Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 8, 2013, 11:01 pm

“Obama Is At Two Dozen Scandals And Counting”
http://theulstermanreport.com/2013/08/0 ... -counting/

And for those who like to come rushing in with their one-liners and just blow it all off with some cute or insulting remark, I say REFUTE each one of them. If they're bunk and the source got it wrong, then it should be easy to refute each one, right?

Good luck, but I'm not going to wait around -- for obvious reasons.

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 9, 2013, 8:24 am



Two pictures worth 5 years and thousands of words outlining the Obama Record.

And yet, NO ONE can list REAL things that Republicans did to prevent Obama's Plans that were never specifically outlined and explained.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 9, 2013, 8:38 am

Barack Obama insisted this week that the federal government is not spying on Americans scouring through the contents of their communications. Who outs the LIE this time? An unlikely source. The New York Times!

N.S.A. Said to Search Content of Messages to and From U.S.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/08/us/br ... l?hp&_r=2&
The National Security Agency is searching the contents of vast amounts of Americans’ e-mail and text communications into and out of the country, hunting for people who mention information about foreigners under surveillance, according to intelligence officials.

The N.S.A. is not just intercepting the communications of Americans who are in direct contact with foreigners targeted overseas, a practice that government officials have openly acknowledged. It is also casting a far wider net for people who cite information linked to those foreigners, like a little used e-mail address, according to a senior intelligence official.

While it has long been known that the agency conducts extensive computer searches of data it vacuums up overseas, that it is systematically searching — without warrants — through the contents of Americans’ communications that cross the border reveals more about the scale of its secret operations.
According to the article, the NSA sifts through the content of “vast amounts” of electronic communications between Americans and people abroad in their search for links to terrorism.
To conduct the surveillance, the N.S.A. is temporarily copying and then sifting through the contents of what is apparently most e-mails and other text-based communications that cross the border. The senior intelligence official, who, like other former and current government officials, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic, said the N.S.A. makes a “clone of selected communication links” to gather the communications, but declined to specify details, like the volume of the data that passes through them.
Again, it all comes down to word games. FISA laws require at least one point of the communications to be outside of American territory so that the government can claim that the espionage targets a foreign source. The NSA has now turned into a domestic spy service abusing the intention of the law.

And once again, Obama is caught in a LIE.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 10, 2013, 1:29 pm

Obama was pretty pathetic in his press conference. After all, he's not used to them. Usually, he just talks and leaves. This time he took questions.

Obama is a master politician when it comes to straw men, misrepresentations, fantasy, obfuscation, smears, blaming and lies.

Not one single poll with any demographic brings ANY good news about ObamaCare. That said, the true Marxist that he is, Obama has decided that he can will it into being good. This proves to be a misplaced confidence every single day. Just like his supporters who spout the talking points and provide NO DETAILS, Obama assures us all that it's going to work and that everyone will like it. Why? Because he says so.

Obama has had three years to SHOW that it's working, but it is only working on bringing more headaches and caution on the part of Americans, and it has broken every single major promise that Obama made to the American People. Americans were not in favor of it from the beginning, didn't like the way it was passed in the dead of night on a weekend without anyone reading it. Americans know to be skeptical for real reasons. No amount of salesmanship on the part of Obama or anyone else can make it better. The proof is in the pudding, and it looks more rancid every day.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama’s August 9, 2013, news conference at the White House
http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ ... ory_4.html
With respect to health care, I didn’t simply choose to delay this on my own. This was in consultation with businesses all across the country, many of whom are supportive of the Affordable Care Act, but — and who — many of whom, by the way, are already providing health insurance to their employees but were concerned about the operational details of changing their HR operations if they’ve got a lot of employees, which could be costly for them, and them suggesting that there may be easier ways to do this.
So that's how our Constitution works? The president now gets permission from a bunch of CEOs to change the law? And this coming from a guy who claims to be a constitutional law professor. I would say that this is an extreme and blatant abuse of power. And you know what? It wasn't for "the little guy" as he always claims. It was in service of corporatism. You see, Obama really doesn't believe in that "Eat the Rich" foolishness.

