This time, 10 mins, a cup of coffee and a smoke were taken to think about the problem.
Q) what needs to be achieved? A) access to the room
Q) How can this be achieved? A) Through the locked door , or through the locked balcony sliding doors.
Q) Which has the weakest lock? A) probably the sliding doors.
Q) How can I unlock the doors? A) By sliding something between the doors, and knocking the locking switch down.
So ......... one broken golf club shaft, a piece of plastic and some twine to attach them together, 5 mins working out where the lock was, and getting the correct angle sorted, and "HEY PRESTO" door open and no need to go to the shop and spend several hundred baht on a new lock.
The above is really just an aside, It got me thinking, why does she always lock the bedroom door when we go out at night?
The reason I was told was that if she didn't, the member of family/friend who was babysitting, would go through all the draws and papers to see how much money we have in the bank, or if we buy land or something and not tell them

It hadn't even dawned on me that anyone, especially mother, or brothers/sisters would sink to that sort of level.
But if the Thai's think that way, then it must be a common occurance for it to happen