Good Custom Cabinet Maker Wanted

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Good Custom Cabinet Maker Wanted

Post by mseely » January 11, 2014, 3:00 pm

I am looking for a good custom cabinet maker to build a couple of custom fitted bedroom closet wardrobes, entertainment center and 2 sets of hanging bathroom cabinets. I live in the Nong Song Hong area on the East (Victory Park GC) side of the highway.

You guys were great helping me out in building my house 5 years ago. I've now sold my stuff in the US and I'm back to stay.

Incidentally, if you need a very good window, screen & slider guy who is reliable and reasonable, Aye at 087-867-5796 is 'The Man.' He did a sizeable job for me on-time and within budget. He makes all the frames at his home shop and custom cuts and fits the glass onsite. In 5 years I have had only 2 leaks which he fixed at no charge.

Also, if you need custom wrought iron work done, I know another very good craftsman who works out of his house.

Finally, don't think that I am getting anything out of this Cuz I Aint!! It's just my way of thanking Udon/Nong Khai Maps for the help those Forums provided me in building my house.

USA Mike

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Good Custom Cabinet Maker Wanted

Post by Shado » January 11, 2014, 3:14 pm

Khun Wei = 081 872 2367. We have been very pleased with his cabinetry work. You will need someone who speaks Thai to call him.

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