My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

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My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Garnet » August 14, 2022, 7:44 am

This is for the interest of any forum members who still remember me. I continue to live in Canada, and probably will never visit Thailand again ─ not since getting married there near the end of May 2005.

A week ago I uploaded a video to YouTube with the same title as heads this post, although at YouTube I did not use the quotation marks. I honestly do not know what I had. Pneumonia has always been with us and is very serious, so my suspicion is that the hospital added the term "COVID" to my condition in order to capitalize on whatever bonus or bounty they likely get from the government ─ maybe even on a daily basis ─ for every "COVID" patient on their books.

I am still non-GMO ─ that is, I remain unjabbed with the unsafe and ineffective genetic experiment. However, my wife and her two sons all accepted the jab last Summer / Fall. She did so for employment (Thai restaurant) purposes, as did her youngest son (aged 24) who worked in a bank. The oldest lad (27 years old) is a brawny gym rat who rides a Harley ─ he got jabbed just so he could keep attending his gym to easily maintain his musculature. His employer ─ Tree Island Steel ─ did not require its employees to have the 'Kill Shot'.

It is very possible that something any one of the three may have shed got me so damned sick ─ maybe even breathing the same air at night in bed with my wife brought me down. Since my hospitalization, though, she set up another room as my bedroom, so I no longer have that level of exposure.

Anyway, this is the description that I gave the three-minute YouTube video ─ the description is over 4,000 words long, so you may choose to skip it after reading the first couple of paragraphs and go directly to the video down below. The first 1½ minutes of the video show me shirtless a month after getting sick last October; the last 1½ minutes of the video show me wearing just a pair of gym shorts just over a week ago.
I merged two very short video clips ─ the first from November 2021 showing me almost a month after getting released from hospital where I had been getting treated for what they diagnosed was "COVID pneumonia".

I lost so much weight that the last time I was that light, I was a schoolboy back in the 1960s. Perhaps I should mention that in height, I am not quite five feet and 11 inches.

Talking was difficult due to my weak lungs; and as is very apparent, I was extremely uneasy ─ I am uncomfortable being on camera, but I was keenly self-conscious about how dreadful I knew I looked. That was why I was mostly nervous. In fact, after I recorded and saved that video clip, I never played it back because I did not want to see how pathetic I was. The first time I took a look at it was yesterday (August 4, 2022) ─ I didn't even know if the recording was successful.

The first clip finishes abruptly (I forget why ─ maybe my camera ran out of power); then the second video clip takes over and I present the transformation that I put a lot of effort into achieving in the ensuing months. Undressed and on an empty stomach, I probably weigh around 190 pounds ... or maybe the low 190s.

I would like to note that after I succeeded in getting myself released from the hospital (I suspect that they were likely getting a daily bounty for each COVID patient), I never received a follow-up call from anyone checking on how I was doing. And I think that there were only two occasions in the hospital when I had the attentions of a physiotherapist, for I had become so weak that not only was walking impossible for me, but I could not even stand on my own ─ even if I was supporting myself.

So apart from those two physiotherapist visits to assess how much I had deteriorated, I had to force myself to learn again how to first stand; and then to use my legs again. I did this all in my room ─ I never left whatever room I was confined to, for I was moved to several different ones over the course of my stay.

The only time I ever left my final room on my own was when I was having to prove to a doctor and his nursing aide that I had sufficient mobility to merit being allowed to go home. They took me into the hallway, hooked up to a mobile monitor, and a face mask was placed over my mouth for the first time ─ I never had to wear one in my rooms.

Then while the nurse accompanied me, I had to shuffle up and down the hallway while the nurse read out monitor readings to the nearby doctor. With my damaged lungs, my mouth was wide open and I was sucking as much air as I could through the damned mask.

I was unstable, for I had not walked for any kind of distance before; and a couple of times I started to lose my balance, but I think I disguised this.

I even considered giving up, for I thought that I might pass out ─ it took all of the will I had to keep enduring this walk. It was only after I spent several minutes walking up and down the hallway that the doctor gave the okay that I had passed their mobility test.

So I was returned to my room and told that I could have someone come and take me home. There was some talk of me being issued a portable oxygen tank to take home.

I phoned home and my eldest stepson said that he would come and get me. So I dressed, including wearing the heavy winter coat I originally had on, plus the boots that I had also worn.

And I waited. None of the staff who had come to know me came to see me off. My stepson finally phoned to say he was parked outside, so I got up and started walking in my boots and full cold-weather wear.

I knew I was on the Seventh Floor, but I had no idea how to get off. I passed by the nursing station in my area, but it was abandoned. How come no one was wheeling me out of the place, I wondered? Isn't that supposed to be hospital protocol everywhere?

I wandered on very carefully and slowly, and came across another nursing station in a different area that had three staff. They looked at me quizzically, probably wondering who this fully-clothed character was wandering around the floor.

When I explained that I had been released (I had the paperwork), and that I was trying to find my way out, one nurse started to direct me to the elevators; but then she took pity and decided to escort me.

And off she went ─ she almost ran away on me, walking was so difficult for me. But she did get me to elevators ─ the sort that are operated by staff key cards.

