Upright vacuum cleaner, and heater

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Baz The Fraz
Posts: 24
Joined: December 14, 2009, 1:01 pm

Upright vacuum cleaner, and heater

Post by Baz The Fraz » October 21, 2011, 5:18 pm

I posted a blog for an upright vacuum cleaner as I hadn't seen any decent ones around the stores. I posted in the furniture wanted section, but had no replies at all.
Fortunately I was directed to a Hardware store opposite the Bangkok bank, and Siam Commercial Bank near the third roundabout in Udon.
I met an extremely nice Thai guy there running the business, he spoke excellent English and was extremely helpful.
I am now the proud owner of a super duper German top quality upright model which he had transported for me from Bangkok.
His store is of the old fashioned kind we used to know, and love exploring. He has all sorts of top quality hand tools and he's good enough to point out which are genuine and which are copies. I bought a bit for my old brace I never thought I would find one. He has some cantilever pliers left behind by the Japanese after the war, still in the old fashioned greaseproof wrapping, and other odd items.
I went back again, and asked if he could get me a good quality room heater. I now have two,'Siemens' brand, oil filled heaters of really high quality.
If, like me, you enjoy browsing through hardware shops, picking things up and figuring out what they're for, go see him.

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