U.S. Politics

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Lone Star
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 14, 2019, 1:13 pm

ISIS-infested island on the Tigris River in Iraq bombed into fine powder with 40 tons of bombs.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 14, 2019, 8:13 pm


After the 2 election wins by Republicans in North Carolina last week, Republicans only need to flip 18 seats to regain control of the House.

There are at least 40 Democrat seats representing House districts that Trump won in 2016.

Stay tuned.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Domat » September 14, 2019, 10:08 pm

To all the GET TRUMP Trolls out there. Stop calling him the orange clown. Here is the reason.
President Trump: "The light bulb. People said what's with the light bulb. I said here's the story, and I looked at it. The bulb that we're being forced to use. Number one, to me, most importantly, the light's no good. I always look orange. And so do you. The light is the worst."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Stantheman » September 15, 2019, 1:58 am

Domat wrote:
September 14, 2019, 10:08 pm
To all the GET TRUMP Trolls out there. Stop calling him the orange clown. Here is the reason.
President Trump: "The light bulb. People said what's with the light bulb. I said here's the story, and I looked at it. The bulb that we're being forced to use. Number one, to me, most importantly, the light's no good. I always look orange. And so do you. The light is the worst."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe he can get the EPA roll back the Sun too, that will really cut back on the Orange

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 15, 2019, 7:14 am


Six more Originalist judges were confirmed this past week by the US Senate, which brings Trump's judicial confirmation count to 150! These judicial appointments will continue to keep the courts in line with the US Constitution and stifle the efforts by activist judges to legislate from the bench.


I look forward to the continuing appointment and confirmation of Originalist judges.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 8:50 am

Another GREAT GREAT statement by good ole Donny

"Trump Called Out ‘Where’s My Favorite Dictator?’ When Looking for Egyptian President at G7"

Not only were people stunned and silenced but reports are coming in that The Little Fat Guy in North Korea isn't happy as he is now the Second Favorite Dictator

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by GT93 » September 15, 2019, 4:25 pm

Don't under-estimate the importance of the fat little guy. Trump probably needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat on North Korea by late next year. He isn't going to get it from the Taliban, Iran or the Chinese. Trump will want to brag about some foreign policy success that evaded Obama. Something that will go down well in the electorally significant contested states.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by newtovillagelife » September 15, 2019, 6:00 pm

Udon Map wrote:
September 14, 2019, 10:59 am
Lone Star wrote:
September 13, 2019, 9:05 pm
None of that is news to me, but a nice list of media reports.

Trump has always said he was willing to meet without preconditions.
Again, what you say is accurate, but you've changed the subject. That's not what we were talking about. The statement which you derided as unsupported was that Trump was considering the French economic plan with regard to Iran. I provided you with sources. That's all. He is considering it.
Why do you waste your time with Lone Star, every time you confront him with facts that prove him wrong, he ignores you. I guess you crave the approval, of another yank, sad life. Oh dear, I'm sure this will get deleted, true hurts.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 15, 2019, 6:27 pm


When you give Democrats an opportunity to expose themselves as the HATERS that they are, they are always almost certainly to oblige.

Their latest stunt is to try to block aid to farmers during the tariff war with China. Why would they do that? Because most of those farmers aren't going to vote for Democrats anyway. Secondly, GET TRUMP BECAUSE TRUMP.

The Washington Post has revealed this underhanded attempt to cripple US agriculture through legislation authored by House Democrat Nita Lowey of New York. The mission of the bill is to block Trump's ability to help farmers.

As has been the case even before Trump was elected, Democrats are willing for America and Americans to suffer as long as it is politically helpful to Democrats. After Trump, their motives are to always GET TRUMP -- no matter the collateral damage.

Democrats prove once again that they hate America and hate Americans.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 15, 2019, 6:31 pm


The Census Bureau data makes liars out of the Democrats -- AGAIN.

