by UdonThaniPete » August 3, 2017, 6:42 pm
Kopkei, I agree with what you have said, you should be allowed to voice your opinion and for the owner to kake constructive criticism and improve upon if required.
The girl who took our order was doing everything herself, taking the order and I believe cooking also, she was running around, the other girl was just playing with her phone in the coffee shop while a young boy was sleeping on the table.
I think the owner was not there, nor a chef, hence the food leaving the kitchen not how it should, but the girl was doing her best, is this possible? I believe yes definitely, it took 1 week for any response from the owner which I believe is very unusual, his reply about finding a chef is also a clue.
Perhaps anyone else who went in there on the days we did would have the same opinion, have an open mind guys please.
A pessimist see’s a difficulty in every opportunity,
A optimist see’s an opportunity in every difficulty,
I am the latter.