IMO this wont work here Udon.Brilliant Idea, but is there a similar club Thai style here? Membership only?I have never heard of it. Seems everything here is open to all.
Never forget we farangs are "guests" here.Not so easy open up a "working mans club" or "british legion" style club.I think all kinds of problems would arise.
If It was a "locked door" kind of club,or bouncer on the door,Authorities here would be round asking questions for sure.Then the local mafia maybe rear their ugly head!
Can you imagine,couple of p.head tourist wanting entry? STEVE? want a job?
Nah! Spoil sport authorities will say.........FOBIDDEN!
Never forget we farangs are "guests" here.Not so easy open up a "working mans club" or "british legion" style club.I think all kinds of problems would arise.
If It was a "locked door" kind of club,or bouncer on the door,Authorities here would be round asking questions for sure.Then the local mafia maybe rear their ugly head!
Can you imagine,couple of p.head tourist wanting entry? STEVE? want a job?
Nah! Spoil sport authorities will say.........FOBIDDEN!
got you beat, 10,000 miles, 20 hrs air time......................i moved 7000 miles to get away from all that bullsh~t
once a month if enough farang therapy for me. i left farang land to get away, not join more. didn't come here to find or make new friends................hmm, that could explain alot

- Irish Alan
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uGR3SSfRfFk&hl ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uGR3SSfRfFk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club
- fredythehound
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Good point,IF A 100 or so members, all have a share in the club and its a low profit making business,IE most of the profits go back into subsidies each month ,with a little going to a thai charity who must allso be a share holder,that would cover visa issues,plus a good course.free share and money once a month to a reputable charity should not be hard to find.banpaeng wrote:Great Idea, but in Thailand? Who will pay off the local mafia and others. If a Thai business thinks you are successful, a lot of visa questions might arise, like wh9o owns the business and what visa is being used?
Good luck
yes some other buisnesses may not like it,maffia want any money they have to ask the charity that we are donating to,this is where good prevails over evil,and there will be no single person that can have any pressure from anyone,to many shareholders,where theres a will theres a way,all matters such as this can be disscussed ,and resolved
- fredythehound
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Irish Alan wrote:<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uGR3SSfRfFk&hl ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uGR3SSfRfFk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club
ha ha excellent Alan =D>

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well we can all say mission accomplished with flying colours L A .laphanphon wrote:got you beat, 10,000 miles, 20 hrs air time......................i moved 7000 miles to get away from all that bullsh~t
once a month if enough farang therapy for me. i left farang land to get away, not join more. didn't come here to find or make new friends................hmm, that could explain alot![]()

I think here in LOS you need friends I know I sure do and it a club house is the way to go I am in favor of at least trying and if I lose a few baht what the big deal as for problems from out side I am sure we can deal with it with out any major problems as long as we don't sell alcohol & cigarettes I don't see any problems from any one
- beer monkey
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Meat and Potatoe Pies.
Pints of Bitter.
Roll your own tobacco.
Pipe smoking.
Guest 'Look-a-likey, sound-not a likey' stars in your eye singer.
Weekly Raffle.
Trips out of town.(mini bus)
Trips to the races.
just a few ideas off the toppa me head.
Pints of Bitter.
Roll your own tobacco.
Pipe smoking.
Guest 'Look-a-likey, sound-not a likey' stars in your eye singer.
Weekly Raffle.
Trips out of town.(mini bus)
Trips to the races.
just a few ideas off the toppa me head.
Can You Dig It Dug.?
- Prenders88
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- Joined: July 7, 2005, 12:51 am
- Location: Udon Thani
Chicken in a Basket
Savoloys and Pease Pudding
Vicars and Tarts Nights
Race Nights
Christmas Savings Club
Blackpool illuminations Weekend, staying at the Metropole Hotel on the North Shore.(Entertainment Nightly)
Kids running around and sliding along the floor on their knees when the Saturday night disco starts.

Savoloys and Pease Pudding
Vicars and Tarts Nights
Race Nights
Christmas Savings Club
Blackpool illuminations Weekend, staying at the Metropole Hotel on the North Shore.(Entertainment Nightly)
Kids running around and sliding along the floor on their knees when the Saturday night disco starts.

