12 years. I did auto mechanic repair work such as oil changes, tune ups, rebuilding carburetors for several years . I have been on the receiving end of livid individuals unloading a barrage of profanity at me also. They act like a little spoiled brat in a department store throwing a temper tantrum because his mother would not buy him a toy. I can empathize with you. It can be difficult not to take it personally. Words can cut. Especially when you have given your best effort in trying to solve a difficult problem. As it is has been stated previously. Only a small percentage of individuals act like this. They will never be satisfied. They have the belief the they are the center of their universe and that the world is there to serve them. They live with a selfish attitude of entitlement. Let go...And let them live in their anger and misery and resentment.......Let go and move on. There are a lot of mature and compassionate and caring people out there that will see and appreciate your efforts and your talent. The truth will always set your free. Do not let it get you down. Let it go and move on.
Godmorning folks..!

Totally agree with pf-flyer post..keep on trucking ;-)..Have a blessed day everyone.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by sometimewoodworker » August 4, 2017, 10:47 am

The car owner was showing that he was badly educated, ignorant, rude and stupid.

He probably thinks that because he has money it is OK to talk like that, but he is just showing how low class he is.

As an example just look at Anthony Scaramucci.
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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by Fatone » August 4, 2017, 12:05 pm

Check this website out, always a laugh. Stupid cranky customers world wide

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by vincemunday » August 12, 2017, 4:59 pm

Nan, is it possible to put power steering on my old NV? If so, roughly how much would it cost and how long would it take?
The forest was shrinking daily but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by vincemunday » August 12, 2017, 6:03 pm

Thanks for getting back so quick.
The forest was shrinking daily but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » August 13, 2017, 2:46 am

vincemunday wrote:Thanks for getting back so quick.
You're very welcome. And thank you so much for sending any concern or questions to BANJIG GARGAE CAR SERVICE

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by jimjay » August 14, 2017, 7:13 am

Hi Baan Jiig,

Hope all is going great, can you send us your GPS location? I am pretty sure which streets you are on but the GPS always makes it a bit easier. : )

Also I see you could edit your avatar signature to have your phone number (and maybe GPS), it's in the settings. :D

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by sometimewoodworker » August 14, 2017, 7:31 am

jimjay wrote:
August 14, 2017, 7:13 am
Hi Baan Jiig,

Hope all is going great, can you send us your GPS location? I am pretty sure which streets you are on but the GPS always makes it a bit easier. : )

Also I see you could edit your avatar signature to have your phone number (and maybe GPS), it's in the settings. :D
Google is your friend
Jerome and Nui's new house
In my posts all fees and requirements are the standard R&R but TIT and a brown envelope can make incredible changes YMMV.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » August 14, 2017, 9:47 am

jimjay wrote:Hi Baan Jiig,

Hope all is going great, can you send us your GPS location? I am pretty sure which streets you are on but the GPS always makes it a bit easier. : )

Also I see you could edit your avatar signature to have your phone number (and maybe GPS), it's in the settings. :D

Hi Jimjay,

My apologies for Daley in reply. The google map provided above is accurate. However Garage is closed today due to some business requirements and I won't be back to Garage until late afternoon.
Should you have any enquires please feel free to contact me or inbox me leave your contact number and we can arrange from there.

Thank you for your concern sending message to us and apologise for any inconvenience.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by BAANJIGSERVICE » August 14, 2017, 9:49 am

sometimewoodworker wrote:
jimjay wrote:
August 14, 2017, 7:13 am
Hi Baan Jiig,

Hope all is going great, can you send us your GPS location? I am pretty sure which streets you are on but the GPS always makes it a bit easier. : )

Also I see you could edit your avatar signature to have your phone number (and maybe GPS), it's in the settings. :D
Google is your friend

Thank you very much for your help and support to provide above details of Garage address. I really appreciate.

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Re: Ban Jig Garage (Sponsor)

Post by siamsam5555 » August 21, 2017, 6:08 pm

After reading the positive out comes of the last few experiences I went to see Nan at Baan Jig , he wasn't there and the place was being pulled down , he turned up not long after our arrival and said the land lord had just given him notice and he has to move so is looking for a new work shop which might take him awhile to get set up again , maybe a month or so.
So a little disappointing as have been looking for awhile to find some one who you can talk to and knows what he is doing.
He does seem like a nice bloke and I would have given him the job (new clutch ) if he was available .
Has any one used the workshop at Makro for any repairs like clutch and brakes ?

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