Just a note to let everyone know about a rash of burglaries and assaults directed against foreigners in the Mut Mee / Wat Hai Sok area.
As of late 2008 there have been 3 violent purse snatchings along the road outside of Mut Mee (Tanon Gaew Warawut).
More recently, in October/November 2008 there were 2 more burglaries at the same address, one of which ended in a struggle and an assault by the burglar.
In November 2008 there was 1 more burglary at another house in the Mut Mee area. A burglar armed with a gun entered the house of local Foreigner. After a violent struggle, the assailant was disarmed and fled.
The attached photo is a police sketch of the assailant in the latest 3 attacks, who has not yet been apprehended.
Residents are warned to lock their houses after dark, travel in groups and avoid walking around this area at night.
Rash of violent assaults in the Mut Mee/Hai Sok area
Re: Rash of violent assaults in the Mut Mee/Hai Sok area
Mut Mee is one of the older guesthouses in Nong Khai, it's directly on the banks
of the Mekong in front of the boat in the center of this map:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&g ... 2&t=h&z=17
of the Mekong in front of the boat in the center of this map:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&g ... 2&t=h&z=17