Udon Thani, best seen through your car's rear view mirror.
Bet you cant get a " grab a granny night! More like grab a" tranni "for the night!
Oh yea, I thought the idea was a club where one could come and converse with friends over a pint or glass of whatever, so this idea of just a place to meet costing as Ron suggests 2000 then 500 per quarter is just for sitting and talking, I can do that for free anywhere I like my friends can come and talk and we can have a beer at many of the local bars now.we don't sell alcohol & cigarettes
Why go to all the trouble and cost not to talk about licences, staff and one person to run the place ( for free I doubt it), plus business set up costs etc etc, when we already have places that will do, maybe a better idea would be to speak to one or more of the larger bar owners and see if they would be prepared to offer their premises for a small fee exclusivly for us to start the club or whatever going about either once a fortnoght or once a month, if and if it expands beyond space available then we talk about separate premises and all the problems that may go with that. just an idea, but in these days of falling customers I am sure one or more would think about that seriously.
most clubs i've been/am involved in were sports clubs
which gives a central focus for the members
i mostly stay to far away from udon to make it a regular thing though
which gives a central focus for the members
i mostly stay to far away from udon to make it a regular thing though
avatar not me.
- Roy
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- Location: Outside LA's hoping to get a glimpse of his naked maid
The only real advantage I could see in this is that it might make some wives more at ease about us lads going out alone if they knew it was merely a falang social club with no temptation on offer.
Not mine of course, she totally trusts me

Not mine of course, she totally trusts me

Free the Doug 1
Groucho Marx once said:

I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

- beer monkey
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Best not mention the possibility of regular 'exotic' dancer(complete with snake and feather Boa) then Roy...Roy wrote:The only real advantage I could see in this is that it might make some wives more at ease about us lads going out alone if they knew it was merely a falang social club with no temptation on offer.
Not mine of course, she totally trusts me![]()

Can You Dig It Dug.?
- Roy
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- Posts: 1178
- Joined: June 1, 2006, 6:35 pm
- Location: Outside LA's hoping to get a glimpse of his naked maid
Maybe we could put on a Full Monty show for the ladies!
I can just picture it now, all the ladies singing along to Hot Chocolate "Since you came arong, you sexy man"

I can just picture it now, all the ladies singing along to Hot Chocolate "Since you came arong, you sexy man"

Free the Doug 1
K Paul has a few valid points about going to the bar and chat but we do that now once a month
but some of us don't feel comfortable sitting in some one else home and some of us will not get invited to
homes of expats so with these things all considered I just thought it was good idea but looking at the posters views they all seem it not a good idea so that ends that

but some of us don't feel comfortable sitting in some one else home and some of us will not get invited to
homes of expats so with these things all considered I just thought it was good idea but looking at the posters views they all seem it not a good idea so that ends that

- fredythehound
- udonmap.com
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- Joined: April 3, 2008, 3:02 am
There seems to be some against and for,for a social club in udon,the no,s mainly for upsetting someone,for others thinking it will be a simular club from home,the main difference being the club in udon will be made up from different communities across the globe,mainly from EUROPE,USA and AUSTRALIA,yes you can not please all the people all the time,but you can stike a happy media,with shared interests ect,who,s going to moan say at tiger for 40 baht a bott,some may not like drinking where theres no bar girls,but i,m sure some of you would like to go somewhere sociable where you can take your good lady,this is just another venue that has differences and listens to its members needs.The Pattia expats club go from strength to strength,expats meeting in groups share benificial knowledge,which at no cost can only be of help,and if members like the odd game darts,cards,chess,snooker ,meetings,a dance night,various intertainment,for all expats.
- fredythehound
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 297
- Joined: April 3, 2008, 3:02 am
be nice if there were a few more positive people like you,and you got the right idea,membership not alot,and you get more than that back on the lower cost of thingsaznyron wrote:you can start off by renting a store front get a TV and some lounge chairs and refrigerator and charge a monthly membership or quarterly and you can get around rules call it expat club doors are open to any one
after you have so many members close the books on membership put them on a waiting list I am sure no
thai would want to join and pay a membership dues I don't even think most expats outside of the norm UK USA AUS CA NZ will join maybe a few but the majority are those English speaking countries I think it worth a try in my opinion and you can count me in Oh and you can have a joining fees like 2k and then a quarterly dues of say 500 baht to cover expenses
Ok freddythe hound has some sound points and I for one agree a polace where we can go is a wonderful idea, but in poattaya unless I am mistaken they use a hotel or part of one to hold meetings.
What is the difference to utilising a bar with the owners consent, not the same as meetings in night market, but a large bar, ( sort of like harleys )the owner and staff are advised that we are there to meet not to partake in the attractions ( good they may be though).
When the place becomes to small for our needs we can then decide on our next course of action.
If as freddy says we are selling beer then we will need a licence and all that stuff, or the thai mafia and /or Police will soon jump on us.
If we are really serious about this, amybe someone would approach some bar owners and put the idea to them preferably someone with food as well makes it easier.
be positive but not silly, one step at a time is best.
What is the difference to utilising a bar with the owners consent, not the same as meetings in night market, but a large bar, ( sort of like harleys )the owner and staff are advised that we are there to meet not to partake in the attractions ( good they may be though).
When the place becomes to small for our needs we can then decide on our next course of action.
If as freddy says we are selling beer then we will need a licence and all that stuff, or the thai mafia and /or Police will soon jump on us.
If we are really serious about this, amybe someone would approach some bar owners and put the idea to them preferably someone with food as well makes it easier.
be positive but not silly, one step at a time is best.