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Post by old-timer » November 4, 2011, 10:24 pm

OT reckons he could do him in one. Same age but the -------- I'm talking about is a slob that cannot control his mouth. Easy done.

As for my Thai wife, I will continue to flower her with gifts and money and take care. She is worth it. Although she can be a handful at times. Relationships with a Thai wife are far more pleasant and far more romantic than most. My wife asked me why I stopped holding her hand and putting my arm around her whilst walking around town. I didn't have an answer, so I started doing it again. So we look like two smitten teenagers.

OT................. \:D/

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Post by Manadon » November 5, 2011, 3:49 am

My wife is Christian, she won't even take money from me. She expects me to manage our future (which I am expert at) 8) please don't hate me. [-X

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Post by chigger » November 5, 2011, 6:19 am

I agree with what Parrot and Khondam say but my situation is different. Having retired early in life I have no monthly income and rely solely on savings until pension kicks in.
When we met, my gf since 3 years had a low income job, 6.000 baht per month. I convinced her to stop working and spend the time with me.
So this is how I do. Every month I put 50.000 Bt in a box. It`s the budget Im giving myself until pension time. From this money we pay rent, electricity and water. That will come to about 9.000 Bt. The rest is ours to do what we want. But, there has to be a receipt instead of the money taken out. In the beginning there were a few hickups. My gf used to take 10.000 "for mama and papa". I said fine, and took out the same amount of the stash "for my mama and papa". The result was obviously no money at the end of month or less money next month. On one occasion a relative had an accident, money out to pay for hospital bill. When I asked for the receipt there was none, she didn`t get one, right. I told her to go and get it and she was back within an hour... no receit. I gave her a day to leave. But she never did leave, instead she produced the money, and stayed on.
After 6 months she could see the good points in this system. She is very careful now how the money is spent and receits are always there. On average we save 15.000 Bt every month which goes into a joint bank account. We have bought a motor bike and soon have enough for a down payment on a car. There is no bad feeling about money anymore and she is taking interest in the economy.
This works for me and I`m happy

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Post by Bandung_Dero » November 5, 2011, 6:59 am

This 2 year old thread had the potential to be a reasonably good. It’s just got a whole lot better seeing Ben has not gone to ground and using it to provoke more attention to himself, let the entertainment continue!

Back on topic! The comments I made on page one are still relevant and our relationship is still on track.
Honestly, in 99.9% of the western world people buying love would be laughed at and ridiculed, it is so sad its beyond belief, but not half as sad as actually believing it is normal!
For the life of me I can't figure how some (BenZona) think that giving your wife (Thai or Western) a monthly allowance (as I said earlier Australian’s call it house keeping money) is buying love!!! It’s paying utility bills, teenagers education, household commodities etc.

Ya gotta wonder about the selfish mentality of some members here.
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Post by KHONDAHM » November 5, 2011, 7:56 am

So as not to be misunderstood, I believe every relationship should include "yours", "mine", and "ours". Weighted heavily to "ours". The House money (THB 30k/month) is "ours", but 100% controlled by my wife. The Pocket money (THB 10k/month these days) is "ours", but controlled 100% by me for things like kids' clothes, insurance co-pays, and various miscellaneous expenditures. I believe it is important for her to also have "her" money - it is not "paying" for her services as a wife and mother. That is absurd. It is just as absurd, to me at least, for her to have to hold out her hand to me whenever she wants something or wants to do something for her family, friends (Ha! She's learned THAT lesson well enough), or herself. Then there is our savings which I control, but there is no such thing as "my" money. I do have "my" TV, samlor, laptop, phone, drawer, and hand tools, but that is about it. She has "her" stuff, too, but everything else is "ours" as it should be.
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Post by parrot » November 5, 2011, 9:06 am

"My wife is Christian, [color=#800040][/color]she won't even take money from me.[color=#000000][/color] She expects me to manage our future (which I am expert at) please don't hate me."

Something tells me there's going to be a long line of expats lined up at the Christian churches this weekend, with their wives/gf's in tow.

