by Khun Paul » June 2, 2023, 8:37 am
ON a more serious note, no only is Covid with all its offshoots making a comeback n some areas, but mor worryingly is the other now highlighted hMPV another known respiratory illness which can kill
So ow we have COVID,RSV,Flu, hMPV all bearing similarities in symptoms, all dangerous for children, and the elderly and those with respiratory illnesses, like the FLU and RSV hMPV is also seasonal winter through to spring .
spread exactly the same way through droplets from coughing or sneezing , touch (shaking hands etc ) .
We are not out of the woods yet, seems as if Mother nature is determined to ease population congestion one way or the other . Take care folks
Those mask deniers , especially the man in Big c yesterday, coughing and spluttering along a Fresh FOOD aisle may I thankyou for your inconsideration and apologise for not speaking to you even though you spluttered something to me.I will not engage in conversation with someone obviously ill in a shop especially the fresh food aisle.