fish tackle

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fish tackle

Post by Rono » December 20, 2013, 12:41 pm

anyone knows where to find/ how to get fish tackle like these floating coils, paste hairs, splasha's and concentric leaded coils
COILS-120x120.png (10.59 KiB) Viewed 1025 times
SPLASHA_SM-120x120.png (6.73 KiB) Viewed 1025 times
PASTE%20HAIRS-120x120.png (10.29 KiB) Viewed 1025 times
FLOAT%20COILS_SM-250x250.png (50.88 KiB) Viewed 1025 times

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fish tackle

Post by dinantdupont » December 30, 2013, 12:13 pm

no but im sure if you ask at a friendly fishing shop they will make you one.befor i wanted some meford feeders to my design and braid and the man just said come bak in 5 mins and they were done.lookin at it am sure if you find a heavy weight float get ur feeder and try work somethink out...

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fish tackle

Post by dinantdupont » December 30, 2013, 2:48 pm

ive just started float fishing agen and this has gave me an idea lol im gonna try make somethink like this with small coil long float to keep it ballanced on the water.ive seen there is like thai ones but i think i can make better.the thai ones dont stay still they move all about everywere

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Joined: April 27, 2013, 9:35 am

fish tackle

Post by Rono » January 11, 2014, 3:21 pm

Hi dinantdupont, late answer from me.
Thanks anyway. Did you made something in the meantime? The point aboit the concentric leaded coils is that they always land on the same side on the buttom of the lake or pond. You can make sure your bait(hook) is always on the upperside. So you can make them always visible. Most ponds have some moss like weed on the buttom and your bait mostly get lost in there!!The floating coils will start rising slowly when the bait starts dissolving. So in one throw you get to try different depts. And as you know especially Pla nin does not always strike on the same dept and mostly during the day time not on the buttom of the lake. In most ponds they feed pellets and other driving stuff so the fishes are used to feed on the surface. If buttom fishing does not deliver any strike at all you can change to the floating coils for a while. And I want to try everything out. Boilies doesnot work in thai lakes and ponds, apart from the big touristic fishing parks where they feed them boilies especially for farang and other other anglers.

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