If you live in the countryside or plan on doing some camping outside the city, check out www.heavens-above.com before you go. The website is a mini-NASA, with everything from moon/sun rise and set, to satellite spotting, and planet and constellation ID. You can register with your location's coordinates, or just type in 17N 102E for general Udon coordinates.
The satellite viewing predictions are incredibly accurate.....the website will give you the exact time that the satellite will be visible (assuming you're in an open area that's dark).....down to the second.
Some of the brightest satellites are the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope.
You can also view whole-sky charts for the time of your choosing.....it will show planets, stars, constellations, moon (if visible).
You can also use the site to show the sunrise/set azimuth, if you're planning a home and want to minimize impact of the morning/afternoon sun. You can set the date to any date you like.
One of my favorite chillin' out websites.
Star/Satellite/Planet Gazing
Star/Satellite/Planet Gazing
I do this on the iPhone/iPad with the apps Solar Walk and Star Walk (same author). More fun due to augmented reality control/viewing.