Why Thailand expats are grumpy

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Aardvark » May 20, 2011, 3:54 pm

Khun Paul wrote:it is always easier to recognise people who are the same as you i found, so well said Dermot.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly =D> So now all Dermot has to do is find like minded people :D Good luck [-o<

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Saboo » May 20, 2011, 4:56 pm

Ok... I confess... I wear socks and sandals… whats the big fuss about... ? :confused:
socks and sandals

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by pienmash » May 20, 2011, 5:22 pm

Ermmmm nice !! ........ Dermot will be livid , who took that photo of HIM .

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Galee » May 20, 2011, 5:44 pm

Prosecution councilor. "I give you exhibit 'A'. A photo of the offending feet"
Judge. "Defence council, do you have anything to add?"
Defence council. "Nothing to add m'lud"
Judge. "I find the defendant guilty of committing the heinous crime of wearing socks and sandals and sentence you to 5 years imprisonment for breaking all the rules regarding common decency and taking naffness to a new level".

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by pienmash » May 20, 2011, 6:02 pm

ONLY 5 years ,,,,,,, 5 life setences with no chance of paroll ............rethink, - NAR ... DEATH PENALTY COS OV THE HOLE IN THE SOCK AND THE TOE POKING OOT and they are Bart Simpson socks nicked off a child.

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Saboo » May 20, 2011, 6:51 pm

If you thought my socks were bad check out my underpants...! Normally get some for Christmas... This year Santa never came...!

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by pienmash » May 20, 2011, 8:00 pm

OK OK Dermot thats enuff we dont wanna see any more ........ btw washing clothes seperatly colours n whites usually guards against the grey look DC , having said that those under crackers need binning sir.

Who took the photo DC ????


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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by sissor-mouth » May 21, 2011, 2:42 am

Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Well yes and no is my answer too the subject of this post .. I find it is a very individual scenario to post a bias frank thread "why are all expats so grumpy" would it be fair too say you can run away from home but you can't run away from you heart?... There are some decent Expats who just want a quite life in the land of smiles who have moral educated backgrounds hence the the financial funds etc etc However flip side there are the complete idiots who live beyond their means burn their bridge back to their country of origin also more importantly meet the wrong soul mate and can't accept the different culture etc etc etc moral of the story if you see a grumpy looking farang he deserves to look grumpy lol Come on open you mind and eyes there are some good guys out there!!! \:D/

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Saboo » May 21, 2011, 8:37 am

sissor-mouth wrote:Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Well yes and no is my answer too the subject of this post .. I find it is a very individual scenario to post a bias frank thread "why are all expats so grumpy" would it be fair too say you can run away from home but you can't run away from you heart?... There are some decent Expats who just want a quite life in the land of smiles who have moral educated backgrounds hence the the financial funds etc etc However flip side there are the complete idiots who live beyond their means burn their bridge back to their country of origin also more importantly meet the wrong soul mate and can't accept the different culture etc etc etc moral of the story if you see a grumpy looking farang he deserves to look grumpy lol Come on open you mind and eyes there are some good guys out there!!! \:D/
Wise words from “Scissor-mouth”… Thank you for you insight…

After reflecting on my O.P… I would like to add happiness can be found in all of us… if your feeling blue… put on a happy face and whistle a happy song… just like Michael Palin in his song at the end of the Monty Python movie “Life of Brian”…. “Always look on the bright side of life”... :-"
There is no one answer to finding happiness here as we all are different…

What would make me happier…?? New socks and underpants…! :lol:

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by nkstan » May 21, 2011, 4:58 pm

lack of the ability to accept change and how thing are different custom wise and culturally,along with the afore mention reasons.
Age with its aches and pains might increase some grumpiness! :lol:

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by bumper » May 21, 2011, 5:02 pm

Now that's a fact, no fun being old sometimes. But, I had one hell of a time getting there.

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by Jello » May 21, 2011, 9:38 pm


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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by sissor-mouth » May 22, 2011, 1:37 am

Saboo wrote:
sissor-mouth wrote:Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Well yes and no is my answer too the subject of this post .. I find it is a very individual scenario to post a bias frank thread "why are all expats so grumpy" would it be fair too say you can run away from home but you can't run away from you heart?... There are some decent Expats who just want a quite life in the land of smiles who have moral educated backgrounds hence the the financial funds etc etc However flip side there are the complete idiots who live beyond their means burn their bridge back to their country of origin also more importantly meet the wrong soul mate and can't accept the different culture etc etc etc moral of the story if you see a grumpy looking farang he deserves to look grumpy lol Come on open you mind and eyes there are some good guys out there!!! \:D/
Wise words from “Scissor-mouth”… Thank you for you insight…


well yes it comes as a automatic reply to your question fact is in the Land Of Smiles it's always wise too take a step back and ponder of moments of clarity rather than rush head long into any given situation.I have come to the conclusion for ever decent moral Expat there tend to a whole group of in my opinion wasters . There are decent moral educated people in every given race however Thailand does tend too collect quite a few wasters hence the overall grump look but not all bad i have meet some smashing well moraled polite educated Farangs in Udon so lets all try too smile abit more .... \:D/

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by nkstan » May 22, 2011, 6:57 am

One should always remember that many older(retirement age) people are pretty set in their ways!

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Why Thailand expats are grumpy

Post by hangsaboot » May 22, 2011, 1:28 pm

pienmash wrote:OK OK Dermot thats enuff we dont wanna see any more ......

thats the new quick release styles kegs ,
for rapidly dumping backfill .

on the NHS , they are free for incontinent grumpy oldies .

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