International Church of Thailand

Things to do and places to see in Udon Thani.

International Church of Thailand

Post by KB_Texas » September 10, 2012, 11:50 am

trubrit wrote:Its rather strange that Lee as the Op has not made further comment. Was it posted as a sponsor or as a convert? I think we have the right to know.
As I predicted it has developed into a battle between the believers and the non. It is not a debate as neither is prepared to give ground, no one has ever done in history. Most disputes have been decided, not settled , by bloody wars. Not quite the harmonious background for a forum, hence my suggestion that it is scrubbed. However recognising that some need a platform for the beliefs, either for or against, may I suggest that a new subject heading of "religions ", plural, is created where those that want to engage in the topic and those of us who don't , maybe even find it annoying, can choose to read or not . Much like 'Sports".
trubrit...I tend to agree with you, but the issue is that if they are a sponsor, we can at least make our beliefs known. I also note that they have made NO comments at all.

Any forum where people wish to discuss things rationally, including religion, is ok with me, and I do note you keep coming back to this thread and saying the same thing. ;) So just put the thread on your ignore list. Then you will not need to read dissenting views, one way or the other.

So far the discussion has remained civil, and if it continues so, I see no reason to yank the thread. Civil discussion is one way for people to grow, and maybe the borderliners will find some points to think about. Indeed, I will not be 'converted', and I would expect nothing I can say would 'convert' a true believer, but it is not to them that I address anything I write. It is to those who seek with an open mind; those who question the 'truths' we've been taught. Unfortunately, they become fewer and fewer as the years pass. As I said in an earlier post, logic plays no role in faith, but logic can play a role is whether faith is something you wish to believe.


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Post by trubrit » September 10, 2012, 12:25 pm

KB. You seem to miss the point. I keep coming back to this topic because I am very interested in it and have some very strrong views on the subject. Those views may be considered quite inflammatory by some but netherless they are sincerely held by me and it would be reasonable to expand them in open debate .This , though not intended would undoubtably lead to a , shall we say, very heated discussion.My point is should these take place on open forum in a topic where people are looking for " Things to do in Udon Thani." If allowed at all, viewers should at least be prepared for the real subject matter and therefore not offended by arguments put forward by either side .However as I said previously and noted by you. is it really a subject for a forum claiming to be a map of Udon?
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Post by parrot » September 10, 2012, 12:50 pm

The forum goes beyond 'things to do in Udon Thani'. Sports, world news, discussion, etc. If a thread doesn't interest you, no need to read it.
If investing in gold, or the demise of foreign currency markets, or the outcome of the next soccer match or someone's claim to change wine into blood doesn't interest you, there's no one forcing your hand at reading it. When I buy a newspaper (circa about 10 years ago), I passed by the horoscope page. Nothing in it for me. Give it a try!

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Post by trubrit » September 10, 2012, 1:15 pm

parrot wrote:The forum goes beyond 'things to do in Udon Thani'. Sports, world news, discussion, etc. If a thread doesn't interest you, no need to read it.
If investing in gold, or the demise of foreign currency markets, or the outcome of the next soccer match or someone's claim to change wine into blood doesn't interest you, there's no one forcing your hand at reading it. When I buy a newspaper (circa about 10 years ago), I passed by the horoscope page. Nothing in it for me. Give it a try!
Not sure if your post was an answer to mine John as it doesn't make sense if it was .I stated quite catergorically I am very interested in the topic of religion and would have a lot to say about it if allowed to continue. I am sure many readers are also interested in Things to do in Udon Thani, many of whom couldn't give a damn about religion. so I suggested a seperate topic. As you say'give it a try"
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Post by parrot » September 10, 2012, 1:51 pm

trubrit - "so I suggested a seperate topic"
If you've got your body armor on, you can always start a thread in General Debates and Discussions. I'd be concerned about poison-tipped arrows. PM could try having a multi-denominational cider night.....set up a chain-link rink in his parking lot and let the patrons have at each other as they discuss the finer points of religion. Thais like chicken fights.....they might get a kick out of a couple of expats having at each other over their religious beliefs.

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Post by pienmash » September 10, 2012, 1:59 pm

I must be mellowing in my old age but i think a section / dedicated thread to "religions" may be the way to go ... there are numerous topics that could go under this header including of course anything related to the temple n Buddhism whether its a planned activity or a news story ......

I suppose this particular thread was posted in the things to do in Udon thread as it actually is something those who chose to can do /get involved in here ... the fact its moved on into a rational discussion ref religion now means it could be moved to a religious headed thread .......

I would think most members on UM are more than capable of not allowing general discusion develop into all out war arent we ??


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Post by trubrit » September 10, 2012, 2:01 pm

parrot wrote:trubrit - "so I suggested a seperate topic"
If you've got your body armor on, you can always start a thread in General Debates and Discussions. I'd be concerned about poison-tipped arrows. PM could try having a multi-denominational cider night.....set up a chain-link rink in his parking lot and let the patrons have at each other as they discuss the finer points of religion. Thais like chicken fights.....they might get a kick out of a couple of expats having at each other over their religious beliefs.
John . Has someone got into your password? Because your last two posts appear to be most unlike you. They are irrational and vague. Perhaps you need salvation. :lol:
I understand an announcement may be forthcoming soon that will throw a light on this subject, possibly the whole forums future . :roll:
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Post by akwoodworker » September 11, 2012, 11:26 am

Open, non judgemental discussions would be fun. Sometimes when the door to door missionaries stop by and have a semi open mind we have great discussions, once a couple stopped by two times, on the third visit they brought the hardliner who said I was evil and going to hell. oh well


