Wanted condo central Udon up to 15k p/m

Property and land for rent in Udon Thani
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Wanted condo central Udon up to 15k p/m

Post by Digger12 » August 25, 2013, 2:47 pm

Hi all. As per the title Im looking for a furnished place on a month to month.

I have a couple of needs and a couple of wants.

I need good reliable internet because I work from home.

I need a balcony if its not on the ground floor.

I do need a place to park a small car but it actually doesnt need to be on site as I mainly plan to motobike around.

City central.

I do need some type of maid service/linen change. I stay alone so once or twice a week is enough.

Wants - Actually I can only think of one and thats hopefully ground floor or low floor level. Unless there is a lift of course then the higher the better.

Thanks for reading and please call or text me on 09 445 3957

Or email gnetphuket@yahoo.com

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Wanted condo central Udon up to 15k p/m

Post by Digger12 » August 28, 2013, 9:58 pm

I didn't actually get any replys but I moved to a guesthouse today that ticks most of my boxes. So will evaluate it over the next week and if all good will stay.

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Wanted condo central Udon up to 15k p/m

Post by tlcwaterfall » September 24, 2013, 7:56 pm

Do you mind telling me which guest house you chose. I am looking around now for a good guest house with car park,close to the city and of course fair prices.

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