Australian Election

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Re: Australian Election

Post by tamada » May 23, 2022, 3:10 pm

Sport wrote:
May 23, 2022, 1:54 pm
trekkertony wrote:
May 23, 2022, 12:46 pm
A clever achievement given that they had 32% of the primary vote and the LNP had 35% of the primary vote
TT, its a rotten system we have in Australia. Somehow someone has to come up with a better way of the present voting system. Get rid of the preference voting, if you vote for LNP or Labor, thats who you want, not someone down the ticket. Also making voting mandatory should be given the boot.
You mean a better way for the worst party to win?
trekkertony wrote:
May 23, 2022, 2:43 pm
If only that was to come into being Sport.
...they would still have lost.
Whistler wrote:
May 23, 2022, 2:52 pm
Other countries have run-off elections if no one party achieves 50% of the vote, so those who voted for a minor party would have to vote again at the runoffs, same result. The recent French Presidential election is an example of how this operates.

65% of the country DID NOT VOTE for Liberals as first preference, they would have gone to run-offs if we had that system, then Labor would still have won 53% to 47%. Run-off elections are also a form of preferential elections, but is more long-winded.

Don't blame the system, Labor would have won in both cases. The advantage of the preferential system that operates in Australia, is we get the same result but with a single election.

sour grapes?
Yes. I see at least two bunches of them.

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Re: Australian Election

Post by marjamlew » May 23, 2022, 4:58 pm

Mark McGowan telling it as it is -
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Re: Australian Election

Post by jackspratt » May 23, 2022, 7:06 pm

It would be the ultimate definition of "tone deaf" if the conservatives were to elect Dutton as their next leader.

But as I said a few posts ago, it would be happy times for Labor, and the Independents.

And ya' gotta' smile when the forum right-wingers start pushing for a first-past-the-post voting system. Kim Beazley would be smiling along with us.

Lew - Mark nailed it, as he has for the past few years. Please take note, tamada. 8)

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Re: Australian Election

Post by Barney » May 23, 2022, 10:04 pm

Whistler wrote:
Earnest wrote:
May 22, 2022, 3:34 pm
BBC: Australia election: Anthony Albanese signals climate policy change


Climate change has been controversial in Australia more so than Blighty, apparently.
Mr Albanese, who will be heading Australia's first Labor government in almost a decade, also promised to adopt more ambitious emissions targets.
However, he has so far refused calls to phase out coal use, or to block the opening of new coal mines.
The difficulty is jobs, not sure how he would attack this one. Rather like the UK Labour Party being reluctant to define what a woman is. :D
It is not a difficult task at all. It is a wonderful opportunity. You do not close coal mines or natural gas projects without having renewable energy sources ready to fill the need for electricity, you cannot phase out fossil fuel for motor vehicles until a practical alternative source is available.

I have a client called BZE (Beyond Zero Emmissions) who has several tailored plans to manage the transition. Build renewables in those areas that will have to phase out fossil fuels. Setting up the infrastructure creates a huge amount of jobs, engineers in coal mines can become engineers in the renewable sector.

Australia has vast amount of land, huge amounts of solar power, plenty of wind power. It also has great scientists, engineers and a well educated, skilled workforce. The Great Dividing Range is the fifth longest mountain range on earth, water can be pumped uphill using solar, and drive turbines when it runs back down, 24 x 7. Energy can be stored in so many ways without batteries.

Pilot systems are being built now, with a determined government this is all possible in a reasonable timeframe. Australia could lead the world in Hydrogen power.

