Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

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Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by jeebeeg » November 28, 2021, 8:56 am

I have a 2016 model Revo, and I would like to buy a Workshop Manual, or Service Manual for my car.
The Toyota dealer in Ban Dung and the dealer in Udon at Tahan Road do not understand what I want or say that it does not exist.
Toyota Customer Service in Bangkok does not reply on my mailed request.
I am told that Toyota keeps them as secret information.
I find that hard to believe.
Does anybody here have a suggestion how to obtain one ?
Much appreciated,

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by Drunk Monkey » November 28, 2021, 9:22 am

The Toyota service manager in Udon Mr Sak is a friend of the missus , i will call him and ask the question re obtaining a manual.
As info ...over the course of 20 plus years here i have bought 6 new Toyotas , 4 in Udon 2 in Pattaya all of which had the manual in the glove box along with the service record booklet .. this except the last one manual yes but there wasnt the service book as Toyota stopped them replacing with a chipped card what you hand in when servicing.

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by parrot » November 28, 2021, 10:11 am

I take it what you're trying to get is not the owner's manual, but the get-down-and-dirty service manual. I'll do some searching and see if they are available on the internet. Something tells me that they are no longer available given the level of computerization/sophistication of modern engines. I'll post here if I find something

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by tamada » November 28, 2021, 10:35 am

Try the following link.

No guarantees of success.

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by jeebeeg » November 28, 2021, 3:30 pm

Indeed, Parrot , not the Owners Manual, but the Service or Workshop Manual. the full maintenance, repair and overhaul handbook.
And thanks Tamada, but there are only Owner Manuals on that site, although in many languages !
Hope somebody can help !

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by jeebeeg » November 28, 2021, 5:15 pm

OK, thx for the help, but I realize that I could have given more info, my fault.
The reason that I walked into the dealerships is that the Thai edition of the Hilux is not like every other one all over the world, for example all the manuals that Parrot suggests do not have the Thai 1GD or 2GD engine.
So that is why I did try the Thai dealers, and then of course I was asking for an English version of the Manual..

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by Chriss » November 29, 2021, 11:00 am

This one states the 1GD motor

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by jeebeeg » November 30, 2021, 10:56 am

Thx Chriss.
Sadly, when I tried to download the file, the only result is that they wanted to sell me some OBD tracker.
And of course their helpdesk never answers.
A scam I am afraid.
But still your effort is appreciated.

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Re: Toyota Hilux Workshop Manual

Post by Khun Paul » November 30, 2021, 11:34 am

An idea when I had a problem downloading a file for a piece of machinery. I contacted some friends in the UK and they downloaded it and sent it to me on a Flash drive. Took a few weeks but seemed to be easier than circumnavigating many blocks and pitfalls downloading from here.

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