The point you have to consider, as I also did, is that at the moment you are probably getting the greatest disposable income you ever have so while right now putting your feet up seems to be the absolute best thing to do the real question is will a couple of extra years savings make a significant difference to your final cash retirement pot. If the answer is yes then working on would probably be be something you should think seriously about, if no then is there any point to continuing? For the purposes of calculating you should completely exclude any value of land or house in Thailand.
Its always been a question of how much one needs to live on and for how long, after one finishes work. Peoples lifestyle expectations vary greatly. That, plus what will be the cost of a loaf of bread on 10 or 20 years time and what one needs to leave to the TG or Wife to make sure that she too has a good lifestyle after you are gone.
The other consideration is that you cant get your years back, so there is a point in time that you need to enjoy your life in Thailand, before you suddenly expire. You cant just work forever and miss the enjoyment opportunity. It would be much easier to calculate if one knew what their expiry date was.
Also if you are self funded after retirement, you cant leave your partner with next to nothing. Its a different case if someone has a Pension which passes on to their wife, after they depart.
So we will just have to see how much is in the spare Cookie jar, when I pull up stumps.
I agree with you and I never factor in the value House+Land, Farm & Car, into any of my calculations. My view is, that these Assets are non disposable and will never be sold in my lifetime nor should they need to be sold in hers and they should go to her Daughter for her start in life. Somewhere, in the distant future, say 30 plus years time.
All I can say is, there are a lot of factors to consider when one has to decide what will be his last day of work.