I think we are going to see a power revolution grow over the next few years, and about time.
What a load or absolute tripe.
The lefty supporters are crowing about renewables as though the federal govt was not signing off on projects. Tell the facts of you want to be taken as credible.
The liberals approved and signed off on billions worth of projects. A list to long to show here. Snowy 2 about 4 billion, Tallawarra B in Wollongong 30o plus million, Sun metals 5 billion NT will provide power to Darwin and send power via an undersea cable to Singapore for at least 20% of their power needs day and night.
It’s obvious as a computer consultant and not close to the industry you have no idea. All the pie in the sky list of opportunities have been discussed, but one thing your not for profit BZE forget is who will invest, investors want there money back eventually. Certain large construction companies in australia will refuse to build as they done their arse on ugly wind farms. Pumping water up hills to flow back for power has been a failure. They have to be mega projects to work. 3 projects wanting to pump water up a hill, 2 in SA have been canned as not viable. Again bang for buck stops them.
Looks like labor supporters have just followed the vague promises spewing out of each ways mouth.
Time will tell how quickly thing progress over the next few years before each way has to be held accountable.

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Re: Australian Election

Post by Earnest » May 24, 2022, 12:43 am

Earnest wrote:
May 22, 2022, 3:34 pm
The difficulty is jobs, not sure how he would attack this one.
Whistler wrote:It is not a difficult task at all. It is a wonderful opportunity. You do not close coal mines or natural gas projects without having renewable energy sources ready to fill the need for electricity, you cannot phase out fossil fuel for motor vehicles until a practical alternative source is available.
Barney wrote:
May 23, 2022, 10:04 pm
What a load or absolute tripe.
The lefty supporters are crowing about renewables as though the federal govt was not signing off on projects. Tell the facts of you want to be taken as credible.
The liberals approved and signed off on billions worth of projects. A list to long to show here.
My Nan used to cook up tripe.

No problem with the Whistler's response, he seems like a decent sort. I was trying to make the point that people would use jobs as a blocker to climate change initiatives just like here in Blighty. For example, HMG is trying to open a coal mine in Cumbria at a time when others in the country are trying to promote CC. People are using the jobs ticket as an excuse not to do the good stuff.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by pepesgrill » May 24, 2022, 1:33 am

always the same dreamers bleating about energy
using the term ( renewables) which isn't accurate
because it's often horribly inefficient , wasteful and creates ecological damage no-one ever figures. they're already predicting rolling blackouts
this summer from EV strain on system. no foresight

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Re: Australian Election

Post by GT93 » May 24, 2022, 2:31 am

A British columnist summed up Morrison and the Aussie election this way:
Scott Morrison, the now ousted rightwing prime minister dubbed Australia’s first “post-truth” leader, was never quite a Trumpian. But he was a shameless culture warrior presiding over a bungled Covid response and ensuing recession, plus a clumsy response to high-profile sexual misconduct allegations against parliamentary colleagues. He dragged his feet on the climate crisis even as apocalyptic floods, fires and droughts were convincing Australians that something had to change, and holidayed in Hawaii as wildfires raged at home. His opponent, Labor’s Anthony Albanese, was not exactly overburdened with charisma and the progressive vote eventually split between Labor, the Greens and the so-called teal independents, an exasperated army of mainly female candidates pledging to clean up politics and tackle the climate. But the cautious Albanese and his mantra of “safe change” – nothing too big or scarily radical – still made it over the line, having seemingly learned from a previous Labor defeat blamed on an over-ambitious manifesto. If any of this sounds uncannily familiar to British readers, then it’s easy to see why Keir Starmer’s Labour party (and indeed the Greens) might suddenly have their tails up. ... t-morrison
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Re: Australian Election

Post by Whistler » May 24, 2022, 4:34 am

What a load or absolute tripe.
The lefty supporters are crowing about renewables as though the federal govt was not signing off on projects. Tell the facts of you want to be taken as credible.
The liberals approved and signed off on billions worth of projects. A list to long to show here. Snowy 2 about 4 billion, Tallawarra B in Wollongong 30o plus million, Sun metals 5 billion NT will provide power to Darwin and send power via an undersea cable to Singapore for at least 20% of their power needs day and night.
It’s obvious as a computer consultant and not close to the industry you have no idea. All the pie in the sky list of opportunities have been discussed, but one thing your not for profit BZE forget is who will invest, investors want there money back eventually. Certain large construction companies in australia will refuse to build as they done their arse on ugly wind farms. Pumping water up hills to flow back for power has been a failure. They have to be mega projects to work. 3 projects wanting to pump water up a hill, 2 in SA have been canned as not viable. Again bang for buck stops them.
Looks like labor supporters have just followed the vague promises spewing out of each ways mouth.
Time will tell how quickly thing progress over the next few years before each way has to be held accountable.