So does this mean that if a Republican is elected in 2016 that he can get support of business and the corporate community and just suspend the whole damn law? Get ready for the Lib Shreeks! They'll raise ten kinds of hell. It's how their hypocrisy works.

Then Obama blames Congress. His boys passed it, remember?

Now what’s true, Ed, is that in a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what? This is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. It has to do with, for example, are we able to simplify the attestation of employers as to whether they’re already providing health insurance or not. It looks like there may be some better ways to do this. Let’s make a technical change of the law.

That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do, but we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to, quote- unquote, “Obamacare.”
But on July 17, 2013, Obama threatened to veto legislation that would do just that. Now, back to the Obama Tap Dance.
Let me tell you what is the core of implementation that’s already taken place. As we speak, right now, for the 85 percent of Americans who already have health insurance, they are benefiting from being able to keep their kid on their — on their plan if their kid is 26 or younger. That’s benefiting millions of young people around the country, which is why lack of insurance among young people has actually gone down. That’s in large part attributable to the steps that we’ve taken. You’ve got millions of people who’ve received rebates because part of the Affordable Care Act was to say that if an insurance company isn’t spending 80 percent of your premium on your health care, you get some money back. And lo and behold, people have been getting their money back. It means that folks who’ve been bumping up with lifetime limits on their insurance that leaves them vulnerable — that doesn’t exist. Seniors have been getting discounts on their prescription drugs. That’s happening right now. Free preventive care, mammograms, contraception — that’s happening right now.
That is the crux of it, folks. Those are what the Child Emperor points to as being so good, but where's the meat of it? The problem is, they didn't pass what people liked. They passed a mess and will affect almost 20% of the US Economy, and so far, the numbers show that it's making things worse.

They waited three years to talk about it so that it wouldn't affect Obama's re-election plans. Then they started running into massive implementation problems of their own making. And now they tell Americans how much they are benefiting from this. Americans are very aware of the major promise that was broken: "If you like your plan, you can keep it." Obama just saying that everything is great in working doesn't match up.

Then Obama talks about implementation.

Now, what happens on October 1st, in 53 days, is for the remaining 15 percent of the population that doesn’t have health insurance, they’re going to be able to go on a website or call up a call center and sign up for affordable, quality health insurance at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can get right now on the individual market.
The call centers aren't ready. In many cases, these call centers offer employment, but not health care benefits.

Fifteen percent of America without health care is about 47 million people. The CBO predicts, over the next decade under Obamacare, the number of uninsured never falls below 30 million. Additionally, for many of the uninsured who go through an exchange, it will certainly not be cheaper than individual health care is now. Individual health care costs necessarily skyrocket under Obamacare for the young, healthy, uninsured to cut costs for the older and sicker.

Obama Says Insurance Will Be 'Significantly Cheaper' Under Obamacare, But That Isn't True
http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/oba ... 45890.html

This article references the same CNN article that I posted earlier.
But, as CNN reported this week, rates will be 35 percent higher in Florida and 41 percent higher in Ohio on average under Obamacare.

The president’s health care law is also projected to drive up health care costs for many people currently on employer-provided plans.

The Associated Press reported yesterday that insurance companies “have already warned small business customers that premiums could rise 20 percent or more in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act,” and some companies may respond by not paying for insurance coverage for their employees’ family members.
It is cheaper for young people to opt out and pay the fine. If they do that, then there will be no "propping up" of the plan to benefit others. And if they do get sick, they can always force an insurance company to cover them under the law. So why sign up when you don't need it?

And then there's another "freebee" reference by Obama.

And if, even with lower premiums, they still can’t afford it, we’re going to be able to provide them with a tax credit to help them buy it. And between October 1st, end of March, there will be an open enrollment period in which millions of Americans for the first time are going to be able to get affordable health care.
There is no verification system. More waste and abuse coming up!

Obama is angry about the opposition to ObamaCare, but he is even angrier that he has not one thing to point to that shows this to be a workable, effective and efficient solution.

