Scorpion Bar.

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Is it acceptable to have this in the town centre?

Total votes: 24


Scorpion Bar.

Post by valentine » November 16, 2006, 7:01 pm

News item on Udon news on line today. An official complaint has been made by a local dignitary to the city council about the above bar. it states that the girls are on public display and can easily be seen by passing traffic. There is also mention of the girls all appearing to be under the legal age to work in this manner, ie 20.It goes on to say that not even in the sin city of Pattaya is public diplay of this nature permitted.Why should Udon Thani be subjected to this by "these foreigners for their own personal gain"Not sure if this last paragraph is part of the official complaint or whether its the news report adding emphasise. Whatever it certainly doesn't do anything to boost our image here. :evil:


Post by laphanphon » November 16, 2006, 8:12 pm

i was going to vote yes, as i figured the action doesn't start until the wee ones are or should be home. then i read the whole thing, if suggestive dancing visible from sidewalk/road, and if law against it, no matter how vague, then no. they really need to designate some adult zones if they are going to push the limits.

not a good image for our up country, non touristy town. bound to draw an unsavory crowd. i'm guessing the bar is owned by farang, hmm. don't know, but doesn't mr tongs get a little risque at times, or is that different because not owned by farang or is it. not frequent visitor to either, so haven't seen first hand.

so i'll abstain from voting, although i prefer both were not there. almost a free world and free enterprise, and mr tongs doesn't get started late, so shouldn't offend anyone as mall closes at 9 pm and the area is dead, except for adults visiting the watering holes. so unless in violation to decency laws, they may have to be tolerated.

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Post by Bump » November 16, 2006, 8:30 pm

OK no matter what the deal we all know the right guy complains and the clamps will go on. Across the street from the main shopping complex that mihght be pushing the envelope a bit. If the complaint was by the owner of the Cheronsi it won't be there long.

Val I thought there was some quasi zoning things in the works?

I really don't want to sound like a prude because it doesn't matter to me. But, the parking under the complex stinks so people with families and children do park on the other side of the road and even it is full on weekend. That means unless a person take the long route and most won't. That mean famalies walking through farrang alley.

For us folks it won't matter where they put them we will still go. But wouldn't be a better deal if the children in the community didn't walk through them to watch a movie.

By the way whoever made the complaint has not spent much time on walking street have they :lol:

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Post by lee » November 16, 2006, 8:33 pm

laphanphon wrote:don't know, but doesn't mr tongs get a little risque at times, or is that different because not owned by farang or is it.
Exactly, I've passed Mr. Tongs a few times and seen women and men gyrating behind the glass in full view of passing traffic. Is this not acceptable too? Why no mention of Tong's in the report? Mmmm! Maybe he wrote the report LOL!

Personally I'd prefer both places to tidy up their image a little. What's wrong with smoked glass or painting the windows? Those who want to see the action go inside, and it isn't in your face to those who don't.

The Full Moon Pub has its windows covered and you can't see the action from outside, as do most Thai bars with the exception of Mr. Tongs.

I love a bit of eye candy myself but I don't think dancing girls in skimpy dresses should be on public view. If I had children I would avoid walking by this place to avoid them seeing, same goes for certain bars in farang alley.

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Post by Bump » November 16, 2006, 8:45 pm

You know in leving the complex last Sturday after the wife bowled in a turnament n=must have been around 2130 hours, I did se the girl pretty much jut hanging out in front a good way get customers in, till things get going. Yes they were dressed sexy, but you see that everday in the mall a well. No of us likes coffee that much. I didn't see any suggestive dancing going on and I was hoping. :lol:

Tong's better connected I'd bet in that one, has the place taken some of Tong's action you know I would bet on that one as well.

But for the long run I think a good entertainment zone is the long term answer. But in my mind right in front of the mall is not the area.

I bet they had the clamps on tight the night the Princess stayed at the hotel.

You know Udon is Udon and it has and is changing, seems to me to be wiser to set things up better now. Instead of waiting for people to ivest huge amounts of money in a location. Them throw them out and let them uffer the losses. Which is probably what is going to happen.

Thailand is smoke and mirror and Udon is no different


Post by valentine » November 16, 2006, 9:33 pm

Ray, the adult entertainment zone has been tried with the area Climax club is in. despite several incentives to move there most of the premises are still unoccupied and those that did move in are rapidly closing due to lack of customers. the Climax seems to be the only one making a go of it but it ain't no gold mine.The only area where there are a few punters about is in the centre but there are too many bars trying to catch them, hence no one is really setting the world alight. In my view the number should be limited and should be of sufficient standard to enhance the town centre not degrade it.
I know this is a reversal of my previous view that they should be moved out but one has to face reality and if the customers won't go slightly out of town, you really can't expect the businesses to.I think that all that is left is legalisation so that operating that sort of business in the town centre you are subject to higher taxes, possibly earlier closing and certainly no girlies on display, maybe then the outside areas would start to look an attractive proposition, to both management and punters.

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Post by Bump » November 16, 2006, 9:47 pm

Well maybe Lee's idea holds the most merit, put the sweeties inside and darken the windows. Back in the day the Three Dollar bar was on I beleive thse second loof of the complex and one could imbibi in some sfternnon delight there. But the most you saw from the outside was a pretty girl acting as a hostess. Inside lots of sexy little sweeties to sat and chat with a life band. If you were so inclines yuo could bar fine them. Like I said smoke and mirrors.

