Well I suppose I'll just watch the tumbleweed blow by.......I think it blew over from Nong Khai Map.
You have another lady? Nice one, does that mean you'll be coming back to Udon?vlad wrote:Got up answered some E-mails chatted to my g/f im udon spent an hour trying to complain about a mod on thai visa but because im banned found that Avenue is closed oh well.
Hey Vlad. It wasn't "cdnvic" that banned you on TV was it? The blokes a complete loose cannon, I'm surprised there are any posts at all.vlad wrote:yes i got a month ban, i will be sending the mod that banned me a a final pm then when my lifetime bab begins way hay. .
Thanks mate, a left one, inside leg 32 inches - I did have a spare but left it in Gareth Meadows' opfit last year.Roy wrote:scanning E-Bay to see if I could find a cheap, used prosthetic for our old pal Fawn before the woodworm sets in.
That's a far more productive use of your time Khun Beer, let me know if you find any good 'Second Hand' dealsbeer monkey wrote:
I am going to have a look on E-bay for some false limbs like Roy did....just to see if they are available.
We went on Sunday and paid £7-50 each. Nobody stayed long this year, it had cleared out by 5.30 because it was overcast and a wee bit windy (or was that the missus?rick wrote:Well, today having a rest after a grueling day out at Notting hill Carnival. Was also going to do 'Amazing Thailand' in Milford the day before but family trouble meant an airport trip; by the time i got there and found it cost £15 to get in ( no mention on the website!) was not worth it for just an hour or so. Guess that is why fawn has to rest his stumps after going there, I expect it cost him an arm as well as his leg!