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- Snowy 2. It was announced by Turnbull not Morrison. The libs rolled Turnbull because he was not following their right-wing agenda. The funding was $1.38M not $4M

- Tallawarra 2. Federal funding $5M, NSW State Funding $78M. not $300M as you stated

- Sun Metals. $5M from Queensland Labor government not $5B. Direct grants from the Liberal

- Silly personal comment about my involvement, you know little to nothing about my involvement.

- BZE is a research NFP, do you have a problem with research. Certainly the liberals have as they have slashed and politicised research grants with their anti intellectual bias. Your claim that companies will not invest is another furphy. ... australia/

- Pumping water up hills you said is a failure. Here are a few other links that totally destroy that statement having any credibility. ... sues-28196 ... w-projects

BTW, Snowy 2 you touted as a liberal project is all about pumping water uphill. Not sure about failed projects in South Aussie, was it this one that only failed as a commercial agreement could not be reached. ... SL4N2AL1O2

These are not lefty ideas at all, Matt Kean the NSW liberal minister is very active in renewables, and the good people who voted for the Teals were traditional liberal voters. Australians at large have woken up to the fact that climate change is real. Those naysayers are a dwindling, irrelevant small group who are relying on misinformation to cling onto their completely debunked beliefs.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by Sport » May 24, 2022, 6:49 am

Nearly 3 pages of BS on this nonsense of climate change. Its all about companies & individuals putting a lot of cash into renewables and expecting huge returns, its cash they want not for the good of the planet. That lefty asshole kean from NSW should resign and join the independents, just a slimey character.

And I see posters placing comments on here from the turnball paper the lefty paper the guardian, more BS. Mcgowan from WA commenting on Peter Dutton. Mcgowan, along with Qld, stopped close family wanting to see their rapidly dying relatives before they passed away, close the borders, do not let them in, they may bring in covid, what a mongrel he is and he puts Dutton down. Peter Dutton will be a great opp leader, he will have a great time picking off labor and his opposite number, the defence minister. Should be great viewing.

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Re: Australian Election

Post by tamada » May 24, 2022, 8:53 am

pepesgrill wrote:
May 24, 2022, 1:33 am
always the same dreamers bleating about energy
using the term ( renewables) which isn't accurate
because it's often horribly inefficient , wasteful and creates ecological damage no-one ever figures. they're already predicting rolling blackouts
this summer from EV strain on system. no foresight
Rolling blackouts in Australia? Its' already started in Texas.
tesla lobat.jpg ... -heat-wave

The Texas "heat" blackouts are due to the same reason they had their infamous "Cold" blackout (that caused $85k damage to my Houston pile). Years of right wing mismanagement and under-investment in infrastructure has resulted in 6 power stations being knocked of their state-wide grid 'because it's too hot'. It's Texas F F S! At the same time, they promote their standalone power generation system that lacks any backup ability to connect to another grid so when power goes down in Texas, they can't simply 'plug in' to OK or LA.

Sounds as bad as the local PEA where under-rated and overloaded distribution transformers blow up, only to be replaced with rebuilt transformers of the same rating. That's down to corruption of course. What's causing it in the US, Europe and Australia?
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Re: Australian Election

Post by tamada » May 24, 2022, 9:00 am

Sport wrote:
May 24, 2022, 6:49 am
... Mcgowan, along with Qld, stopped close family wanting to see their rapidly dying relatives before they passed away, close the borders, do not let them in, they may bring in covid, what a mongrel he is and he puts Dutton down.
Boris Johnson (and loads of other national leaders) also denied family members spending time with dying relatives in their own towns. That's what political pragmatism and the cold reality of a largely unknown and incurable pandemic does for you.
Peter Dutton will be a great opp leader, he will have a great time picking off labor and his opposite number, the defence minister. Should be great viewing.
He's a total dinosaur in the same blunt, dull instrument vein as Abbott.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by Whistler » May 24, 2022, 10:05 am

Sport wrote:
May 24, 2022, 6:49 am
Nearly 3 pages of BS on this nonsense of climate change. Its all about companies & individuals putting a lot of cash into renewables and expecting huge returns, its cash they want not for the good of the planet. That lefty asshole kean from NSW should resign and join the independents, just a slimey character.

