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Post by BKKSTAN » February 9, 2007, 9:11 am

AZscott wrote:No one wants to see people die including GWB. It is his lack of curiosity and perspective that scares me. He has openly admitted that he doesn't read newspapers or watch the news.
If he really wanted what is best for America he wouldn't allow 47 million citizens to go without health coverage. Bush's family made their money in oil. Condoleeza Rice had a Conoco tanker named for her pre- secreatry of State. Cheney has made millions on Haliburton's no bid contracts. I respect all soldiers and support them. I support them by saying they should come home.
I didn't know that he NEVER reads the newspapers or watch the news!But if it is true,I don't see the importance of the statement unless you believe a president should not lead ,but follow polls of public sentiment from week to week without any classified intelligence,only the skewed veiws of pollsters and reporters!I am sure there are staff members that read and report the news!
Why don't 47 million American citizens have healthcare?Are they starving or budgeting finances with proper priorities in mind.I have never known an American that has been denied medical attention if needed.I worked in hospitals for 15 years and emergency services arer available to all ,whether they can pay or not!
Just because the Bush family made their money in oil,does not mean that Bush makes his war policy surrounding profit and loss of oil companies!That is pure speculation on your part!More spec on your part relating to Cheney!If what you say was true,then he has violated the laws of the land and the liberals would be pounding and hounding him with impeachment and criminal charges,remember Spiral Agnews!
Every loyal American and every compassionate human being would like our boys to come home ASAP!We have a reponsibility to the the security of the Iraqi's and the region as a whole,whether or not policy decision mistakes have been made or not in the past!
Nobody likes the status quo in Iraq as it is, especially the amount of deaths
and injured reported everyday!Can you imagine what the figures would be if we created a vacumn by just ''bringing our troops home''!!!
What about the other ''Nations'' of the world,don't you think they have a responsibility to help secure Iraq and the region.It is hard to get them to fulfill commitments in Afghanistan and Africa!
Most everyone in the world believes that changes in policy are needed,they harp on it daily,but where is there humanitariun change of strategy plan other than ''cut and run'',which is not humanitariun in the least!
Harp about the consequences of past mistakes in policy,but think nothing about the consequences of a new strategy since it is easy to blame ,but very difficult to assume responsibility for new action!

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Post by Doug » February 9, 2007, 4:46 pm

"We have a reponsibility to the the security of the Iraqi's and the region as a whole,whether or not policy decision mistakes have been made or not in the past!"

I admire your passion, but quotes like this are worrying. Is the US now the Policeman of the world? And how did we reach this situation? The UN, as inaffective as it is, was set up to address these global situations almost like a legal process to justify actions against non compliant countries. So how will history record this? I'd like to hear what Muscle says about it.[/quote]

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Post by BKKSTAN » February 9, 2007, 6:00 pm

What the UN was setup for and how it operates now is a different issue,although part of the problem!
The UN is a giant bureaucracy floundering around under the weight of each members selfish aims while being financed majority wise by the USA.
Except as a contact agency between gov'ts,especially enemies,it is a complete waste of time!
If there was a place to ''cut and run'',the UN would be it! :irked: :irked:

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Post by AZscott » February 9, 2007, 11:13 pm

There were no hearings on Haliburton OR impeachment possibilities with the Republican majority pre- 2006 elections. If you have ever really heard GWB speaking without a tele-prompter or cue cards you would be afraid. I am not in favor of "cut and run" ... more like.."stop and think"

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Post by Stu » February 10, 2007, 12:42 am

Almost fell off my chair with laughter reading that one. The military is very adept at brain washing, especially young, easily manipulated minds. Unfortunately, military parents often pass along their distorted beliefs to their kids.

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