yorkman wrote:
Glass Houses etc etc
In the meantime this is a topic about the monthly forum meetings........ information about the next one, reports about the last, or it was.........
Yes of course your correct John, my mother would have had fits if she had heard me descibed as "an angel"
My point, which once again you didn't get, was about responsibility. In this case, two middleaged men and one considerably younger, take a teenaqe schoolgirl off to a night club and you think that is acceptable. I have been a father of 3 girls , all grown now, and I can tell you if any one of them came home with someone of such age, I would have sent him packing.
Back to the forum. The number of attendees is dropping. I will not speak for others.I find it rather less interesting, and certainly lacks the comradie of before, now that we have teenagers in the group. What does someone of such tender age have in common with us old foggies?Even the choice of music is from another planet.When you start to throw in the sexual mix, it gets even worse. Do you think the wives don't talk?My own has been asked, why you let him go?Others have openly said"Mines not going anymore" It doesn't help when the young lady herself declares her interest in certain male members, having discarded one already.
Might I suggest the reporting of the forum meetings concludes at the original destination, then whatever those that are inclined, want to do, is a private matter, where ever and with, whomever.The antics they get up to are purely personal and nothing to do with me as a forum member.
Therin lies the recent resignation, not as you suggest on another forum.