International Church of Thailand

Post by KB_Texas » September 11, 2012, 11:33 am

akwoodworker wrote:Open, non judgemental discussions would be fun. Sometimes when the door to door missionaries stop by and have a semi open mind we have great discussions, once a couple stopped by two times, on the third visit they brought the hardliner who said I was evil and going to hell. oh well
Just tell him you'll see him there. ;)


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Post by semperfiguy » September 11, 2012, 1:27 pm

Good afernoon all! Since becoming a member of this forum in July 2010 I have participated in a number of discussions pertaining to religion, which for the most part usually evolved into a heated argument rather than a civil and informative debate of the issues. It has been suggested over and over again that a new General Topic be created under the heading of RELIGION in the interest of keeping such discussions segregated from other general topics so as not to offend some of our readers who wish not to be bothered by the matter. Therefore, since the owner(s) of have not yet honored that request, I have decided to create a sub-topic under SOCIETY and CULTURE to act as a future platform for any discussions of religion. So, please feel free to open new discussions under this topic category, and if posts on any other topic become slanted toward religious views, then either the moderator or any member can post to suggest that the discussion be moved to “The Sermon on the Map”- a Discussion of Religion.

You can find my initial post under the "Latest Forum Posts" on the HOME page of
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Post by udonmarc » September 12, 2012, 9:24 am

Hi, I’m Paul Neustadt; and I’ve bought Udon Map from Lee. I’m in the process of integrating myself into the business, including the forum. There seems to have been a fair amount of discussion in this thread, so this seems like a good place to start.

Apparently there is a rumor going around that I am affiliated with the church. This is incorrect; I am not. Neither has the church purchased Udon Map; I have. I have nothing to do with this church other than as I would with any other sponsor.

I do not vet the truth of what sponsors put in the ads. Imagine my trying to ascertain the truth of a sponsor restaurant’s assertion that it has the best food in Udon? With very few limits, sponsors may have ads which contain whatever they wish. Some of you may doubt the veracity of the contents of the advertisement which the church has placed. Others may doubt the veracity of the claims of other religions. Still otheres may doubt the claims of other sponsors.

While I have my personal opinions of this church, as well as other religions and pretty much everything else, they are my personal opinions. I, like all of you, remain free to agree or disagree with anything claimed by a sponsor. Similarly, I encourage a healthy exchange of ideas, a debate, if you will. I ask only that we be respectful of others; even when we disagree, it should be done respectfully.

Beyond that, I’m very happy to be here in Udon Thani, and very happy to be the new owner of Udon Map. I intend to continue and expand on the great work which Lee and Fon have begun. And I hope to meet many of you in the near future!!


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Post by redwolf » September 12, 2012, 9:39 am

fascinating stuff indeed Paul. welcome to Udon. out of curiosity, -did you buy Nong Khai Map & Khon Kaen Map as well?

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Post by trubrit » September 12, 2012, 10:07 am

Welcome to the forum Paul long may you continue the good and hard work put in by Lee.
Two questions if I may. What is your doctorate and are you also posting as 'information"?
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International Church of Thailand

Post by KB_Texas » September 12, 2012, 10:14 am

Welcome Paul. UM has been a good source of information to me over my first year here in Udon Thani. Many of the 'old hands' are quite willing to offer assistance and advice to newbies like me, and I appreciate it, as I am sure many others do also. I hope you continue to enjoy and grow UM.

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International Church of Thailand

Post by udonmarc » September 13, 2012, 6:23 am

Thanks, redwolf. Yes, I did buy the entire business, including the ones you mentioned.

Trubrit, my name here on Udon Map is from an old U.S. comedy team, the Three Stooges. Now can you guess what it stands for? BTW, I have a J.D., Doctor of Law. Now sure what oyu mean by posting as "information."

I'm leaving for the U.S. today for a couple of weeks, as my mother is fairly ill. I'll be back around the first week in October. See you then!!

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Post by trubrit » September 13, 2012, 7:14 am

Dr. HFH wrote:Thanks, redwolf. Yes, I did buy the entire business, including the ones you mentioned.

Trubrit, my name here on Udon Map is from an old U.S. comedy team, the Three Stooges. Now can you guess what it stands for? BTW, I have a J.D., Doctor of Law. Now sure what oyu mean by posting as "information."

I'm leaving for the U.S. today for a couple of weeks, as my mother is fairly ill. I'll be back around the first week in October. See you then!!
Thanks for the reply Paul. Sincerely hope your mother recovers soon .
The Three Stooges? Well you must be nearly as old as me. Remember them well from the wartime days when my Dad used to take me to the news theatres as they were called. Moe, Larry and Curly.
250px-Three_Stooges_Intro_Card_1936.jpg (11.46 KiB) Viewed 2123 times
There was a new topic posted by "information" on expat woes. Just thought the name implied a connection to the forum as per "Admin;. Guess not .
Great degree. Always my dream ,.but didn't work out. Have always had a lifetime interest and involvment in Civil and Family law though .Have a safe journey.
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Post by Jello » September 13, 2012, 7:32 pm

Ah, but you don't know your Stooge trivia TB! :D
Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard.


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Post by Jello » September 13, 2012, 7:45 pm

Posted 7 Sept:
semperfiguy wrote: I will check them out this coming Sunday and give you a full report.
Posted Sept 9:
semperfiguy wrote: I will take it upon myself to get by and visit with Pastor and Mrs. Hall at my earliest convenience
I'm still interested in what SFG has to say about this church. Surely he will deliver..... :-k

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Post by semperfiguy » September 13, 2012, 7:50 pm

[quote=I'm still interested in what SFG has to say about this church. Surely he will deliver..... :-k[/quote]

Still plan to give it a go this Sunday morning if I don't have any distractions. You'll hear back from me. I'm anxious to share the results.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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