- US median household income hits highest level in almost two decades -- $63,200

- New record highs in median income for women, Latinos and Asians

- Median family income has risen to $80,700

- Poverty rate fell to 11.8% -- lowest level since 2001

- Record low poverty levels achieved for Black Americans and Latinos

- 2017 and 2018, over 2.5 million Americans lifted out of poverty on Trump's watch (numbers had increased by almost 1 million under Bayrack)

- Wage growth among blue-collar workers is growing at an accelerated pace and faster than white-collar workers

- The bottom 10% of workers are experiencing wage growth twice as fast as the rest of the country

- Since about 2/3 of Americans own stocks through various employment and personal choices, millions of Americans are also benefiting from the record gains in the stock market since Trump's election

However, even with all of these facts, Democrats are expected to continue to lie about the US economy.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 15, 2019, 6:37 pm


Americans of all political persuasions are fed up with ILLEGAL migration and immigration. They are especially frustrated with the continued raids on social services and local, federal and state institutions like health care, law enforcement and education -- to the detriment of US citizens and especially of harm to the tax revenue coffers.

The latest Harvard Harris Poll bears this out again.

A full 60% of American voters are against providing any welfare to legal immigrants. Within that total percentage are the following breakdowns:

- Independent voters 62% against
- Republicans 77% against
- Moderate voters (whatever that is) 60% against

More than 60% of all voters surveyed are in favor of the "public charge" rule.

A full 80% of American voters believe that ILLEGAL ALIENS should not be allowed to use welfare benefits of any kind -- to include public housing, food stamps, disability and health care. Even DEMOCRATS find this hugely unpopular, and 70% of them oppose ILLEGAL ALIENS being provided with social services. Those who consider themselves to be "liberal" agree at a rate of over 60%.

One of the more shocking results of one demographic polled found that a majority of Latino Americans support Trump's efforts to block welfare-dependent immigrants -- both legal and illegal. Those same Latinos -- a majority of 56% -- agree with Trump in denying legal residency to any legal or illegal immigrant using welfare services. An astounding number -- 65% of Latinos -- said ILLEGAL aliens should not be allowed to claim any welfare programs. Black Americans agreed at a rate of 71%.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report that shows that noncitizen households in the US use TWICE as much welfare as native-born American citizen households.

The burden of ILLEGAL ALIENS on all levels of social services has become a tax on Americans that is in the billions of dollars every year.

Sanctuary Cities Map.jpg

Addendum to attached map:

More of the legacy of Democrat attempts at undermining the rule of law and putting Americans at risk.

To date, there are nine sanctuary states in the US. There are nearly 200 counties, cities, and towns that have implemented sanctuary policies to shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation and the law.

Promoting lawlessness.
Last edited by Lone Star on September 16, 2019, 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by jackspratt » September 15, 2019, 8:35 pm

Lone Star wrote:
September 15, 2019, 6:37 pm

A full 60% of American voters are against providing any welfare to legal immigrants.
Have you been able to find a figure for those approving of providing welfare to farmers being crippled by Trump's War on China?

I understand it is known as "socialism" in polite circles.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 9:07 pm

The Census Bureau data makes liars out of the Democrats -- AGAIN. I dont think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- US median household income hits highest level in almost two decades -- $63,200

Now lets see what Whosit said
Household income UP over 20 years. Well of course because a house sure isnt the same price nor the grocery bill?? DUH
Why would one bring this on as a celebration???

And again and again same arguement

* here we go again

Since 2014, the poverty rate has fallen 3.0 percentage points, from 14.8% to 11.8%.
present the proper information
Poverty rate fell to 11.8% -- lowest level since 2001 NOT!!!!!!!!
The poverty rate in 2001 was 11.7 percent, up from 11.3 percent in 2000.
https://www.census.gov/library/publicat ... 0-219.html

I now know why you fall into the TRUMP Mode
You continue to BS and do not provide the TRUTH
Cut and paste my arse

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 9:19 pm

"The latest Harvard Harris Poll bears this out again."

How can this be trusted????
POLLS You are mentioning POLLS!!!!!
I thought Your Greatness was dead set against POLLS
They are evil, untrustworthy,never ending malarkey, oh my God run for the Hills Children its another POLL

What has the USA come to but another Poll, when will they end!?!?!?

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 15, 2019, 9:39 pm

The Census Bureau data makes liars out of the Democrats -- AGAIN.

. . .
You repeatedly prove that you do not have the intellectual capacity to engage in discussions.
Poverty rate fell to 11.8% -- lowest level since 2001 NOT!!!!!!!!
Are you ready to get BOPPED AGAIN?

Here we go. Pay close attention.

If the poverty rate is 11.8% now, and the poverty rate was 11.7% in 2001 and wasn't lower than 11.8% since 2001, then the poverty rate IS INDEED at its lowest level since 2001.

