Salute to American Miltary Veterans

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Salute to American Miltary Veterans

Post by thaistix » May 21, 2007, 2:52 am

Life has a Flavor The Protected Never Know

"If you can read this, thank your teacher,

If you can this in English, thank your American Military Troops.

To those who fight for it, Life has a Flavor The Protected Never Know.

It's the Military, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.

It's the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.

It's the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It's the Military, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag."

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » May 21, 2007, 3:04 am

For Canadians, we got all of this from Britain. It was General Wolfe, for example, who defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham to ensure that North America, except Mexico, would be English speaking. The idea of the free-born Englishman goes back to the time of individual John at least. Nowadays, however, Canada is protected by the United States of America so it is fitting to salute the American soldier, but one cannot forget one's heritage, and must be thankful to the British and its Empire for rule of law, freedom of the press, orderly and clean government and so on. Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the rest of the Commonwealth also led the way against Hitler until the Soviet Union and the United States entered the Second World War. Thus, there are soldiers from many countries in the Commonwealth that should be saluted for all they have sacrified for giving, and protecting, what we have today.

How does the old story go...America has the 18th-century British representative government, while Canada, Australia and New Zealand have the 19th-century responsible government model

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Post by thaistix » May 21, 2007, 3:13 am

My apology goes out to the rest of the Americans' Allies. I do not disrespect you all nor intend to do any harm. I was just trying to share with the rest of the American people who has no clue what so ever about the military life as we geared up for the Memorial Day weekend.

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Post by papaguido » May 21, 2007, 9:01 am

thaistix wrote:My apology goes out to the rest of the Americans' Allies. I do not disrespect you all nor intend to do any harm. I was just trying to share with the rest of the American people who has no clue what so ever about the military life as we geared up for the Memorial Day weekend.

Reminds of an experience I had while performing duties as Active duty staff for a Marine Corp reserve unit in San Jose, CA. It was during the Marine Corps Reserve Toys 4 Tots season and I was making a presentation at a posh restaurant of a first class hotel in downtown SJ (forget the name). The restaurant was closed to the public and by invitation for the host influentual friends and guest. Anyway, the idea was for me to stand at the entrance of the restaurant (with the infamous toy collection barrel) and collect the toys as the guest made there way. Once all the guest were inside I would make my presentation. So there I was, in full dress blues standing by the barrel and receiving donations from guest as they made there way in. Near the end of line/queue, a female guest makes her way up to the head of the line looks at me and says 'I would like to order a drink'. I was momentarly stunned by her remark and then realized she thought I was part of the hotel staff (at this particular hotel the doorman are dressed in elaborate uniforms). So I gave her a stern look and proudly announced 'Ma'am I am a UNITED STATES MARINE'. to that she responded 'ohh, you mean you don't work here' looked over at her companion, shrugged her shoulders and walked on passed me. I'll never forget that night.

Salute to "all" military service members, past and present...OOHRAH!!


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Post by BKKSTAN » May 21, 2007, 10:13 am

Good one Rito!Imagine,you could fight or die for her! :lol: :cry:

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Post by tigerryan » May 21, 2007, 11:04 am

Good one Rito thats what you get for actually having to wear your class blues! but you aint gonna get a OOHRAH out of me. I'll stick with HUWAA followed up by Rangers lead the way. :D

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Post by papaguido » May 21, 2007, 11:56 am


I made you few jumps with the Ranger Bn at Benning in the mid 80's, found them to be very professional and got along great...Airborne!!

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Post by skipvice » May 21, 2007, 12:17 pm

The Meaning of Memorial Day

By VFW Commander-in-Chief Gary Kurpius
Has this special day of remembrance been lost on the American people?


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Post by uncle tom » May 21, 2007, 12:24 pm

I am a veteran and come from a military family. My Father and several uncles were in the service. I have two children who served in the armed forces. Unfortunately its unusual for one to say that today, but not too many years ago it was the norm for all households to share the responsibility of defending our country.

Now we have a band of professionals who do our fighting for us and too often look for special privileges as vets. Shame on those who promote memorial day as a day to honor themselves.

This is a very sacred day to honor those who died in service to our country. May we never forget them.

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » May 21, 2007, 11:01 pm

By the way Thaistiks, there is no need to apologise for your post as it is a nice gesture on your part to think of the United States and its soldiers at this time. I had forgotten about the Memorial Day weekend in America. I agree that the men and women of the U.S., who have served, and are serving, their country around the world deserve recognition for their efforts and sacrifices. They protect Canada, and many other countries.

