Does anyone have any idea how you tell a snake that he/she is not welcome lying on your doorstep?
Day before yesterday our dog was barking a lot, so I went out to see what was happening. When stepping out of the door I heared a loud hissing, so expected a snake somewhere (often the reason why our dog is barking), however I couldn't find it, untill I took better notice where the dog was looking at, turned around, and noticed I had just stepped completely over the stupid thing. It was lying immediately below our doorstep, where you can't see it when you open the door. I was bare footed, and must have stepped straight over it..
I went back inside the house by the veranda-door, got my camera, but when I tried to come close enough to get a good picture the snake got frightened and took a run, finally disappearing over the top of the small wall surrounding our garden and into the garden of the neighbors (who are not at home).
As far as I could see, it was just an average ratsnake, grey with black spots, so non-poisonous I presume and harmless but it definitely is a big one, didn't see them this big, quick estimate is somewhere between 2 and 2.5 mtr in length and almost as thick as my arm. It was lying around and moving in bright daylight.
Anyway, so far so good, snake gone. But yesterday morning I returned home, finding the same animal lying again on exactly the same place right below our frontdoor. Once again, it ran away when I came closer. And just tonight, I open the frontdoor to feed the dog, hear the hissing, look down, and there's our snake again, right below the frontdoor step.
Nasty thing is that our dog now doesn't bark at it anymore, probably he has decided that this must be a friend of the house or something and nothing to be scared about. There are quite a lot of frogs, and I expect this is what is drawing the snake to our garden, however those frogs generally aren't under our frontdoor steps so why it has decided that our frontdoor should become his favourite spot?
Getting a bit irritating having that snake all the time right under our frontdoor and it scares visitors away (not always a bad thing, with some people, we now have a 'guard-snake' instead of a guard-dog). If it's just a ratsnake I see no reason to try to kill it, usually just chase them away, only somehow need to make our frontdoor an unwelcome place for a snake and not somewhere he/she feels at home..
(note arrows mark head and tail of the snake, I liked to get a closer picture but the thing is really fast!)