He continues to attack opponents of the law who provide facts, but those attacks don't fix the law that he has hung his entire legacy upon. Obama's straw-man fights do exactly what he accuses others of doing. Obama is the one who pushed this into law. He pushed it to be passed without winning the support of The People. Obama put off implementation to save his 2012 campaign. Now this mess is being revealed for the mess that it is, and it doesn't meet one single important promise that Barack Obama made about it.

Like a good propagandizing, street-corner Marxist, Obama promised Utopia. Now he claims ignorance and impotence. It's someone else's fault.


Family insurance in jeopardy at small companies
http://www.chron.com/business/article/F ... 716792.php
One casualty of the new health care law may be paid coverage for families of people who work for small businesses.

Insurance companies have already warned small business customers that premiums could rise 20 percent or more in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act. That’s making some owners consider not paying for coverage for workers’ families, even though insurance is a benefit that helps companies attract and retain top talent. If more small business owners decide to stop paying for family coverage, it will accelerate a trend that started as the cost of health insurance soared in recent years. …

Premiums have been soaring for years because of the rising cost of medical care. But the ACA also has requirements that may drive premiums higher, including a tax on insurance companies that is expected to be passed along to employers. Shoop’s insurer has warned that the tax could send his premiums up more than 20 percent a year from now.

“It’s going to be very significant,” Shoop says. “We’re really going to have to do a juggling act, and so are our employees.”


Feds Lower Training Requirements for ObamaCare 'Navigators'
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government ... Navigators


Major Health Insurers Abandon ObamaCare Exchanges
*Links to sources included*
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government ... -Exchanges


Obamacare months behind in testing IT data security: government
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/ ... YH20130806


ObamaCare ‘death panel’ faces growing opposition from Democrats
http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/he ... -democrats

Opposition is growing from the Democrat's side of the aisle about the Obamacare death panels, also known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Howard Dean, former DNC Chair wrote an op-ed last month calling for a repeal of the board, claiming it would harm people on Medicare.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 10, 2013, 11:04 pm

For those who always like to compare ... instead of just looking at the list of nothing that has been done to improve things ...

How Does President Obama's Economic Recovery Compare To Those Of Other Presidents?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrar ... residents/
In sharp contrast, President Reagan’s recovery from the sharp 1981-1982 recession, which resulted from the monetary policy that broke the back of the roaring 1970s inflation, recovered all of the jobs lost during that recession within 36 months. At this point in the Reagan recovery, jobs had grown nearly 10% higher than when the recession started, representing an increase of more than 10 million more jobs.

Similarly, in the 11 post depression recessions before President Obama, the economy recovered the lost GDP during the recession within an average of 4.5 quarters after the recession started. But it took Obama’s recovery 16 quarters, or 4 years, to reach that point. Today, 5½ years, or 22 quarters, after the recession started, the economy (real GDP) has grown only about 3% above where it was when the recession started. By sharp contrast, at this point in the Reagan recovery, the economy had boomed by about 20%, or one fifth.

In addition, middle class incomes have continued to fall during Obama’s recovery, losing even more ground than during the recession. The number in poverty has also continued to soar during Obama’s supposed recovery, to about 50 million, the most in the more than 50 years that Census has been tracking poverty, with the poverty rate up to 16.1%, higher than when the War on Poverty started in 1965. Indeed, despite all of Obama’s rhetoric, inequality has started rising during his Presidency.

These are the reasons why President Obama’s recovery has been commonly characterized as the worst recovery from any recession since the Great Depression.
It is really not surprising since Obama seems to be doing the exact opposite economically to what all other presidents did in similar circumstances. Obama has stifled the free enterprise system, over-regulated everything, created uncertainty and fear at every opportunity, and given Americans pause to wonder every day -- "What will he attempt to nationalize next?"
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » August 11, 2013, 7:12 am

The "Weasel 'n Chief" has hit an all time low..... 41% DISAPPROVE of the Magic man's Job performance.