In Canada, we commemorate our military on Remembrance Day, 11 Nov. - on the eleventh hour on the eleventh day - which marked the end of the First World War.

Today is Victoria Day in Canada, when we celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria, although her memory and life have faded from the memories of most Canadians. The holiday used to be called Empire Day, and was always held on 24 May.

Mainly, I just wanted to point out that many of the points you listed as American ideals actually originated in the United Kingdom. Well, I guess a case could be made for ancient Rome and Greece, and other civilisations beyond the mists of time.

This is about the eighth time I have tried to post this message. Previously, I kept getting the 'invalid session' message. :D

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Post by thaistix » May 22, 2007, 1:45 am

Hey thanks...but from now on I will just keep everything to myself and mind my own business.
Life's a bi-otch.

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » May 22, 2007, 3:05 am

Please do not lock yourself away. Your comments and ideas are all valid and interesting, and you got a number of responses. It was good of you to post your message. Keep it up :D

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Post by Red_Fist » June 18, 2007, 7:10 am

Well after my new thread being taken out, it must be communist site for posting this link.
I will be telling people about it.

Im, out of here, good luck to all, it appears that showing anything positive about Iraq is outlawed.

No Thailand for me you can keep it.
If they put my thread back up, mabye I am wrong, about this place.

Edited by Udon Mod Team

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Post by PopsIcafe » June 18, 2007, 7:30 am

Red_Fist, thank you very much for the link. I will be visiting the webpage often to see what is happening there, gives me another veiw of the war in Iraq.



Post by laphanphon » June 18, 2007, 8:49 am

hmm, looks like bush and his cronies own this website. go go go, all is good, although if not mistaken, just read a report, 60 % of baghdad is not secure and daily attacks in safe/green zones are a reality. the troops have been there as long as any world war already and things don't seem to be going very well, except the western world has less respect and terrorist is getting more fuel for recruits for every day the occupation continues. with the exception of haliburton and the rest of the warmonging profiteers, still don't why we went there, or why still there. i don't think the usa is any safer, if anything less safe. that 7 billion plus dollars could of been spent much better securing the states or solving so many world problems. oh yea, let's not forget the 3500 plus soldiers who perished from usa and allies already. i really don't remember the iraq people asking us to be there, i don't remember WMD being found, do remember non usa reports that they didn't exist. don't remember being invaded by iraq. do remember reports of WTC attack being planned and financed by bin laden and saudia rabia, oh, but they are good friends/employer of bush family.

all i know is a lot of people are dying. and quite a few people are making a lot of money, but they aren't the ones paying for this mess in blood and money.

just the opinions of an open mind who saw enough propaganda already.

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Post by banpaeng » June 18, 2007, 9:03 am

Red fist post have been removed only because the first 5 post made by him were of a political nature with no replys. A PM was sent to him explaining to him that as soon as Lee reviewed them they could just as well reappear. Seems he can't wait for that and now is to name calling. In his other post he 2 post there are statements that his only purpose is to go on public forums and post his political thoughts. I don't think he has read the rules.

Red Fist you are welcome to post but the name calling and other inmature conduct will get you banned. You were asked to wait, however if you can not do this or follow posted rules, please move on some where else.

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Post by skipvice » June 18, 2007, 9:10 am

You know what the OP was about, Do not turn this into a Rant about a war nobody likes. who is right or wrong only history will tell, if we all here to see it. :shock:

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Post by banpaeng » June 18, 2007, 9:25 am

+Skip nothing was said about right or wrong. It was told that it would be reviewed. Sorry if you or any others do not understand that. The OP was told the reason it might or might not reappear. Sorry if it upsets some.

here is rule #4:

4. Although this Board is not able to review all posts as they are uploaded we reserve the right to delete any Post and/or disable any users account for any reason and without posted explanation. You remain solely responsible for the content of your Posts and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your Post.

At least I did explain and have said that the posted thread could return. It is only under review only.

Really nothing more to be said here.

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Post by skipvice » June 18, 2007, 9:37 am

the op was about a Salute to Military Veterans and I was responding to the last post before yours,as I did not see your post at the time I was posting. sorry

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Post by banpaeng » June 18, 2007, 9:43 am

My apologies to you Skip.

That is a problem with boards, what one reads is not always the right order. I get caught in that also.

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