She activated the elevator and programmed it for the Ground Floor, and said that when the doors opened, I would immediately see the doors to the outside fairly nearby.

And this was so. I got outside into a cold rain and breathed real fresh air for the first time in days.

I was free.

Then once home, it was entirely up to me to figure out how to rehabilitate myself, for I was not given any guidance from the hospital ─ as I said, no one even saw me off.

But obviously I made it.

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by tamada » August 14, 2022, 8:31 am

You almost lost me at the "unsafe and ineffective genetic experiment" but the "kill shot" label did it for me.

Glad you made it though. Stay safe.

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Garnet » August 14, 2022, 8:38 am

Thanks, Tam!

You take care of yourself, too.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by mak » August 14, 2022, 11:29 am

Prevnar and Pnuemovax vaccines are available in Udon. Recommended for seniors for the prevention of pneumonia.

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Garnet » August 14, 2022, 12:14 pm

Hello, mak!

You've touched upon what is quite a sore spot for me.

Thanks to what has been happening for the past 2½ years, I have to declare that I will never willingly get another real or purported vaccination for however much longer I may live.

Incidentally, I would NEVER even consider getting Pfizer's Prevnar 13. As far as I am concerned, corrupt Pfizer needs to be sued into ruinous oblivion, and most of its executives and lesser officers tried for murder.

If only I could afford it, I would stock up on a lifetime supply of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and even methylene blue.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by sometimewoodworker » August 14, 2022, 1:13 pm

Garnet wrote:
August 14, 2022, 12:14 pm

If only I could afford it, I would stock up on a lifetime supply of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and even methylene blue.
You clearly have no interest in actually doing what you say
฿2.2 x 200mg hydroxychloroquine per tablet
Ivermectin. 12mg ฿8.26 per tablet

At those prices you can buy as much as you like without making a dent in your funds.

Though you really really need medical supervision to make sure you don’t poison your self.

The Ivermectin will be a lot cheaper if you buy in bulk
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by jackspratt » August 14, 2022, 3:17 pm

Did you read the first paragraph of the OP, woody?

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Garnet » August 14, 2022, 6:57 pm

That's right, jackspratt ─ those prices are the stuff of fantasy where I live. In fact, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can only be bought as 'Black Market' items ─ a person has to know of a source because they are not officially available for sale here in Canada.

The government and our health authorities don't want people successfully treating themselves ─ if genuine early treatment was possible, then the fear-gripped mightn't want to turn to injections in their unfounded desperation to avoid infection by the virus.

Heck, my wife tried earlier this year to import some Boom Collagen from Thailand, and our Canada Border Services Agency (i.e., Customs) held onto it until word came down from Health Canada that the product did not have their approval. She was given the choice of paying CBSA to have it destroyed ($300, I think); or she could pay the costs of shipping it back from whence it came.

Such folly as hers is not without penalty, after all ─ there must always be a penalty. So she paid to have it shipped back to Thailand.

The thumb of our all-knowing health authorities is heavy upon us over here.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by sometimewoodworker » August 14, 2022, 9:11 pm

Garnet wrote:
August 14, 2022, 6:57 pm
That's right, jackspratt ─ those prices are the stuff of fantasy where I live.
Just because you have chosen to live in a country that has decided to charge ridiculous markups on medication doesn’t make your choices the best.

Both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are cheap pharmaceuticals. The cost is tiny. Your chosen government has decided to limit your ability to buy them. I could certainly locate a source if I choose to. If you want them then take the actions needed.

That there is far more involved that popping a few pills a day and the Canadian health service is protecting you from being a fool. It certainly seems that you have chosen an approach that few educated people will agree with. However belief is more that 50% of the way many drugs work, so continue to believe and you may be protected by your beliefs.

Most health services have the aim to protect fools from their idiotic actions. If you want all the benefits and the drawbacks of living in North American learn to live with it.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by jackspratt » August 14, 2022, 9:42 pm

jackspratt wrote:
August 14, 2022, 3:17 pm
Did you read the first paragraph of the OP, woody?
Apparently not. :-s

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » August 14, 2022, 11:48 pm

Garnet wrote:
August 14, 2022, 12:14 pm
Hello, mak!

You've touched upon what is quite a sore spot for me.

Thanks to what has been happening for the past 2½ years, I have to declare that I will never willingly get another real or purported vaccination for however much longer I may live.
shotIncidentally, I would NEVER even consider getting Pfizer's Prevnar 13. As far as I am concerned, corrupt Pfizer needs to be sued into ruinous oblivion, and most of its executives and lesser officers tried for murder.

If only I could afford it, I would stock up on a lifetime supply of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and even methylene blue.
Polio seems to be making a comeback for whatever reason. I got my polio vaccine shot at public school in Toronto in 1956, therefore, I am not worried about contracting the disease. But, for anyone who has kids, including teenagers, I would strongly recommend getting the polio vaccine. As for covid, I have had four shots as I am 75 and do not want to take any chances. As for taking a covid shot or not, it is up to you.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Earnest » August 14, 2022, 11:55 pm

I'm just getting over Covid-19, testing negative last Friday. Still not quite right, though.

