Abandoned kittens

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Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 13, 2009, 10:38 am

I came across these four kittens being dumped from a pick up the other night, I moved them out of the road and left them there, the next morning they hadn't moved, they looked very weak so I took them home. They all seem to have gotten stronger over the past couple of days, but to be quite honest I don't want them., If anyone wants any of them let me know and I'll even drop them off to your place if you want. I've given them temporary names.. Leo, chang, archer and heineken.
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by jimboLV » September 13, 2009, 10:52 am

old-timer wrote:I they looked very weak so I took them home...... They all seem to have gotten stronger over the past couple of days,.... I've given them temporary names.. Leo, chang, archer and heineken.
OT I think you have just become the proud owner of four kittens. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by seymourbutts » September 13, 2009, 11:21 am

a lot of people would love an extra 4 pussies in the back garden!!!!

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by plien » September 13, 2009, 4:35 pm

I think you did a really nice thing, OT picking them up, giving them one more chance. =D>
Semantics aside If I had the place, I would love to have the four of them in the back yard.
But one of them look really thin... so I would call it Budweiser.

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by fussychunk » September 13, 2009, 4:45 pm


You might need some of these when you get older. Its the first cats in Thailand I have seen with tails still attached. :shock:

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by beer monkey » September 13, 2009, 4:48 pm

They look frail....but my guess is 'Archer' is the weakest of them all.... :(
Can You Dig It Dug.?

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by Nick@AUA » September 13, 2009, 5:05 pm

It's very sad that most Thais don't seem to care about cats the way that we do. It seems to fly in the face of Buddhist beliefs in my opinion.

You have to feel sorry for them. It's going to be tough to find a home for them old timer. You may find a home for one or two of them. Over the years I have acquired 10 cats that have mostly been abandoned, so for me it would be difficult to take on these 4 (even though I would love too).

They look healthy enough and they are at the right age that they will get used to their 'owner'.

I will take one though - just to get the ball rolling and to help out.

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by Nick@AUA » September 16, 2009, 11:11 am

I would like to offer anyone who takes one of these bundles of fun a free scholarship to study at AUA.

You can study English or Thai for free if you kindly take one of these.

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 17, 2009, 2:18 pm

Thanks for the interest in these kittens. Below is a photo of the three remaining kittens, they are doing very well, I've started feeding them on whiskas kitten food which they go berserk over and thoroughly enjoy.
CIMG0731.jpg (41.49 KiB) Viewed 2084 times
They also enjoyed the spaggetti bolegnase I made which is why their muzzles are red.
Nice little things really, might even keep one myself.
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by aznyron » September 17, 2009, 4:52 pm

OT one did not make it or it got lucky and some one adopted it ? I will try and talk my wife in to taking all of
them I always loved cats more so than dogs when a cat jump on your lap and licks your face it genuine
love a dog will lick any one who feeds it Cats are very independent and they will attack any one who try to hurt there owner I witnessed this with my daughters cat who went after a dog twice it size and the dog ran for it life

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 17, 2009, 5:08 pm

aznyron wrote:I will try and talk my wife in to taking all of them
Ron mate, I remember your wife's face last time you suggested taking all the kittens in, LOL, she was going to kill you, LOL, anyway don't worry, there are other forum members who are interested in giving these little fellas a chance - but if you want one, it's yours...
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 19, 2009, 5:38 pm

Leo, is the ginger one, and Tiger (re-named) is the other one, ......................
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They are great little fellas and doing well, and looking for a good home,
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by aznyron » September 19, 2009, 6:09 pm

Simon your down to 2 give us a update on the other two thank you

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 20, 2009, 10:42 am

aznyron wrote:Simon your down to 2 give us a update on the other two thank you
One of the kittens got out into the small soi I live in, and there were construction workers wheeling a cement mixer down the soi, the kitten managed to be in the way and got run over and killed. The second kitten was adopted by a forum member, and Nick@AUA has kindly said he will take one if no-one else is interested.
If anyone is interested in "Leo" or "Tiger" please PM me and see them for yourself, no obligation whatsoever.
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by arjay » September 20, 2009, 2:24 pm

O/T... working for the community..
One of the kittens got out into the small soi I live in, and there were construction workers wheeling a cement mixer down the soi, the kitten managed to be in the way and got run over and killed.
O/T - failed in your mission (of working for the community) there then!! :roll:

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by Aardvark » September 20, 2009, 3:51 pm

aznyron wrote:OT one did not make it or it got lucky and some one adopted it ? I will try and talk my wife in to taking all of
them I always loved cats more so than dogs when a cat jump on your lap and licks your face it genuine
love a dog will lick any one who feeds it Cats are very independent and they will attack any one who try to hurt there owner I witnessed this with my daughters cat who went after a dog twice it size and the dog ran for it life
Ron, I have owned many of both and can assure you the description you gave is the complete opposite of my experiences :-k

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by old-timer » September 20, 2009, 4:58 pm

arjay wrote:
O/T - failed in your mission (of working for the community) there then!! :roll:
nope, wrong......I have no mission, however I would like to do my best for the community without p1ssing everyone off, and do the best I can for these kittens.
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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by AussieElla » September 21, 2009, 11:55 am

Leo can come live with me at the Aussie Bar! He or She? Drop it off and I will shout you a beer. Cheers

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by Aardvark » September 22, 2009, 11:36 am

Ella, is it true that you are the new owner of the Aussie Bar ?? If so could I suggest you use your site on UM to introduce yourself and do away with rumour and speculation and also give us an opportunity to welcome you to our community . O/T no offence intended using your thread in making this small request :D

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Re: Abandoned kittens

Post by Roy » September 22, 2009, 11:50 am

Free the Doug 1

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