How the places make it in farrang alley I haven't a clue but there still there.

If politics attacks the new place, that is if it hasn't already they are in trouble.

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Post by john2005 » November 16, 2006, 11:06 pm

All the farang i see working in their bars and restaurants,do they have work permits?I thought you had to have a certain numbers of Thai employees and capital of millions of Baht etc.
If Scorpion is owned by a farang without a work permit,he just has to go behind the bar and immigration or the police could have him out the country before his feet have touched the ground.
I say move them out to the edge of town by making the current location too expensive to operate.

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Post by Bump » November 16, 2006, 11:28 pm

I haven't ever heard who owns the bar.

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Post by Doc » November 17, 2006, 12:11 am

Personally - a go-go joint does absolutely nothing for me. Of course, Tongs doesn't do much for me either. I will say nothing else on that point though as I do have a stellar reputation to uphold. :roll:

Tongs doesn't really get moving until about 11:00 - which is long after the Complex has closed down for the night. Of course, lately, Tongs has been dead even at midnight and closing time. Ultimately then, Tongs is out of the equation. Yes - some strange things go on there - however it is not necessarily employees doing the "shows" and the girls are for the most part, wearing a lot more clothes than those at Scorpion.

As I understand it - the regular police have already been to Scoprion and given them a warning for hiring / using underage girls. Hence, they are technically on thin ice. In theory, having full open windows so that one can see the dancers from the street is questionable at best. I would concur that they should do something about the window situation.

Scorpion is 10 Baht cheaper for Tiger, so they get my vote for a late night place to visit. Whether the girls are available for outside activities I have no idea, but given that most of them have tattoos, I would suspect that they are available for the right price. No doubt, the price is higher than the free lancers.

I suspect that everything will be resolved completely once Farang Alley is torn down. Without Falang Alley, there will be little support for Tongs and Scorpion, especially if the new location for Falang Alley is offering much of the same stuff at cheaper prices.

Only time will tell. Udon is changing - and there are those in the local government that would like to see changes to avoid Udon becoming another Pattaya or similar places. For that I applaud their efforts and will basically support them completely. I am of course against too many restrictions - but hen again, we do need some restrictions.

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Post by lee » November 17, 2006, 11:36 am

I drove past Scorpion last night, they have stickers (see out but cannot see in) all over the windows. The place looks pretty trendy now, good luck to them. :)

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Post by Bump » November 17, 2006, 12:30 pm

Well that would seem to solve everybody's objections accept Mr. Tongs of course

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Post by Doc » November 17, 2006, 1:01 pm

Well that would seem to solve everybody's objections accept Mr. Tongs of course
Doubtful that Scorpion is cutting into Tong's business all that much. Doubtful that Tongs will lower their drink prices to be more competitive either.

Business has been slow there on the front line for both Tongs and Scorpion. Thais seem to be staying out of Tongs these days for some reason. Could be the economy. Could be they are tired of Tong. Could be they are tired of falangs. Who knows?

Scorpion is bringing in a few falangs - but mostly Thai men. Once there are more Thai girls in Tongs, I suspect that Scorpion will be primarily for Thais and very, very few falangs.


Post by laphanphon » November 17, 2006, 1:44 pm

i would not be surprise, if the competition didn't get scorpion noticed, as i don't see much difference between the 2 places, overpriced and half the clientel live an alternative lifestyle i prefer not to be around, and i'm fairly open minded, just a bit in the face, more than i need to be around, and the female patrons seem to be looking for the newbie with deep pockets, which i am way to cheap for the beer prices, let alone the chickies.

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Post by Roadman » November 17, 2006, 2:00 pm

I leveled it up for now with a "No". And not just for this bar but with all bars.

It isn't only what is visible but also when there are a bunch of bar girls hanging around outside on the side walk trying to verbally attract you in as you walk past that annoys me as well, as was always happening to me when I used to walk past the Horseshoe and Steve's Bar's. May well be acceptable in Pattaya's well known street and is probably entertaining for the new falang in Thailand but for an old hand, a hooker's call is about exciting as a dose of the clap.
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Post by monkeyman » November 17, 2006, 3:14 pm

Doc wrote:
but given that most of them have tattoos, I would suspect that they are available for the right price.

Crikey Doc, If having tattoos makes you look available for the night for the right price, I think I might apply for a job? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Doc » November 17, 2006, 5:00 pm

Crikey Doc, If having tattoos makes you look available for the night for the right price, I think I might apply for a job?
If you look anything like your avatar - I can think of a couple, three places where you could probably get the job. :lol: :P :P :lol:

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Post by Mainer » November 17, 2006, 5:47 pm

Today I saw sexy gals in sexy dresses dancing........ on stage in the Complex !! Certainly there were "girls on public display and can easily be seen by passing traffic". Many children, gramdmoms, young and old alike watching. So 'where's the beef'?

If all the bars were removed to 10 KMs out of town, they would flourish. I used to walk 10 KMs in a snowstorm to get a beer. And it was uphill and against the blowing wind... BOTH WAYS.

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Post by Bump » November 17, 2006, 7:26 pm

You should have just turned around you would have seen a lot sexy girls, just not dancing, Isn't Thialand wondeful. Why do you think I spend all that time at the bowling alley do yuo really think I watch wife practise Bowling :lol: I shouldn't say that of course that is what I'm doing 8)

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