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Post by Tracechain » November 6, 2011, 3:56 am

KHONDAHM wrote:So as not to be misunderstood, I believe every relationship should include "yours", "mine", and "ours". Weighted heavily to "ours". The House money (THB 30k/month) is "ours", but 100% controlled by my wife. The Pocket money (THB 10k/month these days) is "ours", but controlled 100% by me for things like kids' clothes, insurance co-pays, and various miscellaneous expenditures. I believe it is important for her to also have "her" money - it is not "paying" for her services as a wife and mother. That is absurd. It is just as absurd, to me at least, for her to have to hold out her hand to me whenever she wants something or wants to do something for her family, friends (Ha! She's learned THAT lesson well enough), or herself. Then there is our savings which I control, but there is no such thing as "my" money. I do have "my" TV, samlor, laptop, phone, drawer, and hand tools, but that is about it. She has "her" stuff, too, but everything else is "ours" as it should be.
I agree Khondahm. You think like we do. Exception being that I let her control the pocket money. She is tighter than Dick's hatband whereas I'll spend, spend, spend.
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Post by BenZona » November 7, 2011, 5:56 am

"You seem to have a 'down' on old men..............have you thought. of what you may be like when YOU are 70.
With all the unnecessary stress and bitterness that you are imposing on yourself and others, I think it will be highly unlikely that you make it to 60. I do not wish this upon you, but unless you slow down and calm down, you are not going to occupy your mortal coil for long."
Yes i have, and one thing for sure, I wont be draping my wallet around some prossies in a bar, rotting my liver and think its love at first sght

I wont be having any "business" arrangements with a girl to see is it turns into "love"

I will be at home, looking after my grand kids and saving my money for my family

I have nothing against old people, except stupid ones that buy love and then justify it by thinking it IS love
It is those kind of people who perpetuate the myth of the "farang saves my family" that gets so many men into trouble in Thailand......add as many comments to my post that you like, it wont change how sad ANY man is, old or young, that thinks they can buy love (or those who actually pay).

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Post by Bandung_Dero » November 7, 2011, 6:34 am

BenZona wrote:

I will be at home, looking after my grand kids and saving my money for my family
If your so keen to be the doting house father why, exactly, did you come to Thailand for in the 1st place. Obviously not to find companionship, which you did anyway. Obviously not to save money for your daughters future.

The only obvious thing I'm seeing here is the more you put to print the deeper the hole your digging yourself into!
Sent from my 1977 Apple II using 2 Heinz bake bean cans and piano wire!

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Post by BenZona » November 7, 2011, 10:10 am

Bandung_Dero wrote: If your so keen to be the doting house father why, exactly, did you come to Thailand for in the 1st place. Obviously not to find companionship, which you did anyway. Obviously not to save money for your daughters future.
I went to visit my mate from the UK who i had not seen for 8 years, and it was actually my first holiday alone for 8 years too, my daughter was in the UK with her mum...... but either way your analogy is quite pathetic, According to your logic..... going on holiday means i am not a family man and it also means i dont look after my daughter financially (I think thats what you are saying here).... does it REALLY mean that in your world Dero, because i cant make any sense of it, it is bilge and to me you are just cementing, .just how troll like you really are... so please continue trolling thing i didn't go for is this... ... 6187025252

I wonder how many of these are "business agreements"

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Post by Sateev » November 7, 2011, 11:15 am

This guy IS a troll, who desperately craves attention. He already wasted 7 pages or more in his whiny thread about his (savvy) wife kicking him to the curb.

We're at page 8 already. Let it go.

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Post by wayne747 » November 7, 2011, 7:05 pm

chigger wrote: My gf used to take 10.000 "for mama and papa". I said fine, and took out the same amount of the stash "for my mama and papa". The result was obviously no money at the end of month or less money next month. On one occasion a relative had an accident, money out to pay for hospital bill. When I asked for the receipt there was none, she didn`t get one, right. I told her to go and get it and she was back within an hour... no receit. I gave her a day to leave. But she never did leave, instead she produced the money, and stayed on.
Excellent example :D

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Post by merchant seaman » November 7, 2011, 7:34 pm

to lazy to go back through all the B.S. but I think he stated he spent over $20,000 to get her to Auz. all is savings and now living pay day to pay day. And knew her for all of 2 years on a part time basis. Who was paying for love? Not BenZona he would never that's only for old geezer's who hang around nutty park, not the ones who hand around Tong's and don't drink
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Post by johnty. » November 11, 2011, 9:34 pm

