2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

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Posts: 125
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2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

Post by Udonhoward » October 2, 2016, 5:07 pm

For Sale: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo double cab 4x4

Falang owned and maintained since new, this is the top of the line Toyota Hilux, (TRVGT-27) with all available options as standard equipment:

50,600 km.
Engine: DOHC 2.982 l. turbo intercooled
4-speed automatic transmission
Four wheel drive
Limited slip differential
17 inch wheels
Backup camera

I’m the second owner, purchased by me with 12,000 km on it. I’ve never driven it off road. Located in Udon Thani and serviced by authorized Toyota dealers in Udon Thani. Excellent condition. My relocation to Vientiane has prompted me to sell it.

Price: 700,000 baht

Truck is currently financed through Toyota Leasing, with monthly payments of 12,232 baht/month, through April 2018. (18 payments remaining after October).

To see the truck call:
09-8665-6949 (Thai)

Questions: (Both are Lao phone numbers)
009 856 20 5586-5894 (English)
099 856 20 5583-7395 (Thai)

Posts: 243
Joined: July 5, 2005, 1:20 am
Location: Udon thani, yorkshire

Re: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

Post by kevh » October 2, 2016, 8:56 pm

Is the price 700000 plus the remaining 18 monthly finance payments

Posts: 125
Joined: March 8, 2014, 1:32 pm

Re: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

Post by Udonhoward » October 3, 2016, 2:30 pm

No. The price is 700,000 baht, period. That includes the balance of the outstanding loan, whatever that may be at the time of purchase. The buyer is free to refinance or assume the balance of the outstanding loan if they are so inclined.

Posts: 125
Joined: March 8, 2014, 1:32 pm

Re: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

Post by Udonhoward » October 5, 2016, 5:43 pm

So, to clarify. If the buyer wants to assume the loan as of November, there would be 18 remaining payments of 12,232 baht, or 220,176 baht outstanding. So the total price minus the outstanding loan balance: 700,000 - 220,176 baht would be a cash balance of 479,824 baht, required at signing. for a total price of 700,000 baht. I hope this helps.

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Re: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic

Post by dargon58 » October 5, 2016, 9:20 pm

Call back 0864553895 thai

Posts: 125
Joined: March 8, 2014, 1:32 pm

Re: 2014 Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 Automatic - SOLD

Post by Udonhoward » October 20, 2016, 3:45 pm


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