CAT & IBM create app to track tourists’ health

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CAT & IBM create app to track tourists’ health

Post by Niggly » October 12, 2020, 10:30 am

The Nation
8 October 2020


State telecom agency CAT Telecom has teamed up with IBM to develop the CAT Covid Tracker service for alternative state quarantine (ASQ) hotels to keep track of their guests’ health condition.
This system aims to help reduce risks and build confidence once Thailand reopens its doors to foreign tourists.Dr Wongkot Vijacksungsithi, CAT’s senior executive vice president for digital business, said the application allows ASQ hotels to keep track of guests’ health digitally instead of getting staff to check on the guest in person.Under the system, guests will be given a username and password and will be required to record their daily health information, such as temperature and symptoms.The system will then automatically create files that can be submitted to the Department of Disease Control. The app also allows guests to talk directly to doctors or nurses from partnering hospitals.The app also tracks the health of hotel staff, providing notifications if any cases are found so other personnel can protect themselves and treatment can be provided in a timely manner.
The CAT Covid Tracker, which took just one month to develop, leverages the capabilities of CAT's cloud services, together with experiences in open-source management and support services from IBM

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Re: CAT & IBM create app to track tourists’ health

Post by stattointhailand » October 12, 2020, 11:26 am

Wot . the "world leading" track & trace system developed by Domonic Cummings CAT (without assistance from IBM) not good enough ....... suppose they want something that works for their money =; =;

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