Nong's Ribs - New Restaurant [CLOSED]

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Post by efxg57 » January 14, 2008, 2:46 pm

Hey Glen, I am extremely impressed with what I am hearing, you and Pim are doing a GREAT job continuing what Nong & I started. Sorry haven't been in lately, but been rather busy, traveling and such, just brought some property. Will be in soon, I need my PIZZA FIX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eddie & Nong

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Post by Glen3 » January 14, 2008, 6:46 pm

Our Special Boards For This Week

The steak for steak and eggs is premium aged tenderloin. It's wonderful I've had it twice already. You can also have your eggs poached if you like them that way. Served all day.


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Nong's Ribs

Post by GEC » January 15, 2008, 12:34 am

Get a good stock of fish in! My husband (and myself) are coming to Udon in the next few days and Fish & Chips is his favourite meal. If it's cooked the way he likes it, crispy batter, he will become a regular customer. =P~ See you soon. Glen 2

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Post by Glen3 » January 15, 2008, 8:06 pm

Don't forget about Pizza Wednesday! Buy one pizza, & get the second at half price.

Also Nong's rib eating contest is coming soon.

GEC I'll make sure that we have plenty of fish & chips waiting here with your name on it.

Regards, Glen

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Post by Glen3 » January 16, 2008, 10:43 pm

Nong's Ribs will be closed Sunday & Monday January 20th and 21st. The 20th is election day so we changed it to Sunday & Monday this month because no alcohol can be served Sunday. :(
Regards, Glen

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Post by Glen3 » February 6, 2008, 1:57 pm

Pizza Wednesday!

Don't forget today is Pizza Wednesday. Buy one at the regular price and get the second for half price. :razz:
Regards, Glen

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Post by beer monkey » February 13, 2008, 8:41 pm

searched around but could'nt find the info on the up and coming rib contest...whats happened to it or did i miss something. :confused:

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Post by Glen3 » February 14, 2008, 8:39 pm

Beer Monkey, the rib eating contest has been postponed, because the evening that I chose was not good for many who wanted to participate.

If we would like to have another rib eating contest, please give me some feedback as to what would be a good evening for everyone.

Thanks, Glen
Regards, Glen

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Post by beer monkey » February 14, 2008, 9:12 pm

Ok thanks Glen.
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Post by wizard » February 15, 2008, 12:25 pm

Can we get a photo please of the fish and chips. What type of fish is it, catfish, tuna, salmon ?, thanks.

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Fish & Chips

Post by Glen3 » February 16, 2008, 6:00 pm

The fish used for our fish & chips is called Grunt fillet. It is a mild fish simalar to cod.

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Post by farang » February 17, 2008, 12:55 am

:shock: o dear,,,,,,#-o ....... no thanks....... #-o

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Post by Glen3 » February 20, 2008, 2:54 pm

The fish and chips are great, but if you're not interested in that, try our new BBQ burger. Hamburger with our delicious BBQ sauce and all the trimmings. 70 baht.

Add bacon for 20 baht.
Add cheese for 15 baht.

French fries included of course.
Regards, Glen

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Post by Aardvark » February 20, 2008, 3:17 pm

Will you guys "PLEASE" stop making me hungry :razz:


Post by laphanphon » February 20, 2008, 7:27 pm

o dear,,,,,, ....... no thanks.......
cut him a break, he's a yank, we don't do fish and chip. i was educated myself. matter of fact, we really don't do fried fish. rule of thumb, if you want to ruin something, deep fry it. 8)

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Post by cali4995 » February 21, 2008, 12:33 pm

I passed Nong's ribs this morning (only about the 10th time) and just realized what it was. They could really use some slightly larger signage. Always seen a farang or two there but it never occured to me this was "the place". Now I know. :lol:

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Re: Fish & Chips

Post by farang » February 21, 2008, 1:10 pm

laphanphon wrote:
o dear,,,,,, ....... no thanks.......
cut him a break, he's a yank, we don't do fish and chip. i was educated myself. matter of fact, we really don't do fried fish. rule of thumb, if you want to ruin something, deep fry it. 8)
rule of thumb...cant cook fish and chips, dont try to cook fish and chips...

this is fish and chips

this is not fish and chips!! and the Condiments on the table cost more than the food!!

i am bored of going into restaurants and ordering fish and chips and not getting fish and chips.

sorry Glen3 i`m not having a pop at you,or your food, we all know your food is tasty,, i am just a fish and chip nut case ;)



Post by laphanphon » February 21, 2008, 1:53 pm

looks damn good too. first saw a real order of fish & chips at mojo's, way back when alan had it. looked very nice. on rare occasion will indulge, but deep fried fish isn't my preference, though tasty when i get around to it. 8) getting hungry :lol:

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Post by Aardvark » February 21, 2008, 2:05 pm

I must admit to likeing a big slab of fish, but the chips must be crunchy, not soggy :D

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Post by beer monkey » February 21, 2008, 5:24 pm

Well glen has'nt got soggy ones in fact he has fries and not 'our style' of chips as we know them, Maybe a rename as : Fish Fingers and Fries...just a thought, at 65B it is imo a good price for whats on offer but for me i would like double the amount of fries and maybe 3 or so more 'pieces of fish' more peas would'nt go a miss instead of the lettuce leaf and slice of tomato, keep the lemon and dipping sauce... ok a price increase would be coming ,under 100baht should do it,then it would turn into a meal.
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