Five years in Udon time for a reflection

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Five years in Udon time for a reflection

Post by Bump » November 5, 2007, 12:05 pm

Wow five years, hard to believe even if you did it yourself. What a different life I have now then the one I left and event eh one I entered here.

I came here as a single man only knowing a few of the Vets in the area. A whopping $6K in the bank and my retirement and paying $1,800.00 a month in child support, not exactly flush. But I squeaked by until the child support was paid. One year on my own and went to Water Buffalo University everyday. I finally decided that these Udon girls were a lot smarter then I was. I was so frustrated by all the games I nearly threw in the towel every other day.

What changed my wife, but not easy she couldn

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Post by redbeard » November 5, 2007, 1:07 pm


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Irish Alan
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Post by Irish Alan » November 5, 2007, 2:36 pm

Great post Ray... Just showed it to a newbie here that is in danger of enrolling in Water Buffalo University. Maybe we can save him.. =D> =D> =D>

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Post by Bump » November 5, 2007, 2:47 pm

Oh no he will do his time hopefully not as many semesters as I did :lol:

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Post by Aardvark » November 5, 2007, 2:53 pm

ray23 wrote:Oh no he will do his time hopefully not as many semesters as I did :lol:
Agreed Ray, advise by all means but everyone must learn the hard way to apreciate what they have.

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Post by Astana » November 5, 2007, 4:41 pm

Some people will listen and understand and these are normal sane people who live in the humdrum world, those bound for Udonthani suffer from temporary deafness and mild to acute forms of 'memory loss, delirium and where did I put my ATM card syndrome,'

These symptoms are often activated by the said humdrum world, it takes years of therapy in Udonthani to find the state you were in when you first arrived, this is what some might call realisation, other just go down the pub.

Cute post Ray. :lol:

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Post by Irish Alan » November 5, 2007, 4:46 pm

I keep telling him... when asked for money, remember Nancy Regan... "JUST SAY NO!"


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Post by docta » November 5, 2007, 5:56 pm

What nicely written post...

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Post by banpaeng » November 5, 2007, 8:27 pm

Good post Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way tell your better half hello.

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Post by Bump » November 5, 2007, 8:42 pm

Will do my friend

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Post by Maligator » November 5, 2007, 10:31 pm

Great post and good advice for me..
Been to one (1 ) semester of BU, do not want to go back.
and it sounds like Ray, you have finally got the cop outta ya. :D


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Post by AZscott » November 5, 2007, 11:29 pm

Thankyou for the post. It made me think alot about my situation with Thai husband. Most of the arguments have been from a lack of understanding on my part. I have learned to slow down a bit and enjoy the simple things. I can't wait to get back to the village on Nov 12. I hear the weather is nice now. Thanks again... Scott in Arizona USA ( soon in Kumphawapi )

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Post by Aircraftdoc » November 6, 2007, 1:34 am

I'm retiring there soon and I hope I like it as much as when I visited the past two summers

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Post by Bump » November 6, 2007, 10:24 am

Cop No I'm afraid that will always be a part of me. What I got out of me was a lot of stress build up over years and years, that was the calming factor.

It's so funny these days if I haev to more then one thing to do in a day, it's overwhelming :lol: :lol:

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Post by rickfarang » November 6, 2007, 11:31 am

It sounds like your story has come to the best part.

I hope your 10 year and 15 year updates describe an even happier life for both of you.

Wonderful post.

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Post by Glyn » November 9, 2007, 10:27 am

There really is a lot u can learn b4 entering Thailand, there is so much info and stories on the internet, nobody has to come here green anymore. Wot I would like to say is, the Thai lady is no different to any other lady around the world. I here from Americans, Brits, Aussies... all have had bitter divorces where the wife has perhaps taken more than their fair share, and been able to show their evil side when the cards were put on the table. The biggest mistake farang make here, is they think they are something special cos they have money, some learn very quickly that they are not (and money can't actually buy the thing they are all desperatly seeking), they soon get their feet back on solid ground and start showing the ladies a little respect, unfortunately not all bang into the same lamp post, so keep flying high, throwing their money at everything, and then whinging when things aren't going their way.

Ray, it's nice to see people saying it how it is, and admitting to their own weaknesses (did I spell that right??).

Quote of the day"There is nothing wrong with a bar girl, it's how she behaves after you take her away from the bar scene that matters"

Pattaya, 4 xample is like a big University campus, girls move into a dorm away from home and go wild for 2-3 years, learn lots about intimacy, and relationships and finally settle down (SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT!!!)

Later, you sensible people :D :D

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