I had three vaccinations prior to that, fourth one coming this Autumn.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by Garnet » August 15, 2022, 12:00 am

Sometimewoodworker, you are most welcome to let "health authorities" do your thinking for you. But when it comes to general health advice, I have been boning up on the literature since I was a teen of 15 back in 1965 when I became fascinated with nutrition. I started borrowing library books on the topic, and that interest has never waned.

Whether you realize it or not, even medical doctors only have a very limited education on that topic in medical school. They have to pursue it on their own if they have the interest.

I do not require a nanny state where my government tells me what I have to do in order to live a healthy life. I may not be accredited, but I am far better versed in the basics than the "public health officers" in my country ─ and I know it.

As for me having "chosen an approach that few educated people will agree with" ─ I presume you are referencing my statements on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and my censure of the vaunted COVID injections ─ I prefer to listen to "educated people" who are not paid shills for the drug companies, or who are too cowardly to speak out against 'vaccines' because doing so would threaten their careers.

The sort of medical professionals I prefer to listen to are the types of people who are behind organizations like America's Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. I heed the warnings of people like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and many others I cannot recall at the moment ─ doctors and researchers who have taken a stand (often at great cost) against the medical tyranny that you seem blind to or are okay with.

Now, concerning my financial status, you have no idea what specific predicament I am living with. It surprises me that you have ventured that I am exaggerating it. However, this is something that I have no intention of publicly airing here.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by tamada » August 15, 2022, 12:05 am

Laan Yaa Mo wrote:
August 14, 2022, 11:48 pm
Garnet wrote:
August 14, 2022, 12:14 pm
Hello, mak!

You've touched upon what is quite a sore spot for me.

Thanks to what has been happening for the past 2½ years, I have to declare that I will never willingly get another real or purported vaccination for however much longer I may live.
shotIncidentally, I would NEVER even consider getting Pfizer's Prevnar 13. As far as I am concerned, corrupt Pfizer needs to be sued into ruinous oblivion, and most of its executives and lesser officers tried for murder.

If only I could afford it, I would stock up on a lifetime supply of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and even methylene blue.
Polio seems to be making a comeback for whatever reason. I got my polio vaccine shot at public school in Toronto in 1956, therefore, I am not worried about contracting the disease. But, for anyone who has kids, including teenagers, I would strongly recommend getting the polio vaccine. As for covid, I have had four shots as I am 75 and do not want to take any chances. As for taking a covid shot or not, it is up to you.
It appears the detection of polio in London's sewers is linked to the New York outbreak. The Gulf Stream must be huge this year? ... d=88240071
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by BillaRickaDickay » August 15, 2022, 7:06 am

London Sewers! I smell a Rat!
New friends from Afghanistan, were they housed in the Park Lane Hilton?
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by sometimewoodworker » August 15, 2022, 7:32 am

Garnet wrote:
August 15, 2022, 12:00 am
Now, concerning my financial status, you have no idea what specific predicament I am living with. It surprises me that you have ventured that I am exaggerating it.
I have made no suggestion about your financial status. I neither know, nor want to know, anything about it.

The point is that both medications are trivially cheap to make, the actual cost of the packaging and distribution is vastly greater than either drug.

If you live in a society where the prices are marked up by millions of percent that is your choice. There are countries where the prices I gave are easy to match. Both of those are in the region of the cost of a few bottles of beer for a year supply. If you can’t afford that much then you are in extreme poverty.

There is little to no connection between the cost of some medicines and the prices charged
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by tamada » August 15, 2022, 7:54 am

BillaRickaDickay wrote:
August 15, 2022, 7:06 am
London Sewers! I smell a Rat!
New friends from Afghanistan, were they housed in the Park Lane Hilton?
Only if they came via New York.

Clue: Read the linked article.
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by BillaRickaDickay » August 15, 2022, 8:20 am

tamada wrote:
August 15, 2022, 7:54 am
BillaRickaDickay wrote:
August 15, 2022, 7:06 am
London Sewers! I smell a Rat!
New friends from Afghanistan, were they housed in the Park Lane Hilton?
Only if they came via New York.

Clue: Read the linked article.
Another Clue: Do you not have a mind of your own
He's got his little y-fronts and he's got his little vest, Chaz Jankel, 1998. Mash it up Harry.

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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by tamada » August 15, 2022, 10:22 am

BillaRickaDickay wrote:
August 15, 2022, 8:20 am
tamada wrote:
August 15, 2022, 7:54 am
BillaRickaDickay wrote:
August 15, 2022, 7:06 am
London Sewers! I smell a Rat!
New friends from Afghanistan, were they housed in the Park Lane Hilton?
Only if they came via New York.

Clue: Read the linked article.
Another Clue: Do you not have a mind of your own
Funny you should ask...
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Re: My "COVID Pneumonia" Recovery

Post by rick » August 15, 2022, 11:14 pm

So Garnet's decision to refuse vaccination nearly killed him. Every day, around 2,000 people OFFICIALLY die with Covid in the world, even now. Actual deaths? Higher, but due to lack of testing in most of the world, we do not know. Still, not illegal to make unsound decisions.

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