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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 6:41 am

First, there are only 4 or 5 countries of the 25+ NATO countries that have been paying what THEY AGREED to pay into their defense. Germany isn't one of them.

Second, Trump's references in all of his criticism of Germany and their energy imports had nothing to do with what percentage of Germany's energy use is gas. The comments had everything to do with Germany's gas imports from Russia. Even the BBC article verified what Trump claimed.
Mr Trump is right that Germany relies on Russia for most of its gas imports. Eurostat estimates that Russia is responsible for between 50% and 75% of Germany's gas imports.

The commodities brokerage Marex Spectron told Reality Check that about 60% of Germany's gas was imported from Russia, with most of the rest coming from Norway.
The POINT of it all is the following, and Trump made them:

1. Germany wants protection from Russia, yet they depend on 50-75% of their gas imports from Russia.
2. Germany wants the US to protect them from Russia, yet they construct high tariffs and trade barriers on US products.
3. Germany is one of the wealthiest countries in the EU, yet they cannot meet their agreed-to obligations under NATO while paying billions to Russia.

It's the HYPOCRISY of Germany and their disingenuous actions that is the crux of this issue. Allies? Hardly.

And to top it off, you've got former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder running the project. What a sweetheart deal. Even a child could see the hypocrisy and questionable motivations in all of this.

I have said for decades that it's time for Europe to defend themselves. WW2 has been over for almost 75 years. The US not only liberated Europe from the Nazis, but the US paid taxpayer dollars to rebuild the continent. Enough is enough.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 6:53 am

Since Obama, the food stamp president, left office, food stamp participation has steadily DECREASED under Trump.

For the first time in 8 years, food stamp participation dropped below 40 million. According to the US Dept of Agriculture, 39.6 million were enrolled in the program as of April 2018.

Both the reform of the welfare system and favorable economic conditions have contributed to the decline.

Under Trump, 2.5 million fewer people discontinued their participation in SNAP, mainly due to the Trump administration’s attempts to keep down program costs at the federal and state levels. Preventing fraud is a priority. There were thousands on the rolls who were collecting benefits fraudulently.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 7:15 am

As usual, the NY Times is FOS. One should always question articles rife with anonymous sources. :)

Trump called out the NY Times for their phony reporting. The real story is here and even more in the link:

http://thefederalist.com/2018/07/10/no- ... ganization
This is not an atypical approach for some anti-formula activists. “Baby Milk Action,” which was favorably quoted in the article, and ran much of the anti-formula marketing part of the assembly, is known for its long-running boycott of Nestlé, which makes and markets baby formula to mothers.

The United States suggested a shorter and more streamlined resolution that encouraged promoting exclusive breastfeeding as well as global initiatives to encourage breastfeeding in hospitals. Delegates from around the world debated for a few days, culminating with all member states in the room reaching consensus on a final draft. On a video available on the World Health Organization web site, the involved parties openly discuss how they reached consensus, emphasize the importance of reaching consensus, and then applaud the passage of the consensus document. The public discussion and applause of the process is a far cry from the “stunned” “shock” alleged in media reports.

The U.S. delegation doesn’t agree with a public health policy of keeping information away from women who are feeding their children. But that doesn’t mean that they oppose exclusive breastfeeding or its encouragement. Describing radical anti-formula efforts as “encouragement of breastfeeding,” as media reports did, is extremely tendentious.

“The Trump Administration believes it’s a public health priority that women and their families have all the information to decide how to appropriately deliver nutrition to their children, whether it is via breastfeeding or other methods,” an HHS spokesman said.

The agency pointed out that the United States has a long history of supporting breastfeeding and breastfeeding programs, and is the largest bilateral donor of foreign assistance programs in this area. Exclusive breastfeeding rates have doubled across 20 of countries where these programs have focused between 1990 and 2014, they say. The U.S. also supports complementary feeding programs and accurate description of the same as a matter of long-standing policy. The original resolution would have made that policy goal difficult, officials said.
The New York Times says the United States threatened Ecuador and other small countries with trade and military repercussions, but it provides no evidence to support the claim outside of anonymous sources. Health and Human Services spokespeople repeatedly denied the allegation, saying theirs was the lead agency in negotiations on the resolution, and at no time were there any such threats regarding trade sanctions in any conversation related to the negotiation of this resolution.
Facts matter. Anonymous sources are anonymous for a reason. Critical thinking required.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by thaiguzzi » July 12, 2018, 3:38 pm

