Last and not least, let us in depth explore the underage comments made by many and I have quoted one.You changed under age from under 15 to under 18. Officially, according to the law any person under the age of 18 is a minor and thus relationships or sexual contacts with them are forbidden to adults.
uderage is as so rightly said is Under 18, but those of us who have lived here for some time also are too well aware that in fact in the sticks as it were, 14 and over is deemed appropriate for a young couple to undergo a village wedding. This may to some of us seem wrong but it happens all the same. The authorities turn a blind eye to it and so it continues. There is high price paid for Girl;s who are Virgins and that practise is still ongoing, ( look at the number of young ladies who ply us all with drinks) by the time they have reached the legal age to serve drinks many of them have a, beem married ( in some form or another, b, had at least one to two children.
We are also forgetting the main thrust of the story centered on Lao girls whose parents look upon this as an money making operation as do the girls also in question in many cases and Lao morals although may be higer that Thais in their country or so it seems, are in fact lower if money making opportunities come to light.
On a personal note I am aware that in a village not far from me a young lady ( NO GIRL ) recieved a 10% cut off a fee paid to her mother for this said girl to go off with this man to live with him. The fee the girl recived was in excass of 35,ooo baht. Slkavery by another name or what, and no doubt if the girl falls pregnant she will then be discarded, just another statistic on Thailands pile of human abused people.
Who said Thais are happy smilimng people have obviously never really accepted the truth that while Thailand and its people accept this and other practices which abuse and treat humans has slaves sex or not, it WILL never be able to get rid of the title of a Sex Tourism Country.