The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

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The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by Whistler » April 8, 2023, 11:13 am

The federal election in May 2022, led a raft of electoral successes for Progressives in Australia culminating in last week's staggering result where a sitting government won a seat of the main opposition in a by-election. The first time this has happened in more than 100 years.

But the Labor vote is static/fading too. The Liberal party has been taken over by the far right with moderate liberals shifting their vote. Women and younger voters will no.longer vote Liberal. IMHO that party has painted itself into an ever shrinking corner. Australian politics seems to have been changed forever.

The following article seems to sum it up well. ... 5cyp6.html

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Udon Map
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Re: The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by Udon Map » April 8, 2023, 7:35 pm

Center-right politics is also dying or already dead in the U.S.

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Re: The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by Whistler » April 8, 2023, 7:45 pm

Not just USA, many countries in Europe have progressives against far right. Italy, Austria, Sweden etc etc.

I suggest the issue is the moderate central are well fed and apathetic, the left are idealist, the right are radicalised and the meek will not inherit the earth.
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Re: The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by joudon » April 9, 2023, 7:03 am

Why is it " far right" now, not just "right" .? Progressive ??? you mean re writing history, censoring well loved books.and grooming school kids with all sorts of " perverted ideas.

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Re: The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by jackspratt » April 9, 2023, 11:19 am

When the history of the Liberal (sic) Party of Australia is written, it will record that a centre-right Bob Menzies founded it, and that a far further-right John Howard sowed the seeds of its destruction.

Labor has now grabbed the middle ground of Oz politics, and demographics (age, sex and origin) are going to mean the Libs and Nats are going to find it impossible to drag back. If they were serious about wanting to, the Libs would need to split, with a moderate, small "l" party being re-established in the mould of Menzies.

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Re: The demise of Centre Right politics in Australia

Post by Whistler » April 9, 2023, 12:38 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 9, 2023, 11:19 am
When the history of the Liberal (sic) Party of Australia is written, it will record that a centre-right Bob Menzies founded it, and that a far further-right John Howard sowed the seeds of its destruction.

Labor has now grabbed the middle ground of Oz politics, and demographics (age, sex and origin) are going to mean the Libs and Nats are going to find it impossible to drag back. If they were serious about wanting to, the Libs would need to split, with a moderate, small "l" party being re-established in the mould of Menzies.
There are no obvious leaders to take over from Dutton. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
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