Lone Star wrote:
July 12, 2018, 6:41 am
WW2 has been over for almost 75 years. The US not only liberated Europe from the Nazis, but the US paid taxpayer dollars to rebuild the continent. Enough is enough.
Ah yeah, i forgot, the 'Mercans won WW II and "liberated" Europe from the Nazis. Single handedly. Forget the Brits and Canadians on 3 of the 5 D Day beaches. Er, forget the war in the East. Ah yes those pesky Russians on the Eastern front with multi million casualties. Does'nt count. Goddamm Commies.
Lets move onto the US taxpayer paid for the rebuilding.Not in Britain it did'nt. Everything was loans WITH INTEREST (wars are such a nice little earner the US discovered) and only repaid recently i believe.
But carry on spouting your Star Spangled Banner Bollox.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 4:05 pm

thaiguzzi wrote:
July 12, 2018, 3:38 pm
Lone Star wrote:
July 12, 2018, 6:41 am
WW2 has been over for almost 75 years. The US not only liberated Europe from the Nazis, but the US paid taxpayer dollars to rebuild the continent. Enough is enough.
Ah yeah, i forgot, the 'Mercans won WW II and "liberated" Europe from the Nazis. Single handedly. Forget the Brits and Canadians on 3 of the 5 D Day beaches. Er, forget the war in the East. Ah yes those pesky Russians on the Eastern front with multi million casualties. Does'nt count. Goddamm Commies.
Lets move onto the US taxpayer paid for the rebuilding.Not in Britain it did'nt. Everything was loans WITH INTEREST (wars are such a nice little earner the US discovered) and only repaid recently i believe.
But carry on spouting your Star Spangled Banner Bollox.
Anyone of reasonable intelligence knows that the allies were integrally involved in the liberation of Europe. 55555

Marshall Plan. Read up. Whether loans, or grants, or gifts -- American taxpayers were on the hook for it. Thank God that America had the ability to provide assistance in providing the rebuilding or many would still be digging out.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by thaiguzzi » July 12, 2018, 4:31 pm

Lone Star wrote:
July 12, 2018, 4:05 pm
thaiguzzi wrote:
July 12, 2018, 3:38 pm
Lone Star wrote:
July 12, 2018, 6:41 am
WW2 has been over for almost 75 years. The US not only liberated Europe from the Nazis, but the US paid taxpayer dollars to rebuild the continent. Enough is enough.
Ah yeah, i forgot, the 'Mercans won WW II and "liberated" Europe from the Nazis. Single handedly. Forget the Brits and Canadians on 3 of the 5 D Day beaches. Er, forget the war in the East. Ah yes those pesky Russians on the Eastern front with multi million casualties. Does'nt count. Goddamm Commies.
Lets move onto the US taxpayer paid for the rebuilding.Not in Britain it did'nt. Everything was loans WITH INTEREST (wars are such a nice little earner the US discovered) and only repaid recently i believe.
But carry on spouting your Star Spangled Banner Bollox.
Anyone of reasonable intelligence knows that the allies were integrally involved in the liberation of Europe. 55555

Marshall Plan. Read up. Whether loans, or grants, or gifts -- American taxpayers were on the hook for it. Thank God that America had the ability to provide assistance in providing the rebuilding or many would still be digging out.
Different tunes.
Tune 1. US liberated Europe.
Tune 2. Allies integrally involved.
Allies =
Free French
Underground throughout Europe
New Zealand
Et al.

Anyway i'm outta here, it pains me to post on this forum which has degenerated into the worst forum i unfortunately peruse, due to it's occasional informative post hidden by stuff like this thread....

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 4:59 pm

thaiguzzi wrote:
July 12, 2018, 4:31 pm

Anyway i'm outta here, it pains me to post on this forum which has degenerated into the worst forum i unfortunately peruse, due to it's occasional informative post hidden by stuff like this thread....
Get your eyes checked. I don't have a problem finding threads that interest me. Then, don't open threads that don't interest you. Toodle-loo. :)
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2018, 5:12 pm


Same number of human trafficking arrests in 18 months than Obama had in 7 years.

Not all that surprising considering that Obama thought he was a "citizen of the world" globalist -- among other things.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by skinner » July 12, 2018, 6:41 pm

Spinning things one way as usual. The 2 % of gdp countries agreed to was a GOAL TO BE REACHED BY 2024.
French President Macron has today confirmed that is still the case. FACTS MATTER.

As for America liberating Europe , Take some of your own advice and do some reading.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by stattointhailand » July 12, 2018, 7:19 pm

skinner wrote:
July 12, 2018, 6:41 pm
Spinning things one way as usual. The 2 % of gdp countries agreed to was a GOAL TO BE REACHED BY 2024.
French President Macron has today confirmed that is still the case. FACTS MATTER.

As for America liberating Europe , Take some of your own advice and do some reading.

skinner, if he's only going to read right wing political bullsh*t, designed to misslead the masses it doesnt matter how much he reads as they will never let him see the truth.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tinpeeba » July 12, 2018, 7:35 pm

Almost everything Trump says or tweets is like another verse for Handlebars by Flobots.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4 ... e=youtu.be

One of my favourite Trump sayings, which he repeated at the NATO summit: "I am a very stable genius".

