Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

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Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by FrazeeDK » October 11, 2021, 6:48 am

not moving at a blazing pace but measured, planned, and going forward. East of the railway behind the old US Army Ramasun Station Thai military post, it extends north to south about 2.5 kilomters and east at least a kilometer. Levelled, with water containment ponds, a 20 megawatt power system and heavy duty roads. There are only four buildings thus far; the power house and three large warehouses currently being used as a "hospitel" for up to 800 COVID infected patients. I see this estate getting factories built over the next few years as the SRT dual tracks up to Nong Khai and the Chinese "high speed" rail extends down from Laos into Thailand. https://www.facebook.com/udonthani.indu ... 9234131605


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Khun Paul
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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by Khun Paul » October 11, 2021, 10:36 am

Interesting, knew that Military land would eventuall;y be used for something, will upset a few I think as not wishing local markets near them, but a polluting Industrial factory complex maybe better but doubtful.

Cannot wait to see wshat industries move there, much to the chagrin of the locals I am sure. ..

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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong update

Post by FrazeeDK » December 8, 2023, 3:43 pm

Drove out through the Industrial Estate today. A number of things changed since my last visit.
1. excavation along the railway from Non Takai railway station on the east side of the tracks extending up to the northwest side of the Industrial Estate. This will be to support a dual track railway extension to a large "Dry Port" container yard. In progress, no completion date but this doesn't seem too difficult a project. The Estate business manager saw me taking pictures so stopped to chat. I asked him if the rail siding is in preparation for the SRT dual track project and on to the High Speed Rail for freight and he said yes.

2. A Danish precision machinery factory is under construction in the middle of the estate. Holm Machinery Asia. This should provide a number of high skill tech jobs for production and re-export of the equipment to Denmark according to the business manager.
here's the company's website: http://holmasia.com/

3. The Business Manager stated the employment expectation is up to 80 factories and direct 20,000 employees with up to 40,000 indirect jobs in Udon.

4. Other purchased land for businesses thus far are CP construction a giant distribution center adjacent to the Dry Port rail siding. Also on the south side of he estate an Ice Cream company is building a production facility and distribution center. There are now 3-4 new large warehouse facilities in addition to the three very large ones built on the south side of the estate about four years ago.

5. The four way intersection with traffic lights is complete on Route 2 at the dual carriageway entrance to the Industrial Estate.

Attached is a handout the business manager gave me..
Industrial park handout.JPG

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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by fdimike » December 8, 2023, 8:21 pm

Thanks for a great update. Hopefully it will provide good jobs for local people who are in need of work.
An ex-pat in the Land of Smile

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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by FrazeeDK » December 9, 2023, 8:48 am

I don't know if I buy the brochure estimate of 20,000 direct jobs on the industrial estate, but ya never know. When the SRT gets the dual tracking fully completed from Saraburi up to Khorat and KK to Nong Khai and then the High Speed Rail is done there will be a massive freight moving capacity that will encourage manufacturers to grab the tax benefits and relative cheap labor and build on the estate... Thus far, the CP giant distro center is likely a go and definitely the Danish precision equipment factory...

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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by FrazeeDK » December 22, 2023, 3:55 pm

JB Railfan YouTube channel doing an update on the Udon Thani Industrial Park. The excavations for the rail spur are moving forward quickly.. English subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9SInvNW9cA

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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by fdimike » December 22, 2023, 5:13 pm

Impressive but should have been built 20+ years ago to provide for MUCH needed jobs for the people up this way.
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Re: Udon Thani Industrial estate Non Soong

Post by FrazeeDK » December 24, 2023, 10:28 am

the original scheme started around 1998. I can remember driving over the four lane railway bridge and around the dirt roads of the newly cleared industrial zone area. Unfortunately the dtom yung goong financial crisis torpedoed the whole project. After that the estate still existed but nothing was happening. In fact, along the north side of the area a lot of squatters moved in building houses. Nearly 20 years later, again driving through the estate I noted a number of the squatter homes had been demolished and the "new" Industrial Zone had begun. It appears to be on a good path. I can only hope that cheap labor and tax/customs breaks will bring in some good sized factories. It could be most prospective businesses are waiting to see if the SRT dual track and the High Speed Rail actually get moving ahead of schedule. It'll be that container park/logistic center/rail siding that will bring in the business.... Making a product without having bulk rail transport capability would be foolish.

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