Gotta be heart breaking for you libs :( :(

Now the question is, what effect will the dropping poll numbers, claiming scandals are phony, exempting congress from Obamacare mandate and the myriad of other failures and lies have on the mid-terms? Any one remember what happened last mid-term... those dastardly tea-baggers..

http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallu ... roval.aspx
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by papaguido » August 11, 2013, 7:58 am

How low and can he go \:D/ :lol: ;)

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by jackspratt » August 11, 2013, 8:49 am

gudtymchuk wrote:The "Weasel 'n Chief" has hit an all time low..... 41% DISAPPROVE of the Magic man's Job performance.
Seems he is still flying high then - at least compared to his war-mongering predecessor.

The last time Bush had a disapproval rating better (ie lower) than 41% was in January 2004. On the subject of flying high, his disapproval rating soared to 71% (yes, you read it right - 71%) in October 2008.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/116500/presi ... -bush.aspx


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » August 11, 2013, 9:27 am

Anybody care to enlighten the didgeridoo tootin' Aussie historian that GWB ain't the sitting U.S. Pres..... :roll:
Hilarious, yes indeed ;)
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by jackspratt » August 11, 2013, 9:36 am

Seems the Aussie historian is already more enlightened than the straw chewin' yank. :lol:

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by parrot » August 11, 2013, 10:07 am

gudtymchuk wrote: Gotta be heart breaking for you libs :( :(
Not to fear, gtmc. I take pleasure in knowing he's got 1200+ days in the chair.....and it appears Hillary is on the right trajectory to take his place. :) :)

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 11, 2013, 11:52 am

gudtymchuk wrote:Anybody care to enlighten the didgeridoo tootin' Aussie historian that GWB ain't the sitting U.S. Pres..... :roll:
Hilarious, yes indeed ;)
I notice that those who like to COMPARE, NEVER acknowledge the comparisons that turn out EXTREMELY NEGATIVE for their boy. Facts can't get in the way of their propaganda.

Just got through posting a comparison of Obama and other presidents who inherited recessions. Obama is factually and statistically THE WORST. Gotta ignore that. I also notice not one attempt from an Ozombie to refute anything. Just more chit-chat air. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Barack Trayvon Martin Obama can't blame anything on anyone other than is own policies and laziness. He's been there five years and instead of putting the fire OUT, Obama threw gasoline on it. He owns it now.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by jackspratt » August 11, 2013, 12:31 pm

I guess the significance of making an historical comparison of Obama's current disapproval rating with that of his predecessor goes right over some people's heads.

An intelligent reader would have understood that politicians' disapproval ratings go up and down. :roll:

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » August 11, 2013, 12:58 pm

papaguido wrote:
jackspratt wrote:I guess the significance of making an historical comparison of Obama's current disapproval rating with that of his predecessor goes right over some people's heads.

An intelligent reader would have understood that politicians' disapproval ratings go up and down. :roll:

It is also a pretty pointless exercise to try and refute the posts of someone who hides behind the both the Online Status and the Foe buttons ie refuses to engage, except for the occasional peek. :D
WTF the does that have to do with anything...refute the message, don't attack the messenger. Very typical for you liberal propagandist to make it personal and not debate the issue.
It's all about blaming Bush even 5+ years after the fact.... it's all they got. Well, that and demonizing the Tea Party. But hey, they have Hillary "Screech" Clinton as their future Savior unless another community organizer comes along with a magical monkey wrench.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by LilRed » August 11, 2013, 1:50 pm

You Teabillies ain't listenin...

Most of your antagonists in this forum believe there's good and bad in most of our US presidents...

You all are adamant in condemning President Obama in all regards. And, are, thus, unbalanced.

I haven't heard a any of our members' bein known as "Big SOB", or, "Big Bastard"... I did hear rumor of a big ugly known locally as da "Big DA"...


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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » August 11, 2013, 2:01 pm

LilRed wrote:You Teabillies ain't listenin...

Most of your antagonists in this forum believe there's good and bad in most of our US presidents...

You all are adamant in condemning President Obama in all regards. And, are, thus, unbalanced.

I haven't heard a any of our members' bein known as "Big SOB", or, "Big Bastard"... I did hear rumor of a big ugly known locally as da "Big DA"...

