I was in an advanced forward unit.
What made me mad was how the US media portrayed the Elite Republican Guard as a bunch of high school girls.
Even after being battered by air and naval bombardments, they were still anything but a push over.

hangsaboot wrote:I was on the ground there in Iraq for a year. I dont know if you would call me better informed but from what i could tell most of the insurgents fighting there were fighting against a foreign power on Iraqi soil and called themselves freedom fighters. Something to remember One man terrorist in anothers freedom fighter.
or ask yourself: what would you do if you were occupied ??????cookie wrote:hangsaboot wrote:I was on the ground there in Iraq for a year. I dont know if you would call me better informed but from what i could tell most of the insurgents fighting there were fighting against a foreign power on Iraqi soil and called themselves freedom fighters. Something to remember One man terrorist in anothers freedom fighter.
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Liberating Iraq? That's an interesting way to describe invading their country on false pretences, looting their oil, bombing their homes, wiping out their villages, polluting their land with depleted uranium, imprisoning and tortured their young men, humiliating and destroying them in the name of "liberating them"! Wow! I'm sure you must think these Iraqi's should be so grateful eh? How dare they decide to fight back! Maybe you think we should give them more "Shock and Awe" treatment. Maybe then they'll become more grateful to the Americans for "liberating" them.Texpat wrote:America stood fast and carried out the mission of liberating Iraq.
Jockey wrote:Liberating Iraq? That's an interesting way to describe invading their country on false pretences, looting their oil, bombing their homes, wiping out their villages, polluting their land with depleted uranium, imprisoning and tortured their young men, humiliating and destroying them in the name of "liberating them"! Wow! I'm sure you must think these Iraqi's should be so grateful eh? How dare they decide to fight back! Maybe you think we should give them more "Shock and Awe" treatment. Maybe then they'll become more grateful to the Americans for "liberating" them.Texpat wrote:America stood fast and carried out the mission of liberating Iraq.
On July 27, 2010 the office of the U.S. Special Investigator for Iraq Reconstruction released a report that states the Pentagon cannot account for an astounding 95 percent of at least $9.1 billion in Iraqi funds that it seized when U.S. forces conquered Iraq and dismantled its government in 2003. A total of $8.7 billion has disappeared from the “Development Fund for Iraq.”nkstan wrote:maybe you can enlighten us on how we lootrd there oil????
No. My actions saved the lives of our young infantry.nkstan wrote:So DS,are you ashamed that to did in the Republican guard?
Bit of a circular argument isn't it.DermotC wrote: I certainly dont think America or its allies are any safer, in fact I think they are more unsafe now than they ever were!
Or as the Iraqi's are saying, made for us. Sigh!Texpat wrote:Like I said, it's a tough pill to swallow.
I would likely try to whittle the history into something a little more palatable, too, if I had wet my panties and run off like a girl.
Those that quit are now in full retreat, trying to simultaneously salve their wounds and minimize the successes of the liberation.
Must be quite a painful time, but you have to live with the decisions you've made.