St Georges Day

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St Georges Day

Post by GT93 » April 23, 2014, 1:03 am

Khun Paul wrote:When I lived in the UK, I flew the flag of our country and changed it only for the Sints days, George, Patrick etc:- no-one told me NOT to fly and if they had I would have politely told them in good old Anglo Saxon language where to go. If they did not understand they shouldn't be there.
I also have to bite on this one. It suggests if farang can't understand Thai profanities, they shouldn't be in Thailand. Better start learning some Thai profanities folks.

National Days often seem to go with some controversy. Various groups push their own barrel. Seems England is the same.

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St Georges Day

Post by Khun Paul » April 23, 2014, 9:49 am

The Untied kingdoms flag is made up of 4 distinct flags for Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England , so there is no harm in putting up the repective flags on the dyas that the Saint is celebrated. I also flew the Union Flag at other times. I started when local town halls and the like were starting to fly the EU flag, as I am not a EU personage but a BRITISH PERSONAGE, I TOOK PERSONAL AFFRONT. I lived in Bucks and Shrops before relocating to Thailand. If your British be proud of it stop wilting and stand up for your own country, whether you think it is good or not. +I'll probably be damned if I do and Damned if i don't so what the hell.

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St Georges Day

Post by tomboy » April 23, 2014, 10:24 am

KP as usual is wrong again.
The flag of the United Kingdom comprises Saint George, Saint Patrick and Saint Andrew.
WALES is not represented on the flag. (FACTUAL)

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St Georges Day

Post by maaka » April 23, 2014, 11:32 am

what flag are you all talking about, and who is St George???..the dragon fella ??? why would you fly a flag about a dragon slayer, and whats that got to do with offending Imans..
give me a history lesson

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St Georges Day

Post by Khun Paul » April 23, 2014, 11:39 am

Correct but as the Principality of Wales at the time of the Union flags inception was part of the Kingdom of England then it wasn't however Wales does have its own flag. So in flying the English flag of St George one is really flying the flag for Wales. Nowadays though most Welsh would object therefore I had a Welsh Dragon Flag as well, happy now , with your history lesson.

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St Georges Day

Post by thaiguzzi » April 23, 2014, 12:03 pm

jackspratt wrote:
GARYZX6R wrote:Wouldnt want to hurt the poor down trodden islamists feelings by celebrating St Georges Day would we :evil:
That chip on your shoulder must be weighing you down. =; ... ml#nzJb7Qq

Edit: and a few others it seems. :D
Give it a rest Jack. You are not English, so you would not understand. You have not lived in England, so you would not understand. If you are not English and not Patriotic towards the Motherland you will never understand. I am English, have lived there, and do understand. It is OBSCENE when one cannot fly a Union Jack or St. George's Flag in some areas and on certain days as it is considered "racially insensitive" to the religious minority in that area In England. End of.

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St Georges Day

Post by jackspratt » April 23, 2014, 12:26 pm

Perhaps you should read the entire thread, tg. =D>

GARY's response was in relation to why St Georges Day is not a public holiday in the UK.

The reason has nothing to do with the Muslim population - but he took the opportunity to dress it up as such. :-k

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St Georges Day

Post by merchant seaman » April 23, 2014, 12:41 pm

At least muslims aren't shy to display the Aussie flag in a respectful manner.
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St Georges Day

Post by joepai » April 23, 2014, 2:30 pm

thaiguzzi wrote:
jackspratt wrote:
GARYZX6R wrote:Wouldnt want to hurt the poor down trodden islamists feelings by celebrating St Georges Day would we :evil:
That chip on your shoulder must be weighing you down. =; ... ml#nzJb7Qq

Edit: and a few others it seems. :D
Give it a rest Jack. You are not English, so you would not understand. You have not lived in England, so you would not understand. If you are not English and not Patriotic towards the Motherland you will never understand. I am English, have lived there, and do understand. It is OBSCENE when one cannot fly a Union Jack or St. George's Flag in some areas and on certain days as it is considered "racially insensitive" to the religious minority in that area In England. End of.
Seems there are many foreigners who know very little - another example :roll:

maaka » April 23, 2014, 11:32 am
what flag are you all talking about, and who is St George???..the dragon fella ??? why would you fly a flag about a dragon slayer, and whats that got to do with offending Imans..
give me a history lesson
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St Georges Day

Post by JimboPSM » April 23, 2014, 2:51 pm

The links below provide some information about St George and the St Georges Cross.