Yessir, listen up. The Ebonics Laureate is blessing us with his "balanced" wisdom....
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by WBU ALUM » August 11, 2013, 10:06 pm

Obama's Policies, Biases Destroy Full-Time Jobs
http://www.moneynews.com/Peter-Morici/j ... de=1463B-1
Obamacare's mandate for employer-paid health insurance coverage also impel the use of more part-time workers.

Overall, the jobs count may be up, but for most working families and recent college graduates the situation is grim. Adding in discouraged adults and part-timers who want full-time employment, the unemployment rate becomes 14.0 percent. And, for many years, inflation-adjusted wages have been falling and income inequality rising.

Yes, gotta help that middle class. :lol: Inequality rising means that the wealthy are getting wealthier and the poorer are getting poorer. I thought Barack Trayvon Martin Obama looked out for "the little guy?"
President Obama's policies and attitudes toward business carry some considerable burden of responsibility. Those have institutionalized a buyers' market for day labor and damned many recent college graduates to a lifetime of debt as they can't find jobs permitting them to pay off burdensome student loans.

Even with more full-time positions, the pace of jobs creation is well short of what is needed. About 360,000 jobs would lower unemployment to 6 percent, but that would require gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the range of 4 to 5 percent. Over the last four years, the pace has been a paltry 2.2 percent.

Stronger growth is possible. Four years into the Reagan recovery, after a deeper recession than Obama inherited, GDP was advancing at a 5.1 percent annual pace, and jobs creation was quite robust.
Oh my. Maybe instead of trying to be Lincoln or FDR or Kennedy or Trayvon Martin, maybe Barack should have tried to be Reagan when it comes to growing the economy. Reagan did the opposite of Barack Trayvon Martin Obama, and Reagan spurred growth.
Overall, the president must cultivate a climate more receptive to domestic investment, instead of treating private-sector leaders as likely recidivists to a white-collar prison for those guilty of environmental and other crimes against the people. The administration's anti-business regulatory policies and rhetoric are creating a crisis of confidence in the business community as surely as President George W. Bush's neglect cultivated arrogant and tragic risk taking on Wall Street.

More jobs require trimming back on tax increases and spending cuts, and more realistic and less-ideological trade, energy and regulatory policies. These are words the White House and many on Capitol Hill simply does not want to hear.
You can't take the community organizer out of the street corner rabble-rouser out of this "share the wealth" Marxist. Obama is chained to an ideology that is chaining down the entire economy. No sane person could deny it. The reality and the data are right in front of everyone to see -- except those with their eyes closed.
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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by papaguido » August 12, 2013, 7:09 am

gudtymchuk wrote:
papaguido wrote:
jackspratt wrote:I guess the significance of making an historical comparison of Obama's current disapproval rating with that of his predecessor goes right over some people's heads.

An intelligent reader would have understood that politicians' disapproval ratings go up and down. :roll:

It is also a pretty pointless exercise to try and refute the posts of someone who hides behind the both the Online Status and the Foe buttons ie refuses to engage, except for the occasional peek. :D
WTF the does that have to do with anything...refute the message, don't attack the messenger. Very typical for you liberal propagandist to make it personal and not debate the issue.
It's all about blaming Bush even 5+ years after the fact.... it's all they got. Well, that and demonizing the Tea Party. But hey, they have Hillary "Screech" Clinton as their future Savior unless another community organizer comes along with a magical monkey wrench.

Clearly you meant WBU :D

You have a knack for twisting words I think you would fit in nicely with the BO spin machine :lol:

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by papaguido » August 12, 2013, 7:15 pm

History has repeated itself for the CIC. On August 7th, on a visit to Camp Pendleton, Marines had to be reminded to show some enthusiasm for the CIC. What’s that line by the late Rodney Dangerfield…”I get no respect” :D


Two years earlier the CIC received a similar response (silence) by Sailors & Marines…and once again were reminded to cheer.

and for those who like to make comparisons…

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Obama: Dead in the Water...is it true?

Post by gudtymchuk » August 12, 2013, 7:43 pm

Careful Papa, or your post will start disappearing too... puff, vanished by those with opposing view.
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