Hi All,i met a thai lady on thailovelines over 6years ago,she was a catholic(same as me),we eventually married in October 2006,from the start she was a lovely person,happy,attentive to me and a very caring person,everybody that knew us said the same,BUT,i have since found out differently,yes,at the beggining things were good,until she started going to uni at w/ends, i feel that i remained the same but she changed,i still went to my work for 3 weeks and came back to udon as soon as i could(3weeks off),i paid all the bills,rent etc and left her more than generously off whilst i was not here,she never worked in all the time we were together and i "stupidly"thought she was as happy as i was,for 5 years i tried to instill in her the positives of talking over any problems she felt there were between us and i would do the same,but it never panned out that way,it seems from her sisters point of view that she was a very deep person that kept everything inside,i know from friends(witnesses)that she was straight into the arms of a thai man as soon as i was on the plane to bkk and her sister told my lawyer that she had left because her sister had more gold and property than her, all absolute B/S.Oh well,just my short rant,now we are divorced,she cleared the house,took the pick up and i have had no contact since may 24th when her last words were "i love you teelak".whatever,life goes on,i have met a lovely lady,a lot younger,but you only live once. I have been told many times(all thai women are bad),but i for 1 don't belive it,there is good and bad everywhere.this rant may leave me open to many cynical comments/remarks,but it was'nt posted for that,i really don't give a flying what people think,just thought i would put in my 2 bobs worth,chok dee,johnty.

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Post by KHONDAHM » November 12, 2011, 1:24 am

@johnty: Most, if not all, of us have been through the same and word the buffalo T-shirt too. Maybe differing lengths of times 5 years, 5 months, 5 weeks - whatever. To criticize you would be hypocritical for most of us. Sounds like you swallowed the bitter pill with the lemonade you made and are better for the experience. Cheers to you!
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Post by Manadon » November 12, 2011, 5:23 am

Something tells me there's going to be a long line of expats lined up at the Christian churches this weekend, with their wives/gf's in tow.
As a follow up to Mr. Parrot's observation, Yes, there was alot more gentlemen in our last Sunday worship service. Also, being the first Sunday of the month, we had our "pot luck". ALOT OF FOOD! As is true with everywhere in Thailand, the man to lady ratio is about 1 man to every 10 ladies.

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Post by Frankie 1 » November 12, 2011, 7:17 am

johnty. wrote:i paid all the bills,rent etc and left her more than generously off whilst i was not here,she never worked in all the time we were together
This doesn't seem to be a relationship on equal terms. She probably thought that you were a weak person, if you treated her like this (the queen and her servant).

Good for you that you don't generalise, not all girls would take advantage of you like this, although you give them the power to do so.

I hope for you that you do things differently this time...

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Post by trubrit » November 12, 2011, 8:54 am

Frankie 1 wrote:
johnty. wrote:i paid all the bills,rent etc and left her more than generously off whilst i was not here,she never worked in all the time we were together
This doesn't seem to be a relationship on equal terms. She probably thought that you were a weak person, if you treated her like this (the queen and her servant).

Good for you that you don't generalise, not all girls would take advantage of you like this, although you give them the power to do so.

I hope for you that you do things differently this time...
I really don't understand this antagonism whenever a poster reveals he has spent a lot of money on the girl he loved, even if she did eventually cheat him .He has said for himself he had 5 enjoyable years. Presumably he worked hard to earn his money, surely it is his right, and his alone to choose how he spends it. If subsequently he realises that it wasn't a good thing to do, he has a choice, not to do it again, or maybe, the price was right and go for it again . It is only when we spend money that it brings happiness, not leaving it in a bank .My particular Achilles heel is fine things, including single malt whisky. Some say that eventually they may kill me . Well I've got news . We all have to die one day . So why not die with a smile on your face, rather than money in the bank, which someone else will waste anyway .
So I say to johnty. Here's to the next five years, or maybe more. Good on yer man . \:D/
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Post by Frankie 1 » November 12, 2011, 11:30 am

trubrit wrote:It is only when we spend money that it brings happiness, not leaving it in a bank .
"Money can't buy me love." (The Beatles)

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Post by trubrit » November 12, 2011, 11:35 am

Frankie 1 wrote:
trubrit wrote:It is only when we spend money that it brings happiness, not leaving it in a bank .
"Money can't buy me love." (The Beatles)
What is love? I said happiness . \:D/
Ageing is a privilige denied to many .

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