It is the St Georges Cross, not St George himself, that some find offensive because of its strong links to the Crusades (viewed by many historians as wars against Islam) - it should be noted that St George is respected by many Muslims.
For those interested in a little more depth this is a link about the Crusades:
As I have some knowledge of the history I am not unduly offended that people from other cultures might find the St Georges Cross offensive.

However I do find it offensive that there are those who use the widespread ignorance of history to further their own agenda, spreading their own irrational fears, ignorance, prejudices and bigotry to incite those who are ignorant of the facts of history – and the ignorance is manifest on both sides of the debate [-X
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St Georges Day

Post by Khun Paul » April 23, 2014, 3:40 pm

Here here Jimbo, while we in the main put up with the innuendos and downright insults perpetrated in our names, that does not mean we like it, so these days I will stand hopefully with others to ensure my right passed onto me by my forefathers is kept, without I might add, at the same time treading on other peoples rights as well.

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St Georges Day

Post by FrazeeDK » April 23, 2014, 3:55 pm

ah, St. George's Day.. I reckon that explains the fellow I saw in Central Plaza today all kilted out..

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St Georges Day

Post by GT93 » April 23, 2014, 4:23 pm

In New Zealand we have a professional rugby team called the Crusaders (formerly the Canterbury Crusaders). Oddly there don't seem to be any objections to its name. I gather this wouldn't be an acceptable name for a sports team in England.

Near my office in Auckland a dozen or so Muslims used a run down local building to use as a place of worship. I think they might have had a temporary lease. It's now been tenanted and done up nicely by the new tenant, a smart wine bar. I preferred it when the Muslims were my near neighbours. I get tired of walking past the smokers sitting outside the wine bar near the footpath. The wine bar isn't much of a problem. I'm not expecting the patrons to start brawling. Too middle aged and middle classed for that.
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St Georges Day

Post by maaka » April 23, 2014, 6:42 pm

ohhh there is plenty that I know, but St George is not one of them, so thanks Jimbo for enlightening me..
I have spent a lifetime fighting for peoples rights and heritage, so I support anyone who is proud of their cutlure and willing to stand up for it..The flag is part of your heritage

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St Georges Day

Post by stattointhailand » April 23, 2014, 10:45 pm

I always associated it as something that you follow to war like the Standards of the Roman Legions and every military force since :-k

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St Georges Day

Post by stattointhailand » April 23, 2014, 11:07 pm

GT93, The Canterbury Crusaders were a second division speedway team based in Kent about 50 years ago, and their promoter was the late great Johnnie Hoskins (Mr Speedway), a New Zealander :lol:

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St Georges Day

Post by GARYZX6R » April 24, 2014, 6:52 am

Just a post from todays Daily Mail. Dont need to add anything do I Spratt ? ... eople.html

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St Georges Day

Post by jackspratt » April 24, 2014, 7:35 am

GARYZX6R wrote:Just a post from todays Daily Mail. Dont need to add anything do I Spratt ? ... eople.html
Please feel free to add anything you like regarding the issue I highlighted ie the Muslim influence on St George' day not being a public holiday. =D>

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St Georges Day

Post by Earnest » April 25, 2014, 9:56 pm

GT93 wrote:Yes, I now see that. Wikipedia says it's the National Day for England but it's not a national holiday in England or the UK. That's kind of strange. Oh dear, back in Blighty they will be working as usual.
No worries, great mate, we have too many holidays anyway. St. George's Day - a bit of an odd one. As you can see here, we Little Englanders associate this saint's day with politics but I can't see the Welsh, Scots or Irish doing the same thing with theirs. These days, anything to do with the English flag or St. George has been hijacked by right wing thickies IMO.
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St Georges Day

Post by Earnest » April 25, 2014, 10:44 pm

Forklift driver SACKED for wearing an England flag hat on St George’s Day because it wasn’t part of his work uniform

Source: Daily Mail ... iform.html

A patriotic forklift driver was sacked after he turned up for work in an England flag hat - on St George’s Day.

Adam Lawson, 32, wanted to celebrate England's national day at his job at South Marston Distribution Centre (SDC) in Swindon, Wiltshire.

But the father-of-three was ordered to remove the red and white flat cap because it was not part of the official uniform.

Mr Lawson refused - and was later told never to come back.

Mr Lawson, who is also from Swindon, said: 'I was told that I couldn’t work while I was wearing it as it did not match uniform standards.

'It is ridiculous, it was St George’s Day and it was a little thing that I wanted to do to celebrate it.
Mr Lawson had worked at SDC, which stocks Honda parts, for eight months through the agency Pertemps, He had handed in his notice one day earlier because he had a new job.
Buffoon. :roll:
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