Not the words of a well man.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 13, 2018, 6:07 am

tinpeeba wrote:
July 12, 2018, 7:35 pm
Almost everything Trump says or tweets is like another verse for Handlebars by Flobots.

One of my favourite Trump sayings, which he repeated at the NATO summit: "I am a very stable genius".

Not the words of a well man.
If this petty criticism is all you've got versus all of the documented accomplishments of this president after only 18 months in office, you are on the wrong side of issues important to restoring America after the destruction wrought by the previous administration. Reversing much of what occurred between 2009 and 2016 is why America has rebounded.

There are times when Trump says things that make me cringe a bit, but when weighed against the actions that he has taken to strengthen the country domestically, economically and overseas, his actions for good for America far outweigh anything that Trump fails to say in a politically correct way.

Perhaps you'd prefer Merkel of Deutschland -- throwing open the gates for invaders to criminally assault, rape and murder her citizens and acting like everything is just fine.

Perhaps May of the UK -- ignoring the will of her people and a democratic election to retire to the smoke-filled rooms to finagle some half-measure that minimizes the Brexit vote of her People. Not to mention people thrown in jail for speaking truth and the society over-run with invaders imposing their cultural norms and values upon British citizens and in their "no go" zones.

Or Macron of France -- chastising other EU members for wanting to defend their borders, their cultures and their societies against criminal invaders. Macron's misery seeking company.

Always very proper language from those three. Appearances always so prim and proper. Rarely if ever have any verbal misstep as they maneuver through political language with all the right things to say -- to cover up what they are doing. They are always sure to say the right things while their actions undermine the safety, the security and the Will of THEIR People.

I'll take Trump's sometimes poor choice of words and successful actions for his citizens over any of those other elected leaders. There is not a leader of any country in the world that I would prefer in his place, and I can't think of one American politician who would have accomplished as much in the face of all of the frivolous attacks, lies, lawsuits and other efforts to undermine his administration. Anyone else would have crumbled, stumbled and been looking for an exit out the door at the first opportunity. Trump is the right person for the job at this time in American history.

So keep on dancing with glee over your petty criticisms of Trump's words. Trump is doing what so many other leaders in other countries are failing to do -- stand with his Citizens and keep his promises with decisive action.

Too bad if the world doesn't like "America First." Trump was elected to govern in America -- not the world. He is committed to not allowing America or its citizens to be screwed over in the homeland or abroad. Citizens of other countries can only hope that they had an elected leader who cares as much about them and their homeland as Trump loves and cares for the US and its People.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by newtovillagelife » July 13, 2018, 7:50 am

Those who support him, he calls friends, those against, he calls enemies. So to him at least half of the US citizens are his foes. Sounds like he is provoking a civil war.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by GT93 » July 13, 2018, 8:08 am

In the UK too. [-X
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Giggle » July 13, 2018, 3:25 pm

Obama set the bar fairly low, didn't he? This from Oct 23, 2010:
After House Minority Leader John Boehner chided him for using the term "enemies"in a conversation last week with Univision Radio, President Obama offered an explication for his remark in an interview today with talk radio host Michael Baisden.

Following is Mr. Obama's "enemies" quote from the Univision interview:

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election -- then I think it's going to be harder. And that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd."

Here is what Boehner said about Mr. Obama's use of the word "enemies" in prepared remarks for a speech Monday night.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as 'our enemies.' Think about that. He actually used that word. When Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush used the word 'enemy,' they reserved it for global terrorists and foreign dictators -- enemies of the United States. Enemies of freedom. Enemies of our country. Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow Americans -- fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government -- people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs. Mr. President, there's a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don't call them 'enemies.' We call them 'patriots.'"
So to him at least half of the US citizens are his foes. Sounds like he is provoking a civil war.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by papafarang » July 13, 2018, 5:14 pm

newtovillagelife wrote:
July 13, 2018, 7:50 am
Those who support him, he calls friends, those against, he calls enemies. So to him at least half of the US citizens are his foes. Sounds like he is provoking a civil war.
living on a platform of hate , simple strategy
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 13, 2018, 10:16 pm

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 14, 2018, 9:53 am



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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by skinner » July 14, 2018, 10:23 am

Penny for the thoughts of the guardsmen ?

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Sport » July 14, 2018, 10:53 am

skinner wrote:
July 14, 2018, 10:23 am
Penny for the thoughts of the guardsmen ?
They were thinking a couple of things.
1. " I wish he was our boss".
2. " Can we march to London and bayonet the anti-Trump protesters and bust their balloon with Mr Trump leading"
3. " I am happy Mr Trump is on our side, a great man with steel in his veins".

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