n 1982 I was getting 16.5% interest on a Money Market certificate. 1 year into the 2 year commitment, I got the "Gut" feeling gold & silver were ready to "do the dance". This was backed up by statements by Pat Robertson on CBN (700 Club). (Remember about 2-3 years ago I said "To understand whats going on, you must watch the political and religous arenas".)
Cashed in the MM, lost a year of 16.5% interest, bought 1 Gold Kugeran (about $180) and 20 ounces of silver (at about $5.00 a ounce). That was my entire savings, about $280.00 at 22 years old. In 2 months silver hit $18.00 and gold $380.00..cashed out. 1990, bought a building to put my business in, $63,000, paid it off in 2.5 years. In 2006 June (the "peak" of the housing market, my gut again) stressed out from 16 years of a successful, busy business, my new neighbor just paid $550,000 for the Lot next to me. Offered my "Lot" to him for $550,000, thinking he would sell both to the Townhouse builders (they were getting $450.000 for a townhouse in my area). He being a "speculator", considered my offer, but after 1 week I abroached him with a $450,000 offer. He liked that and said he would think about it. 3 days later, lowered my price to $350,000. He said "I have to buy it, its the cheapest priced property right now". The markets tumbled, down, down. In 2008 the Government finally said "Yes, there MAY be a problem in the Housing" Too late, damage done..perfectly planned robbery by the banks & Government. That Lot won't get $100,000 today, but we are still friends, I gave him a bargan during the Storm. But again, greed cost him alot of money, he should have sold at $650,000 and walked away instead of thinking 1 million was around the corner. Point being? Bitcoin was at $20,000, did anyone sell? The housing peaked here about 2 years ago. That Stock Market plunge was a warning sign. Nobody really owns anything...really. Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) that has been embraced by (forced on) all Countries, except Iran, Syria, maybe Russia, is why they are in the cross hairs of big Military, they are all that stands in the way of a complete take over and instalation of the New World Order (1 world domination). And as always, all roads still lead to the VatiCon and its Illuminati, Free Mason Creation. Yes, All Religions bow to the Pope. ALL. One World Control. I hate "Religion", it has Corrupted the world. I am penning a article called "Lets Debunk Religion". Its not what you think..In the Begining there was no Religion, it was created by the one who the Creator kicked out of Heaven. In defiance, he created Religion to confuse and divide the people of this world and blind them from their Creator who just wants us to have fellowship with Him and love Him. Doesn't even want our money, that was "Religions" Creation.
So, anyways, I got that "gut" feelling again....and its a mixed bag. (Someone loan me a million TB, I will turn it 10 times over. My fortune was stolen by friends and family who didn't repay their loans and a Customs who helped themselves to a bundle. I'm joking, I don't want anyones money, I've gotten used to this more "humble' lifestyle. Remember "Nobody" owns anything, thats how they control us. Cashless means the banks own it, BitCoin, well just turn off the power...simple. Gold which MSM tells you "nobody" wants, is quietly being transfered to the East by tons and tons. (smell a Smoking Gun? Hint, Hint) I have Charts but this platform doesn't allow me to attach. Gold is now at $5,771 and its baby Brother Silver is at $738.00 per oz, "according to
http://www.usdebtclock.org/ You don't trust Fiat paper or Bitcoin, but if its "backed" by gold, will you then? Its happening now, but "if you don't hold it, you don't own it". If I had a Pension I would set aside enough for 1 tb gold every month, just walk in buy it , walk out, in the hand. But I opted out years ago in favor of "more in my hand, and less in Governments wasteful hands. It was a good move though. I knew at 17 years old I would never see Social Security..now at 58 its even more obvious, with huge Governments (created) debt, we will be forced to Bail-out the Banks soon. So there goes the Pensions and Social Securities, worldwide...but not to worry..Universal Basic Income is on its way!! Yeah!! The world converted over night to a form of "ommunism"? One World Order?
So this is what I see as the Take-down of the System as it exists. The Super Red Moon has set all in motion and Trump was selected to sell it to the World as he is a good actor, like Ronnie Ray Gun who sold us Star Wars. All of Israels wars were done on Red Blood moons, and I am assuming the Battle of Armageddon will be done on a Red Blood moon also.
So to end it on a good note..The Creator said He will create a New Heaven and Earth from the ashes. (You get ashes from Nuclear?) Thats a good note to end on. This is not Religion. He gave us Free Will and look what we did to it. No more wars, corruption, disasters, death coming... the robots , AI will not bring this. Don't put your trust in them.