Udon Thani Son-in-Laws

Long distance relationships, mixed relationships etc...

Present Udon Thani with something showing our gratitute

Poll ended at June 12, 2006, 11:19 am

Yes lets meet!!!!!!
No not a good idea
Don't care leave me alone
Total votes: 17

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Udon Thani Son-in-Laws

Post by PopsIcafe » May 13, 2006, 11:19 am

I think a meeting of the formites to come up with an idea to present to Udon Thani showing our thanks and gratitute for being known as Udon Thani Son-in-Laws. This will expound on the term Udon Thani Son-in-Laws. Since the Governer of Udon Thani has said, all goverment communication, tv, newspapers etc, will use the term Udon Thani Son-in-Laws and not farang. This poll is to see who would be interested, present comments, ideas, or interested in meeting for this purpose.

This is a big step for all of us as members of the communities of Udon Thani. By showing our appreciation to the Udon Thani, will strengthen our standings in the communities within and around Udon Thani. I am hoping that formites who know of other Udon Thani Son-in-Laws, non-members of this forum, will let them know they are very welcome to attend the meeting also. We will be presenting on behalf of the formites of Udonmap.com.

Once the poll has ended, a time and place for meeting will be determined and announced on Udonmap.com forum.

Pop's :pirate:

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Post by Prenders88 » May 13, 2006, 5:50 pm

Why not invite the Governer and his wife to a Udon map forumites monthly meeting, have the meeting somewhere nice and pull out all the stops. Present both of them with a nice gift, at the end of the evening.
Make sure you get plenty of photos, invite the local TV and press.


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Post by Paul » May 13, 2006, 8:23 pm

What if there are single people here? why will they have to be referred to as a 'son-in-law'?

I think 'foreigner' is much less intimidating than 'farang'.

Do you really think that the next time you follow a pick up full of Thais and they spot you - they are gonna shout "look ! Thai son-in-law"

Never in a hundred years.
Thais don't like to change and the word 'Farang' will be around forever !


Post by valentine » May 13, 2006, 9:09 pm

Paul wrote:What if there are single people here? why will they have to be referred to as a 'son-in-law'?

I think 'foreigner' is much less intimidating than 'farang'.

Do you really think that the next time you follow a pick up full of Thais and they spot you - they are gonna shout "look ! Thai son-in-law"

Never in a hundred years.
Thais don't like to change and the word 'Farang' will be around forever !
Sorry Pops, I tried to warn you when you first broached the subject that there will be bigots amongst us that cannot see further than the brim of there caps, who would be against. Some indeed against simply because of my involvement. They totally fail to understand the title of Udon son in law has nothing whatsoever to do with a persons marital status but is an honour granted to us recognising our roll in the Udon community as part of the bigger family.

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Post by Paul » May 13, 2006, 9:52 pm

Is it possible for you to understand the concept of others personal viewpoints and opinions.?
The world does not revolve around Val's world and it is possible - just possible that other people might have a viewpoint or opinion which might just disagree with your own.
It is blatantly obvious that if someone on this forum expresses a view which does not fit into 'Val's world' then he is predjudiced against by you and even insulted.
I object to being called a bigot and I have an opinion which reaches far further than the rim of my cap - sorry if it does not fit into your criteria.

What I wrote is fact.
What I wrote is my viewpoint
What I wrote is my opinion

What I wrote I stand by it.

The other person(s) in the poll who voted against it too are obviously biggots too for expressing his/her opinion which did not fit into your world. I am sure he/she is mightily impressed by your insult too.

Why have a poll and ask for opinions and then get called a bigot for expressing the 'wrong ' answer.

I did not know this poll was anything to do with you anyway and maybe the forum member today hit the nail on the head when he stated that "some people just can't resist !"

Quote"some indeed (against it) simply because of my involvement" unquote
How could anyone know you were invoved in Pops Pops poll? therefore how could we vote no 'because of your involvement'
Get a grip huh ? Take a look outside of 'Val's world'

There will be no further comment from me on this subject. It has now degenerated into nit picking and that certainly is not my scene [/Quote]

Next time there is a poll perhaps we can ensure that the only acceptable answer is 'yes'

If you have nothing to say - say nothing !
Last edited by Paul on May 14, 2006, 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by papaguido » May 13, 2006, 10:24 pm

I voted yes, my opinion as a future resident I believe that the Govenor's gesture warrants something in return. I also think it should be something that can be viewed by the public as well. Maybe a plaque that can be placed at City Hall or other official place that the public has access to.

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Post by farang » May 14, 2006, 12:33 am

Son-in-Laws???,bit darf if you ask me..(which you have)

we are allways going to be called FARANGS,simple as that...i dont care if people call me a farang,im fine with that ,dont make any difference to my life...
i voted no

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Post by TC » May 14, 2006, 12:49 am

The Governor wouldn

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Post by farang » May 14, 2006, 12:58 am

[quote="TC"]The Governor wouldn

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Post by papaguido » May 14, 2006, 1:12 am

farang wrote:Son-in-Laws???,bit darf if you ask me..(which you have)

we are allways going to be called FARANGS,simple as that...i dont care if people call me a farang,im fine with that ,dont make any difference to my life...
i voted no
I believe you right, foreigners will I aways be referred to as farangs. Will replacing "son in law" with farang ever take off, probably not. But who gives a fu*k at least the Govenor is trying give some positive recognition to the foreign community and I believe it's worthy of acknowledgement.

