by johnty. » November 11, 2011, 9:34 pm
Hi All,i met a thai lady on thailovelines over 6years ago,she was a catholic(same as me),we eventually married in October 2006,from the start she was a lovely person,happy,attentive to me and a very caring person,everybody that knew us said the same,BUT,i have since found out differently,yes,at the beggining things were good,until she started going to uni at w/ends, i feel that i remained the same but she changed,i still went to my work for 3 weeks and came back to udon as soon as i could(3weeks off),i paid all the bills,rent etc and left her more than generously off whilst i was not here,she never worked in all the time we were together and i "stupidly"thought she was as happy as i was,for 5 years i tried to instill in her the positives of talking over any problems she felt there were between us and i would do the same,but it never panned out that way,it seems from her sisters point of view that she was a very deep person that kept everything inside,i know from friends(witnesses)that she was straight into the arms of a thai man as soon as i was on the plane to bkk and her sister told my lawyer that she had left because her sister had more gold and property than her, all absolute B/S.Oh well,just my short rant,now we are divorced,she cleared the house,took the pick up and i have had no contact since may 24th when her last words were "i love you teelak".whatever,life goes on,i have met a lovely lady,a lot younger,but you only live once. I have been told many times(all thai women are bad),but i for 1 don't belive it,there is good and bad everywhere.this rant may leave me open to many cynical comments/remarks,but it was'nt posted for that,i really don't give a flying what people think,just thought i would put in my 2 bobs worth,chok dee,johnty.