by Bandung_Dero » May 11, 2018, 3:03 pm
Having lived in Ban Dung since late 2001 I'll just make a few points here:-
VOA = CIA I have no idea, just a few rumors about a mini van doing daily trips to and from Udon with American personal on board.
Early in 2002 I bought an expensive multi band radio (SW MW LW and FM) just so as I could listen to the VOA, theoretically living just 20 km from VOA (the way the 'black hawk' flies) the signal should have blown my sox off. No such thing, I could get Radio Australia from Darwin much clearer. If it is a transmission site the frequencies are not available to the general population.
There has always been a very long, straight, wide 4+ lane carriage way from the VOA site heading toward Ban Dung which was well kept (not so much now) out in the middle of no where??? Then it had no power or communications lines across it. All other roads within a 70 km radius were crap. A Clayton's runway? You go figure!
I guess one of the most plausible theories I have heard is it's just a listening post for Chinese communications used primarily through the Vietnam war. Look at it's V shape footprint (antenna array) on Google Earth covering China.
The skies over Ban Dung and surrounds are used by both the Thai and Singapore air-forces for maneuvers and flight practice, we get jets flying/dog fighting overhead 3-4 days a week
Sent from my 1977 Apple II using 2 Heinz bake bean cans and piano wire!