And I see posters placing comments on here from the turnball paper the lefty paper the guardian, more BS. Mcgowan from WA commenting on Peter Dutton. Mcgowan, along with Qld, stopped close family wanting to see their rapidly dying relatives before they passed away, close the borders, do not let them in, they may bring in covid, what a mongrel he is and he puts Dutton down. Peter Dutton will be a great opp leader, he will have a great time picking off labor and his opposite number, the defence minister. Should be great viewing.
Sport, we are all entitled to our opinions. What Saturday showed was that the vast majority of Australians have an opinion very different from your own.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't companies and individuals put money into fossil fuel projects expecting huge returns? So what makes investing in renewables wrong? How come you are right, but all the scientists are wrong? How come Australians who have embraced the need for renewables are slimy leftists. What they really are is not slimy, they are just people with a different view of things, and acting out their lives based on their heartfelt views.

I think you are going to be one very sad and frustrated individual over the coming years. Relax and watch the world change and if you have an open mind, might even appreciate this fundamental shift in attitudes.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by GT93 » May 25, 2022, 12:54 am

I see Sleepy Joe has been warming things up with China and has already made things a bit awkward for Albanese (and Japan and India).

It was great to see such an easy transition from Morrison to Albanese so that Albanese could front up in Japan.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by Whistler » May 25, 2022, 1:46 am

GT93 wrote:
May 25, 2022, 12:54 am
I see Sleepy Joe has been warming things up with China and has already made things a bit awkward for Albanese (and Japan and India).

It was great to see such an easy transition from Morrison to Albanese so that Albanese could front up in Japan.
Yeah, He should have raised his hand as a Chamberlain salute. Have you ever thought that this long-standing, experienced politico knows exactly what he is doing and is off footing the Chinese?
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Re: Australian Election

Post by pepesgrill » May 25, 2022, 3:43 am

tamada wrote:
May 24, 2022, 8:53 am
Rolling blackouts in Australia? Its' already started in Texas.
i think we're coming on the cooler season in OZ ?
no, i was referring to areas in u.s. where power
grid was already buckling before EV's plugged in

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Re: Australian Election

Post by GT93 » May 25, 2022, 5:33 am

Yes Whistler, although with Sleepy Joe we can't be sure it was deliberate. At times he's looked totally out to lunch. Sky Australia loves those moments.

I do appreciate it isn't an easy job being a world leader and even a leader at the top of his game sometimes doesn't quite say the right thing. I hope the Americans start speaking more directly about China.

I've been following Drew Pavlou's difficulties with pro-CCP people in Oz. The CCP and its supporters are very quick to throw hissy fits.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by pepesgrill » May 26, 2022, 7:31 am

the lgbtq parade has won the day. it will be a sad
few years for australia. when rainbows and unicorns don't show up. what's next sacrifices at beach?

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Re: Australian Election

Post by Sport » May 26, 2022, 12:54 pm

Oh well, 3 yrs to go. So now we have to get behind the new PM and labor and hope they can stand up to chyna and the slimey greens. Yes pepps, the lgbtqanyveretygfvdsfbn parade, bit of a problem with that mob.

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Re: Australian Election

Post by tamada » May 26, 2022, 2:23 pm

Which Australian political party is most homophobic?

Asking for a friend.
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Re: Australian Election

Post by Whistler » May 26, 2022, 2:28 pm

tamada wrote:
May 26, 2022, 2:23 pm
Which Australian political party is most homophobic?

Asking for a friend.
Poorlean hanson
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