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Post by farang » May 14, 2006, 3:02 am

i agree ppg positive recongnition is a good thing,but coming from the govenor, a bit irrelevant...
for me, its the thai people i interact with evey day that mater to me.
its up to them to give us recongnition (if its needed) i dont feel i need any recongnition at all.... all is well, life is good as a farang for me..

i think there are a few ways of looking at this subject..but i`ll leave it there...

there will be no further coment from me on this subject it has degenerated into nit picking and thats certainy not my scene.Image



Post by valentine » May 14, 2006, 5:31 am

Well done Paul, a sensible post the contents of which I agree with , in the main, at least, it beats your normal cryptic one liners.
You will however find I didn't anywhere state your not entitled to an opinion i was merely warning Pops that not all will think as he and I did, and it wouldn't be sensible to involve the Governor if we ourselves, on this forum, weren't united.
You do seem to have got the proverbial bee in your bonnet about me and my postings, are you sure your impartial enough to warrant your moderator status?

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Post by Dakoda » May 14, 2006, 6:43 am

well, well ,well - we have 151 that have viewed this poll and count them 7 , yes 7 thought it worth their time. :roll:

Now I can understand POP's vote - good business sense; and Val's - Val being Val; and papaguido - got me
Son-in-Laws???,bit darf if you ask me..(which you have)
the real answer seems to be missing :!: 8)

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Post by farang » May 14, 2006, 6:54 am

and now it`s 8 lol :lol:


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Post by PopsIcafe » May 14, 2006, 7:21 am

I am sorry to have posted the poll........just wanted know how people felt about it. Instead it's going a bunch of bickering, not what was needed here. I understand the we always be call Farangs, because that is what we are. Nothing said the governor had to do what did, referring us as Udon Thani Son-in-Laws, I for one, appreciate what he has done.

Pop's :pirate:


Post by valentine » May 14, 2006, 7:23 am

[quote="TC"]The Governor wouldn


Post by valentine » May 14, 2006, 7:43 am

Pop-pop's Net and Games wrote:I am sorry to have posted the poll........just wanted know how people felt about it. Instead it's going a bunch of bickering, not what was needed here. I understand the we always be call Farangs, because that is what we are. Nothing said the governor had to do what did, referring us as Udon Thani Son-in-Laws, I for one, appreciate what he has done.

Pop's :pirate:
Don't be sorry Pops, if nothing else it has revealed an interesting side to members opinions and their expectations as citizens of Udon Thani.I think Dakoda had a valid point about the stats. Although fairly equally divided the most revealing stat was the number of views and the lack of interest in even voting. Now I realise a lot of the viewers are oversea and don't feel this topic really involves them but for only 8 to vote shows a total lack of caring about being accepted in the general community. I hope in future we will get less gripes about the way they are treated, you had an olive branch in your hand and chose to discard it.
For my part I will continue to promote my own friendships and for those of similar thought, but will no more consider it of general concern amongst the majority of members.

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Post by Dakoda » May 14, 2006, 8:33 am

When looking up the word foreigner in the Thai dictionary you will get many Thai words, below is one
dtàang daen
exotic ; alien ; foreign ; remote
foreigner ; alien ; immigrant ; non-native
When you search for farang you get the below
We're sorry, we could not find any matches for your search "farang"
When you search for son-in-law you get the below
son-in-law ; brother-in-law ; male relative by marriage
look koie
son-in-law ;

Now as POP said in his first post
Since the Governer of Udon Thani has said, all goverment communication, tv, newspapers etc, will use the term Udon Thani Son-in-Laws and not farang.
Can you picture the newspaper Headline "Three Son-in-Law's Jumped Off the Friendship Bridge"

ya, right :!: It sure would make the story understandable :?:

but I guess they could add one word, and it could be clearer, like
Can you picture the newspaper Headline "Three American Son-in-Law's Jumped Off the Friendship Bridge"

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Post by Bump » May 14, 2006, 11:04 am

What am I missing here, it looks like:

60% yes

30% no

10% get outa here

Ok my thoughts are a follows a simple ceritifacte of appreciation from Udonmap.com

Just enough to let them know the kind thoughts were appreciated.

I have participated in the activities offered. This who don't want to participate don't those who do pay for the certificate.

The Governor does not need to know the numbers, it's nothing expensive and will harm no one.

Everyone is correct we are not going to change the Thai view, but recognizing kind jestures is worthwhile.

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Post by lee » May 14, 2006, 11:56 am

I don't really agree with the term son-in-law, as already stated in this thread, it may lead to confusion in news articles etc.

However, it's a nice gesture from the governor and certainly a move in the right direction. It's good to know that the governor is on our side and welcomes us into the community.
ray23 wrote:Ok my thoughts are a follows a simple certificate of appreciation from Udonmap.com
This would be very viable, does anyone have the address? :D

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