Again: SINCE 2001 -- when it was 11.7%. Not INCLUDING 2001, but SINCE 2001.

Your emotion has become so overwhelming that you can't even comprehend words and their meanings anymore.

Your other ridiculous comment about household income is exactly what you have been arguing IS HAPPENING in the US economy -- that consumers' wages and incomes are not keeping up with product prices. HUH? So now you claim that household income automatically rises because things cost more. That's idiotic and goes against what you've been claiming is happening in the US economy.

More cognitive dissonance comes to mind. I'm beginning to believe that you really have no comprehension about economics and free markets at all. One of the main reasons for my thinking this is that you don't even seem to know how "household income" is defined. For some reason you are equating it to the cost of a house. Sorry, genius. Not related. If you didn't mean it that way, then it speaks to your continued inability to form a coherent thought and communicate it well.

In free enterprise, there is no guarantee that income and wages will rise along with the cost of products, services and real estate. In fact, genius, that's what happens with INFLATION when wages and income don't keep up with prices. This is the very thing that you keep saying is happening in the US economy (even though it is not) and harming consumers. Idiotic.

You don't even know what you're talking about -- on almost every level. You need to stick to your "Yes it really happened thread." That is more in line with your intellectual level.

emotionally rake.jpg
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Udon Map
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Udon Map » September 15, 2019, 9:44 pm

newtovillagelife wrote:
September 15, 2019, 6:00 pm
Udon Map wrote:
September 14, 2019, 10:59 am
Lone Star wrote:
September 13, 2019, 9:05 pm
None of that is news to me, but a nice list of media reports.

Trump has always said he was willing to meet without preconditions.
Again, what you say is accurate, but you've changed the subject. That's not what we were talking about. The statement which you derided as unsupported was that Trump was considering the French economic plan with regard to Iran. I provided you with sources. That's all. He is considering it.
Why do you waste your time with Lone Star, every time you confront him with facts that prove him wrong, he ignores you. I guess you crave the approval, of another yank, sad life. Oh dear, I'm sure this will get deleted, true hurts.
Perhaps because I'm more open minded than you, and don't write people off as quickly? Just a guess. Lively debate, multiple points of view, keep the democracy strong.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 10:10 pm

Your emotion has become so overwhelming that you can't even comprehend words and their meanings anymore.

Your other ridiculous comment about household income is exactly what you have been arguing IS HAPPENING in the US economy -- that consumers' wages and incomes are not keeping up with product prices. HUH? So now you claim that household income automatically rises because things cost more. That's idiotic and goes against what you've been claiming is happening in the US economy.

More cognitive dissonance comes to mind. I'm beginning to believe that you really have no comprehension about economics and free markets at all. One of the main reasons for my thinking this is that you don't even seem to know how "household income" is defined. For some reason you are equating it to the cost of a house. Sorry, genius. Not related. If you didn't mean it that way, then it speaks to your continued inability to form a coherent thought and communicate it well.

In free enterprise, there is no guarantee that income and wages will rise along with the cost of products, services and real estate. In fact, genius, that's what happens with INFLATION when wages and income don't keep up with prices. This is the very thing that you keep saying is happening in the US economy (even though it is not) and harming consumers. Idiotic.

You don't even know what you're talking about -- on almost every level. You need to stick to your "Yes it really happened thread." That is more in line with your intellectual level."

TOO MANY WORDS Here let me help you You come on with "Utter BS"
Hope this helps

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 10:18 pm

It appears the Donny the Treasue May Need SPELL CHECK

Trump misspells libel in furious outburst over new Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault allegation

Donald Trump has suggested Brett Kavanaugh sue for "liable" — meaning to say "libel" — after a fresh sexual assault allegation was raised against the Supreme Court justice in the New York Times.

He is loosing it, just like others that go on a RANT!!!!!

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 10:35 pm

"TOO MANY WORDS Here let me help you You come on with "Utter BS"
Hope this helps"

Not one referral to any sites, data just once again and many of them "your word". I have spent time researching your statements and OOOPPS they are pretty well trash, trash, trash.

So many statements just like the Golden One why would we believe such drivel.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 15, 2019, 10:40 pm

You need to stick to your "Yes it really happened thread."

Glad to see you are viewing my post along with others that contribute.
I know it brings a smile to others far from what is posted on your sites, crime, distrust, murder, gun control, etc
Me emotional?????

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