beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by 12345 » February 11, 2016, 9:54 am

Y'all need to Google the topic title " beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc "

As a heads up to safety issues here. Since posting informational links aren't allowed...... :roll:

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by hairyharry » February 11, 2016, 10:50 am

Thanks 12345.

Mods: I think you should allow the external link in this case.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by dunroaming » February 11, 2016, 11:04 am

I spend a lot of time in Nong Sim, playing with my RC boat or just walking the loop Sad to hear this happening in Udon, I'm sure I will be ok as Jack (Rottweiler) is always accompanies me but scary for the people on their own what happened to respect the elderly or is it just national elderly!

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by waanjai » February 11, 2016, 2:53 pm

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Aardvark » February 11, 2016, 4:18 pm

Great, there go my morning walks around Nong Sim :roll:

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by marjamlew » February 11, 2016, 5:03 pm

Watch Me!!

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by the-monk » February 11, 2016, 5:19 pm

Best wishes for a complete and quick recovery. Lock up these kids.. My TGF is worried that i go for an afternoon walk around Nong Bua Lake saying it s too dangerous, i am starting to think she might be right... I guess i will, from now on, carry a crowbar in my bag... Waanjai where were you ? No pic of these Thai cr.... !!!!!!

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Khun Paul » February 11, 2016, 6:18 pm

Five teenagers arrested in Udon Thani for robbing farang tourists

The Nation February 11, 2016 5:46 pm

Police have arrested five teenage boys for having allegedly attacked and robbed farang tourists in Udon Thani.

Udon Thani police chief Pol Maj Gen Pirapong Wongsamarn siad the teenagers are between 13 to 17 years old.

The police chief said the boys admitted that they selected elderly farang tourists and attacked and robbed them like in the violent GTA racing game.

Pirapong said the gang robbed a German tourist at 2:30 pm at park in Udon Thani downtown on Wednesday and robbed a British tourist at 10 pm behind a temple on the same day.

Our wishes have been answered it seems.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by parrot » February 11, 2016, 6:22 pm

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by parrot » February 11, 2016, 6:51 pm

Earlier in the day (the article doesn't say the time), the group attacked a French tourist with a motorcycle helmet, sending the individual to the hospital as well.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by BigRick808 » February 12, 2016, 2:27 am

Just wait until the economy gets really bad. With easier credit and more money flowing around the last several years coupled with the toys they have become accustomed to having, all of you will be an even bigger target.

Even their parents will be envious of you and talk about you at home. To them you will be the 1%.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Khun Paul » February 12, 2016, 5:41 am

Knowing a lot of Thai parents, in the main most will not even know what their little darlings are up to and would never condone what they are doing. This is typical gang related actions despite what the police say and attacks are in some cases a way of belonging. Knowing that helmets can disguise the wearer as in my day, balaclavas did. One or two of my friends were intending to walk around Nong Sim to see if we could find them, luckily for us and them the Police have done the job for us.

But I agree with the upcoming financial woes and lack of jobs as well as lack of training many youths at the end of February/ march will be out of work, left school and still wanting those items that their better off friends enjoy. It would seem wandering around alone in parks is not really recommended anymore.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Drunk Monkey » February 12, 2016, 8:43 am

Khun Paul wrote:Knowing a lot of Thai parents, in the main most will not even know what their little darlings are up to and would never condone what they are doing. This is typical gang related actions despite what the police say and attacks are in some cases a way of belonging. Knowing that helmets can disguise the wearer as in my day, balaclavas did. One or two of my friends were intending to walk around Nong Sim to see if we could find them, luckily for us and them the Police have done the job for us.

But I agree with the upcoming financial woes and lack of jobs as well as lack of training many youths at the end of February/ march will be out of work, left school and still wanting those items that their better off friends enjoy. It would seem wandering around alone in parks is not really recommended anymore.
The only people / youngsters without a job here are the lazy ones who simply dont want to work OR the rich ones who dont need to .... there is no other explanation with many businesses not being able to find people to fill positions ... the question of staff reliability comes to mind again as you mentioned KP always been a serious problem for employers here.

Back on topic , very sad incidents and pleased the police scooped these lads up quite quickly , Nong Sim was/is a lovely spot and should not be a place to avoid.

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Wee Jimmy » February 12, 2016, 9:01 am

These thugs or their parents should be made pay the medical costs for this poor guy! Plus damages!

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Drunk Monkey » February 12, 2016, 9:24 am

Wee Jimmy wrote:These thugs or their parents should be made pay the medical costs for this poor guy! Plus damages!
An excellent idea Jimmy .......but wont happen as the lads are potless layabout empty head junkies and the parents probably dont give a rats arse where they are or what they do and if they go to jail or a YODC .
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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Pooclover » February 12, 2016, 11:07 am

Just to add that an old homeless Thai Hobo was murdered two days ago in Nong Bua Park… apparently all for 100 baht…

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by 12345 » February 12, 2016, 12:34 pm

Pooclover wrote:apparently all for 100 baht…
With that tidbit, guessing culprit caught, and confessed. Do you have a link by chance.???

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by Khun Paul » February 12, 2016, 1:23 pm

May I ask that those who seem to know what the hell is going on with the local plod etc, keep their collective ears to the ground, as I fear unless we stay on top of this it will quietly disappear into bin 13 and never be heard of again. Those that know the victims offer our collective support, we want these lads and families to feel the anger and the experience the cost one way or another .

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by ting_tong » February 12, 2016, 1:58 pm

there are a lot of Udon locals upset about this............. ... 0846254490

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beaten unconscious today at nong sim parc

Post by tutone » February 12, 2016, 4:38 pm

ting_tong wrote:there are a lot of Udon locals upset about this............. ... 0846254490

I'll take your word for it. Given the poor quality of the translations for the comments, I don't know for sure what the Thai folks are thinking. But I do think that most folks in general would be appalled by the attack. This sort of thing happens everywhere, but Udon seems pretty peaceful compared to cities in the U.S. of similar size.

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